Part 29

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Taylor's pov

I instinctively pulled the covers over harpers face, doing anything to keep her hidden and away from whatever or whoever was about to enter the room. I could hear her little whimpers but I quickly reached under the covers and put my hand over her mouth. The other hand I used to keep the covers completely over her.

I heard a little meow and sat up.

It was just Meredith.

Or that's what I thought. 

I noticed a large figure enter the doorway and suddenly I found myself holding back my own tears. Travis jumped up, leaving me alone with Harper pushed right against me, he had rearranged the pillows to hide her completely. I quickly moved the covers a little to give her a minute to breathe while Travis blocked the man from coming near us.

"Give me the child." He demanded, taking a step closer. I quickly called for security and police but I had no faith in them getting here on time. I rolled over slightly so that half of my body covered up Harper and closed my eyes. I don't even want to know what weapons he could have had and I didn't want to know who he was. "She's not here, you need to leave now." Travis told him.

"She is, I paid her a visit in her room. I wanted to finish what I started, I'm the one who tried to kill her, if her stupid mother hadn't decided to protect her. The little brat tried screaming and you came to get so now she needs to learn a lesson. I will kill her and I'm not leaving until I do." The man told us, coming toward the bed. I turned to look over. He looked exactly how she had told me he did.

I felt his hand touch my chin and he slowly turned my head to look at him. "Where is she, if I can't find her I guess you're next in line." He told me. My eyes wandered over to Travis who now had a frying pan and was creeping up towards the man. I felt my whole body shaking. There was a quick smack to my face and my hand reached up to hold my cheek.

Just as my hand left the covers I felt him pull them back, revealing Harper who was now a shaking mess. I held her even tighter against my body but it couldn't protect her from what he pulled out. A freshly sharpened knife. I saw him put it right up to her neck. I swallowed the lump in my throat, not wanting to move too quickly and cause him to actually hurt her.

"How much do you want, I'll give you as much money as you need as long as you leave her. Please I swear to god if you lay a single finger on her or put that knife any closer to her tou will regret it." I told him.

"I want you." He told me. Standing up and stepping away from Harper.

"Are there police on the way?" He asked me and I shook my head, completely lying. "One night with you and I will never bother her again. And I want a million dollars." He told me.

I nodded and stood up. Travis demanded he leaves the knife on the floor. I slowly lead him to a guest room and opened the door. I was terrified and I hated it but I needed to keep him away from Harper. Just as we entered the room security ran up the stairs, grabbing him and pulling him away. I sighed in relief, my hand on my chest as I took a deep breath.

The timing was perfect. I had only just got in the room with him alone and I still hadn't even turned on a light before they had gotten here. I quickly made my way back to my room where I scooped up Harper and made my way over to Travis. "Did he touch you?" He asked. I shook my head quickly and went against him.

Harper was still sobbing and I had no idea what to say or do to calm her down. I tried everything. The police spoke to Travis and I however they agreed to come back the next day with how late it was and how worked up Harper was. Even if I just took my eyes off her she began to hyperventilate, suddenly feeling unsafe. "Hey baby you're okay, mommy and daddy aren't going anywhere you're gonna stay with us. I know we've tried to not give you it but do you want a bottle? Or you can have your paci, it's up to you."

She just clinged on tighter to me. I sighed and got her a bottle made anyway then I took her outside at the back and sat down on my swingy chair. I made sure to cover her up nice and warm then held her close and carefully placed the bottle in her mouth. Thankfully she stopped herself crying and just accepted it. I swung back and forth and eventually she wasn't crying anymore. Once the bottle was done I sat down and lay her on my front still swinging back and forth.

"Sweetie, would mommy ever let anyone hurt you?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"And If mommy can't stop someone, will daddy stop them from hurting you?" I asked. She nodded. I kissed the top of her head and placed my hand on the back of her head. "No one is going to hurt you, you're safe and we're both here so why don't we go get in bed and cuddle, we can put on the tv if you need it. You don't have to sleep yet if you don't feel like It I understand that it was scary but it's all over now."

She nodded a little and I picked her up with all of her comfort things, making my way inside. Both Travis and I got her into bed between us and made sure she was sandwiched and felt safe. I put on bluey and she was immediately fixed on the tv. I felt her little hands playing with the ends of my hair and looked down to see her starting to drift off to sleep.

As soon as her hand stopped moving I knew she was completely out. She still had one hand tightly gripping onto my shirt and the other holding onto my hair but I didn't mind, as long as she felt safe and comfortable. "Tay, promise he didn't do anything to you?" Travis asked me.

"Travis I promise, I knew they were nearby that's why I took him otherwise I wouldn't have. I literally made it to the guest room and I was reaching for the light switch when they got to him. I promise he didn't go near me." I explained, reaching over and grabbing his hand.

Travis nodded and gave me a quick kiss. "I was worried about you. I had no idea what he was going to do." He told me and I nodded. I didn't mind what that man wanted from me but all I know is that whatever he would have done to me would be better than him killing Harper.

"I'd have done anything to keep my baby safe. No one touches her." I told him, reaching over to turn off the light and tv. I was just grateful we were all still unharmed and safe and I was going to do anything to prevent it ever happening again.


I felt bad for the cliffhanger sooo two updates in one day!

We had a nice chapter so we needed an intense one, sorry guys!

Hope you enjoyed.

Please leave lots of comments I love reading them and if you have any requests leave them here and I will get around to them!

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