Part 53

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Travis pov

That night Tay and I locked our bedroom door just to be on the safe side. Usually we don't and we just chance it but with Harper 1. In pain and 2. Missing Taylor recently we thought it would be the safest option. Thankfully she slept through the night alone. Or at least we thought.

I opened the door the next morning to see her laying on the floor asleep. She had tear stains on her cheeks and no pillow, blanket or bear. I wondered why we didn't hear her but then I remembered that our walls are soundproof. She couldn't hear us and we couldn't hear her so she probably thought we had left her.

Either we had the monitor turned off in our room so that we couldn't hear her cry, she was fine until she was outside our door or me and Taylor were a bit too distracted to hear it but there were no signs of any tears or harper coming to our room. I turned to Taylor who was fast asleep, she needed her rest but if I was the one to wake Harper we would end up with her screaming.

I made my way over to Taylor and gently moved some hair out of her face before gently placing my hand on her arm so she knew I was there. I saw her head move a little so I took that as the perfect moment. "Good morning." I whispered.

I noticed a small smile creep on her face as she pushed the covers back. I carefully brought them back up to cover her before kissing her on the cheek. "Did you sleep well?" I asked her and she nodded.

I quickly grabbed one of my shirts and handed it to her and watched her put it on before sitting up. She looked around and started to wake up a little bit. That's when I decided to show her the harper situation. Taylor laughed at me at first.

"No Tay, she's a diva, she even scares me sometimes. Especially when it comes to waking her up." I told her. She playfully rolled her eyes at me and got out of bed before wandering over to the doorway.

"You don't have to wake her up." Taylor whispered before very slowly and carefully picking the small girl up into her own arms. When Harper moved and whined a couple of times Taylor stood still and gently rubbed her back a few times. "Shh it's just mommy, go back to sleep." She whispered before walking down the hall to Harper's room.

She tucked Harper into bed then walked across to Ellie's room, checking if she was up and wanted breakfast. Ellie told her she wanted to go back to sleep for a little bit longer so Taylor smiled and headed downstairs. "Breakfast for two then I guess." She told me.

She started getting out some cooking utensils. I was quick to grab her and pick her up. She started kicking and fighting me a bit but I was consistent and continued taking her to the sofa where I put her down. "You can relax and I will cook breakfast. You've had a busy few weeks." I told her. She rolled her eyes and huffed but didn't fight it.

I made us a nice breakfast and got it all on the table but just as I went to get Taylor little miss harper had shown up in the doorway to the living room. "Hey tiny, go tell mommy that breakfast is ready and I'll get you some cereal." She gave me a sleepy nod and headed to the sofa.

I quickly poured some cereal into a bowl and got her a glass of milk before heading to the table. Taylor and Harper joined me and sat down. Ellie joined half way through so I got up and got her some food too. We all sat and caught up for a while and Harper was all over them both, she had clearly missed them.

Once everyone was finished we remained at the table chatting before Taylor dropped out the most random suggestion. "I think it's time for a new family home guys." She told us. Harper immediately shook her head.

"Why not, baby? It would be so fun you could have a new room and we would have more space and you would love it. It would be weird at first but it would be so fun!" Taylor told her while gently playing with the small girl's hair. Harper shook her head and just took a sip of her drink.

I nodded, completely agreeing with Taylor. Ellie also agreed. We just needed to convince harper now. "Well I'm just thinking that there could be some changes soon. What if we wanted to adopt another child, or if I got pregnant the baby would need a bedroom. Or if we decided we wanted another family pet we would need a bigger house. I also think the living room is starting to get a bit crowded for us all. An apartment just isn't good enough." Taylor told her and Harper looked like she could have punched her.

Ellie quickly stepped in before Harper could have a meltdown. "Uh, I think we agreed on no babies. If this is you telling us that you're pregnant I'll be mad." She said as she put a hand on Harper's shoulder and glared at Taylor. Her gaze then shifted to me and I laughed a little.

"I'm not pregnant but I am going to say that if I want a baby that's a choice for me and Travis, sorry dad, to make and you two have to accept that. And Harper unfortunately it isn't completely up to you if we move or not so we will be looking at houses." Tay told them. She was getting sick of holding back everything in life because they didn't want it. They both went quiet and looked down.

Looks like we're moving out.

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