Part 2

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Taylor woke up to soft pats on her stomach from her small cats who had decided they wanted a midnight feast. She slowly sat up, removing the covers and feeling a quick shiver run through her body. The temperature had clearly dropped through the night. She quickly reached for an oversized hoodie and slipped on her slippers before making her way to the kitchen.

"Why do you guys insist on waking me up every night?" She asked, noticing the time on the clock reading 4am. She knelt down filling the bowls up with cat biscuits then watched as they ran to their food. She felt a smile creeping onto her face however she couldn't show it to her cats that she was happy, they needed to know that she didn't like waking up at this time.

On her way back to bed Taylor made a quick peep into harpers room, noticing the girl sat up in bed looking down at Meredith. Taylor frowned as she opened the door more, revealing more light in the room. "Hey sweetie, you okay?" Taylor whispered, moving toward the bed.

Harper nodded a little looking over at the figure stood in the doorway, until she had spoken she couldn't quite figure out that it was Taylor and she had thought someone was trying to kidnap her or hurt her. The only reason that she was still awake was due to her stomach hurting and her injuries causing her major discomfort.

Taylor sat beside the girl and smiled at her a little while waiting for a response, one that she wasn't going to get unless she pushed further. "If you tell me why you've been crying I promise you that I will try my best to help." She explained, moving a strand of hair out of the girls face and tucking it behind her ear.

Taylor's whisper for some reason was so calming to harper, possibly due to her only ever being yelled at. Taylor was the first ever person to actually talk to her properly, like she cared about her too. "My tummy." She whispered, moving her eyeline to match Taylor's. She watched as the blonde nodded. "Anything else?"

"My owies I can't sleep, they uncomfy." She explained now feeling embarrassed for even talking to someone about her pain. Taylor nodded and picked up the small girl and her blankie letting harper grab her own teddy bear. This caused a hiss to come from Meredith but Taylor was quick to send her a look. "Don't even start with me, you can come too!" she whispered as she took the child to her own room and sat by Travis again. Meredith soon made herself comfortable between the couple watching Taylor who held the toddler against her front.

"We can just sit here for a while until you get comfortable and your stomach stops hurting then you can sleep here if you want or I'll take you back to your room." She told Harper who slipped beside Taylor on the opposite side to Meredith and curled up, instantly falling asleep by Taylor.

The blonde smiled massively and tired out the lights before also falling asleep holding harper close.

The next morning Taylor was awoken to a gentle kiss on the head by her boyfriend who had kindly made her breakfast in bed. A she sat up he placed a small tray in her lap that held a beautiful nutritious breakfast containing all kinds of fruit and yogurt. She smiled as she took a sip of water then began to eat her meal. He joined beside her with his own and indicated to the small bowl of lucky curls next to Taylor's food that he had put together for harper.

"I didn't know if she liked milk or not or if she could have it or not so I put it in that little jug there." He told his girlfriend who nodded and sat the girl up by her. Travis switched on the tv onto a kids channel so that Harper could be distracted while he enjoyed talking to Taylor for a while.

"Have we planned anything for today or is our schedule clear?" He asked Taylor who quickly shook her head smiling. It was rare for the couple to have a day off where they were free to do whatever they wanted and not have to be anywhere for a specific time. "Great so maybe we can hang around here all morning then see how we feel about going out later, even if it's just for dinner."

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