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-Erens Pov-

If there comes a day we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever.


"Cold." I finished and looked at the two, they flinched at the the venom covering my words. I pushed myself off the library counter and walked over to Jeans cart, taking it from him and strolling around, putting away the used books. Some of the spines were fragile and almost breaking, pages looked worn and almost halfway ripped out. We barely had a customer, only Armin and Jeans soulmate came, sometimes bringing friends to see if I would warm up. It's nice how they try, though. As I put away the third copy of "to kill a mocking bird." I heard the bell ring, signaling someone walked in.

"Good morning and welcome!" Armin, Jean and I spoke softly and gave a gentle wave to the customer. It was a lady with long purple hair and red glasses and a purple and white dress that flowed to the girls ankles. She has half a snowflake necklace that sparkled on her neck. She was really pretty, but still no warmth flooded through me, plus that wasn't even my necklace, which was hidden under my work shirt. She nodded lightly at me and walked over to the poetry section, no one, except me, has really walked over there, until she did. I gripped my book and walked over to where she was.

"Umm do you need help looking for anything?" I asked politely as I poked my head from the isle. She was scrolling through a Japanese book, Egg of the Black Goat, it was named. Weird name for a book if I must say. She glanced up at me with a startled expression, " I'm fine, thank you." She closed the book and walked over to Armin and checked it out, before leaving with the book in a small see through bag with the library logo on it. We continued on with our day; Jean and I getting In a few arguments about where the books goes until Armin goes between us before one of us could swing the first punch and calmed us down.

Then at lunch Erwin would swing by with another person. this time it was some weird super tall guy with a really low and manly voice, definitely made me colder. I picked at my food as I took a sip from my hot chocolate, not feeling any warmth from the smooth drink. I leaned back at stared at the rough, popcorn ceiling. Mikasa had half a sword as her charm, Armin had half a fish, Jean had half a seagull, krista had half a sun, and Sasha had half a potato, which was funny, but it was hysterical when Connie found out he had the other half.

They all looked so cute together as they connected their charms, feeling the warmth of each other's love. I wonder what it's like. I envy all of them, I never ever felt warmth from my mother, not even when my house burned down could I feel the roaring flames that almost engulfed me. There was no coldness when I held an ice cube, just felt like something you put on your palm, and melts. Except mine didn't melt. Only from the rooms heat did it melt. I wasn't warm, I was like a vampire, cold blooded and pale. Even in the radiating burning sun did I not feel anything. The water in the ocean was not cold nor hot. It was simple. The bell rang as we greeted the next customer like any other day, like any other customer, they walked around, looking at the old books, the regular dusty shells, the old computer that were loud when you turned them on. Everything was just like how it should be. I admit my life was pretty normal. I just get up, work, go home, eat dinner, sleep and repeat. During this whole time I would feel cold. I don't know how many times I have said that word, cold. And I can't even count the number of times I have said the word "warm" or "warmth" or even how many times I wish I was warmth, to feel my heart flutter and my stomach to fill with those butterflies.

I snapped out of my daze as I saw Jeans hand wave back and worth in front of my face. "W-whattt?" I snapped at them and stood up, leaving my food untouched as I walked away from the two. Armin called for me back but I kept walking, I punched out my card and walked out of the library in confusion. I was short tempered so when someone pulls me from my thoughts, I get kinda mad. I was walking when something weird stopped me in my tracks....something.....


I gasped and fell onto my knees, clutching my head as it felt warm, everything felt like it was on fire. So did my throat. I was once cold but now I am warm, filled with warmth. Engulfed by the hot flames. I looked up with a shaky breath only 15 feet away from me, a guy on his knees as well, catching them so hard it made the tip of his fingers white. Something glittered and dangled by his neck as it dashed into my eyes... It was the other side of my necklace. It was blue and had some kind of feathers sprawled out to the left. Mine was white and sprawled out to the right. I just kept mind hidden underneath my shirt.

-Levis PoV (10 minutes ago)-

"What happened?" I asked asked again, leaning against the bar from the outside. I saw people walk by the alley, taking soft glances at me. I was super pale and cold, shivering next to a bar, yelling loudly into a crappy phone. "WelliwastryingtoseewhatErwinwouldlooklikewithouteyebrowssoitriedtoshavethem." Hanji said really quickly but I understood everything she said. "Hanji you didn't," I scoffed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "I tried, but I almost broke a arm." She mumbled and it sounded like she kicked something harshly.

"Whatever just don't do it again." I muttered before clicking end and sliding down the old nasty brick wall. Tch, disgusting. I have lived my life in cleanliness. Everything I had cleaned twice. I was always cold, shivering, afraid of heat. But yet I have always wanted to be warm, cuddled up into someone's embrace. Wanting to feel their body heat against my own. Once we meet a heater will turn on into my body and I will radiate heat. I got up and started to walk back to my house, pulling up my jacket occasionally once it fell down or loosened. I then stopped in my place, something was wrong. What was happening? Why do I feel like I'm on fire? Is this what it feels like to be burned? To be consumed by heat? I crumpled to my knees, gripping them tightly as I breathed heavily, trying to breath normally, but my heart was racing so hard. My heart was pounding furiously against my chest.

I looked up and I meet my gaze with bright green orbs. Then I felt it. For once in my 21 years of living I felt it, the pang in my chest, the blood rushing to my cheeks, my hands sweating and my knees feeling more weak then they already are. Him and I ignored everyone staring, as they became a blur, I ignored everyone and just locked my gaze with him. Then I felt it......


Part Of Me (Ereri / Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now