Part 52

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Travis pov

Taylor was away for 3 weeks and it was the hardest 3 weeks of my life. It even got to a point where Harper wasn't just missing Tay but she was also missing having a big sister to play with too. Her broken arm wasn't helping at all because she had absolutely nothing to do. Me and Taylor were really strict on screen time and she prefers to be outside running around or on the trampoline so trying to keep her from damaging her arm anymore was tricky.

We had quite a few bumps while she was clinging all over the furniture but when I changed her iPad screen time from 2 hours a day to 3 hours a day we managed to get less frequent incidents. I also tried to keep her interested by letting her make mini little podcasts in my filming room. She makes a little podcast each day for an hour before bed where she tells Taylor everything that she did and sends it over to her.

I think Taylor and Ellie really enjoyed watching them especially because her commentary was fucking hilarious. She goes from actually talking about her day to telling them the most random things that she decides are more important. She had a discussion with them about all the ways that Taylor's piano is different to her guitar and how her room is different to Ellie's room.

Sleep wise she had been doing okay. She sleeps in her bed but normally ends up in my bed. Usually Taylor and I don't allow it. We're trying to fully get her sleep trained so that we can spend more time together but since she was missing Taylor and hadn't been having her daily cuddle intake I let her stay with me if she did come in.

She also hates bath time. She always has and usually Taylor gets in with her so that she's a bit more calm. With me it's even worse because it's her dad who would always try to drown her and I think she is more uneasy around males in general. I had a little chat with her about how I wouldn't ever do anything to hurt her and since then they had been a bit easier but I could tell she would try to distract me from getting her in the bath. Trying to not get the cast wet is also extremely difficult.

The only thing that hasn't gotten better was eating, she was fine the day after Taylor left for the second time but since then she's slowly ate less and less each day. She misses Taylor's encouragement and just Taylor in general. I have noticed that she feels a bit forgotten and like Taylor has just left her, probably due to her abandonment issues and how her parents would be with her.

Finally it was time for Taylor to start heading home. She had a long flight and Harper had no idea that she was coming back. We wanted it to be a little surprise for her. Unfortunately by the time they both get back Harper will be fast asleep in bed but Taylor planned to go get in and cuddle with her so that she can wake up and see her either immediately or the next morning.

As much as I wanted Taylor and wanted her to be in my bed that night I knew Harper needed her most.

Before the plane had even set off I heard Harper tell me at least 8 times that she wanted her mommy back. She didn't quite understand that night why she couldn't make her little podcast so I had a lot of tears to deal with but it would be worth it when Taylor comes through the door. I struggled to put her to sleep that night, mainly because Taylor wasn't on the monitor talking her to sleep like she had been.

When the front door opened Harper was in my arms crying and begging to talk to Taylor.

"I'm home!" I heard and her little head shot up. We made our way to the door and her face lit up and she immediately reached over for Taylor. I smiled and put her down and watched and she ran over and hugged her. I waited patiently for my turn and when she finally let go and made her way over to Ellie for a hug I made my way to Taylor, pulling her into an extra tight hug. "I missed you so much." I whispered.

"I missed you too!" She told me. I pulled away from her and turned to Ellie who was holding a very sleepy harper. Both Taylor and I laughed a little when we saw she was trying to hand her off and Taylor quickly took her. She made her way over to the sofa, leaving the suitcases there and putting her feet up.

Since she had been sitting on a plane all day I was kind and got her a glass of wine and some coke for Ellie. Harper looked at me, wondering where hers was but she didn't really care, she lay back down against Taylor and continued to show Ellie her pink cast. Ellie pretended to find it really cool and both Taylor and I watched. We were shocked at how close they had gotten in such a short time and how Harper actually accepted that she had a sister. We thought that she wouldn't want to share our attention but I guess in a way since Ellie is so much older than her she gets a lot of attention from Ellie too.

Finally Harper fell asleep so Taylor took her to bed then came back downstairs. Ellie was exhausted too so she went off to bed not too long later. Taylor looked over at me and smiled. "I'll go get some blankets, you can get snacks." She told me as she jumped up and ran upstairs. I laughed and got us a little snack bowl made before finding the series we had been watching together.

She came back downstairs and covered us both with blankets before cuddling up to me. I held her just a little bit closer, I had missed her so much and I was so glad to have her back. Our family was together again and it was perfect. It all felt so weird without her and Ellie here, our family had just become close when they left so is great having them home with us again.


I hope you enjoyed.

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