Part 69

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Taylor's POV

Travis popped his head in 30 minutes later. "Hey, you go to Harper, if Ellie tries to say something I'll talk to her." He whispered. I looked up, tears streaming down my face. I nodded and quickly wiped them away and smiled weakly. He came over and gave me a kiss, handing me some food and coffee. I took it gratefully before heading to Harper's room. He follows behind, his hand on my lower back. As I walked in Ellie jumped up and grabbed Harper, moving her out of my reach.

I let out a sob and turned to Travis who guided me to the side and entered the room. He went over to Ellie and reached out for harper. "Ellie, hand her over please." Travis instructed. She nodded and hesitantly handed Harper to him. He made his way over and held her out to me.

I took her and made my way over to my room with her. Ellie started screaming and yelling insults at me, nothing I hadn't heard before from paparazzi but yet they hurt so much more. I cried to myself, my head down as I took Harper to my room. "Harper, you're okay. Mommy's got you. Is it your tummy?" I whispered.

She nodded and clung to me. "Ellie said you not my mommy, and you are going to hurt us and not let you near me. My tummy hurting." She cried. I nodded and sat down. I rubbed circles on her tummy knowing it helped the previous night. We both lay down in the bed and I cuddled her closer to me.

"I'm not ever going to hurt you, Ellie is just upset because I got a bit drunk and that upset you. She was feeling protective and she thought that I would hurt you. It's never going to happen. I'm sorry that I wasn't there today. I'm trying so hard to balance having my own fun and looking after you guys. It's all still so new." I told her, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Travis came in with Ellie, she was crying so clearly he had yelled at her.

"Sorry." She said bluntly before turning away. I nodded but Travis shook his head and tried to follow her. I didn't want any more arguments so I stopped him and patted the space next to me. No matter how much I tried to hide it he knew I needed him with me.

Thankfully Harper calmed down easily and crashed from exhaustion. She may have still been in pain but at least she was asleep. By the time she wakes up her pain will be gone. Travis took her to bed while I got a shower and got into bed.

He joined me but I couldn't sleep. "Tay, look at me," Travis whispered, placing a hand on my waist. I slowly rolled over to face him and gave him a weak smile, looking up into his eyes. His hand pressed against my cheek.

"They aren't going anywhere. If she reports us then we will fix this but she won't report us. I promise you. She can go back to her apartment if she doesn't like it but Harper isn't leaving." He told me. I held back tears. "I mean it, Tay. She's ours. Harpers our baby. Ours. She may not have our blood and genes but she's ours. She wouldn't calm down for anyone like she has for you tonight."

I started crying and cuddled closely into him. His protective arms held me tight and close. He created a place where my fears of losing Harper could finally be expressed so I took the opportunity and broke down in his arms. I heard our door open but I didn't bother to look, I continued to cry to him about everything going on in my mind.

Eventually I turned to the door and saw Ellie standing in the doorway, tears streaming down her face. She opened her mouth to say something but stopped. I jumped up and grabbed some tissues, blowing my nose and wiping away some tears before cuddling back up to Travis. His hand held my head in place against him and his other hand rubbed circles on my arm. He's the best at comforting me and knowing how to make me feel better.

I looked over to the door and Ellie turned away, her head down. She made her way straight back to bed. "I love you Tay. Please get some sleep." He told me. I tried my best but I just couldn't. He continued to hold me tightly until I finally managed to fall asleep in his arms.

I woke up on our last day of the yacht trip feeling awful. I didn't feel up to much so I planned to not drink and only got out of bed at 12. I made my way to the kitchen where everyone was getting lunch. Harper reached up for me so I picked her up but didn't speak much. Ellie said good morning but again I just gave her a nod and got a sandwich.

I put one on a plate for her and put it in front of her then did the same for Harper but without a plate. She had a couple of bites but pushed it away and cuddled into me. Unfortunately because I was upset I didn't have it in me to fight with her. "I'm sorry mom." Ellie told me, looking down at her hands.

I hesitated for a moment and shrugged, eating my sandwich. After lunch everyone went outside and I went to the living room area to lay on the sofa with the tv on. Harper came and cuddled up to me, her little hand holding on tightly to my shirt. I played with her hair and focused on watching friends.

Ellie came in after a while. Her swimsuit was soaked so I guessed she had been in the water with everyone. "I'm sorry mom, I mean it."

"No you're not. And it's Taylor to you."I replied bluntly.


Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed.

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