Part 8

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Taylor's pov:

We made it to our hotel. I had chosen a slightly less expensive hotel as I hoped that if I stayed in a less obvious place then we could save Harper from a few uncalled for paparazzi experiences. It was cute and cozy but very small. There was pretty much a bed and a sofa bed but it was only temporary. I had a feeling Harper would spend most of the nights in our bed if she still wasn't feeling great anyway.

I lay her down to sleep, knowing how the exhaustion must be getting to her by this point. I was feeling it already and I had back to back shows beginning in a couple of days. Exhaustion isn't needed just yet. While we let the young girl sleep we agreed on sending a team member of mine out to pick up a happy meal for her. Since she hadn't eaten in the plane we knew we needed to get something into her. I didn't want her to throw up the painful stuff because of an empty stomach. I would much rather her dinner come back up instead.

Of course for tonight Harper was coming in with me and Travis in our bed, it was the only way that I could bribe her to sit down properly for takeoff and it was becoming obvious that she needed some cuddles from us both. Even Though it would most likely be me who she clings to, the hope was that by the time we leave she is close enough to Travis that he can help out on the plane if we have a repeat of the tourney here.

We managed to convince her to try her happy meal, both sitting fingers crossed for over 30 minutes after in hopes that it would stay down. No one wanted a repeat of last night. Sadly it didn't take too long before the vomit started again and we were both kneeling on the bathroom floor beside her whispering comforting phrases to her while rubbing her back and checking her temperature also. Unfortunately with puke also came horrendously loud sobbing and screaming that was completely uncalled for but also party understandable. She didn't understand why she felt so bad and sick so she was just confused and tired too.

Usually calming her down would be easy for me however this time it was impossible. Seeking any help possible, the easiest option seemed to be calling my mom over. Thankfully she picked up almost immediately, possibly because she could hear the meltdown from her room next door, and was over within seconds. "Okay Taylor so for a start she's burning up quite a bit so just take her out of the onesie and put a pull up on her. Accidents happen often when toddlers are sick."

I followed her directions and could immediately notice a difference in the volume of the crying. It had decreased massively. "Okay so just pass her over to Travis for a moment."

I looked over at Travis to see him opening his arms for the small girl who I immediately handed over. I watched as my mom came over with some pain killers for my head and a bottle of water. I quickly took them before following her to a French pharmacy where she picked up some medicine and a pacifier that you put it in.

We made our way back to the hotel before putting the medicine in the pacifier then placing it in Harper's mouth. The comfort of the small item must have helped as she momentarily went silent. All adults went solent, hoping it would last, however an ensemble of groans filled the room when the small girl began to cry again.

Harpers POV

I loved the pacifier but it tasted weird and it was only fun for about a minute. After that I felt pain, I was getting tummy pain and I didn't know how to tell Tay Tay because I didn't want her to yell at me. I didn't even care that I felt hot I just wanted the pain to stop and that didn't.

I felt cold water hit my feet as Taylor placed me in a cold bath. I immediately began screaming with fear at this moment. Sometimes my daddy would try to drown me if I didn't behave, baths had never been my favorite things and normally at Tay Tays house I would have showers. This all just made me feel worse and made my tummy hurt. I reached my arms out for Taylor to come and sit with me. I wanted her to cuddle me so I knew that she wasn't going to drown me.

"I- in! Pwease!" I screeched while I continued to reach for her. She shared a few glances with Andrea before walking out of the room, eventually returning in a bathing suite then getting in behind me. I lay back against her front, starting to calm down. I wasn't overheating finally and I had comfort and had Tay Tay close.

Everyone could her me getting louder and louder with every small bit of pain that overtook my stomach until eventually Taylor swooped me up and put me in a pull up before throwing shorts and a shirt over her bathing suit. "I can't hear her so unhappy mom I'm taking her to the hospital something just isn't right." I heart Taylor say as she frantically looked around for her shoes.

Maybe the doctors would know that I'm in pain then someone can help me. I didn't want to go to the hospital but it was in too much pain to fight it or to tell them I'm fine. I wasn't fine and I knew it, even Taylor was beginning to realize I wasn't too.

Upon the arrival at the hospital I immediately got taken away from my mommy and put into a hospital bed where I was wheeled into a room in the back to get tests done. Wait, did I call her mommy? I meant Tay Tay. I watched her cry into her mommy's arms and how Travis became so defensive of me being taken away, trying to come with me. This is the love that I had missed out on for so long.

I slipped away while the doctors tested me. My thoughts took over and I began to think about my deep feelings. My mommy was never there for me and neither was daddy. If I had a nightmare then I couldn't go to them I would cry alone. If I threw up I cleaned it and mommy normally yelled. If I tried to cry when they punished me then it would make everything worse.

It's different here, Taylor holds me when I need her, she lets me cry to her like her mommy lets her cry to her. When I have a bad dream I know that I could go and wake her up. No one would push me over and throw things at me until I leave. In some way I was safe here, I could be held when I was scared and I could sleep with Taylor and Travis without them hurting me for it. Does that make Taylor my mommy, I guess she is like a mommy, maybe she doesn't want to be my mommy and she's being nice because she feels bad.

The same for Travis, when I threw up he cleaned everything up. Taylor helped me through it and talked to me about how to be calm and how it's better for my body to let it out that to keep it in. Then Travis brung me water. They feed me and give me a safe home. They call me cute nicknames and I like that but why? Why are they so nice to me if I'm not their child. They only had me for a few days and they have accepted everything about me. In fact this is the longest I had gone without being punished and in trouble. Almost a week with no owies given to me by anyone is a long time.

Maybe they were my mommy and daddy now. I wouldn't ever call them that without asking them, not on purpose. I don't want to scare them away. All I wanted was to feel this love all the time, being tucked in at night was something that I wanted every night. I suddenly came back to my thoughts and realised how much I needed Taylor in that moment.

I felt wires being put into me and needles being put everywhere. I screamed and screamed and screamed until I couldn't scream anymore. I felt myself being pushed down a long corridor, watching each light pass. I felt a familiar touch grab my hand, gently caressing the back of it like the day I first met her. It was Taylor I could tell. Her perfume was strong but just knowing she was there and having that scent around me comforted me more than she could ever know.

Then it all went black.


Hey guys, just  wanted to let you know that this week my updates may be slow as I have a lot of training this week and am at a competition over the weekend, usually I get most of my writing done over evenings and the weekends but I am not sure how much time I will get.

Just for this week instead of it being every 2-3 days it may be about a week before the next update. Apologies for this.

Also how are we finding the new eras Tour set list?

Also Travis showing up for Paris night 4 is too cute and Taylor interacting with him from the stage is so cute when she blows kisses and stuff.

Also I will not be posting a Mother's Day chapter, I know it is Mother's Day for a lot of places however where I am from it isn't so it would feel weird for me to do that haha

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