Gone Insane.

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Authors Note: this is so weird! If you didn't see my update on my profile, I am typing this whole thing on a surface, not on my phone. This is weird but Ill try my best. The details will be iffy but Ill try my hardest for you guys! Its a weird transition but Ill get used to it. NO MORE AUTO-CORRECT YES! but the dotted line will be there to show me who is boss so that's a bummer....... ( ω)

Stay Classy ;3

-Izzy-chan <3.


"eren..." Levi groaned, turning on his side and reaching out for eren. But there just just empty cold space. He wasn't cold himself though, he was still warm so that showed eren was still inside the apartment. Levi sat up, remembering the events of earlier in his mind as clear as day. Why was Eren up and walking? Wasn't he in pain? Levi sighed, swinging his long slender and pale legs over the side of the bed, and standing up. How did he get Eren's big sweater on? Did eren put it on for him? Who knows. Levi stretched his back, lifting his arms up in the air and stretching a little while stifling a small yawn from his lips. "Eren?" He called out, still yawning and stretching at the same time. Levi waddled down stairs after he slipped on a quick and clean pair of boxers he took from his and Eren's shared dresser. Eren on the other hand; didn't hear Levi's call for him. eren was much too busy focused on his laptop screen that was dimly shining on his face. Eren was huddled under a fleece blanket, staring at the website that was the same as last night; The Sina Orphanage Website. He was scrolling through their info and what they offer their services to those who are looking to adopt. Dark bags hung know under erens bright eyes. "Eren?" Levi asked, peeking his head to see eren biting and tugging at his lip in boredom as he scrolled more to the screen. "L-Levi?!" Eren asked, surprised. Eren quickly change the website to Facebook that he had prepared for a event like this. "Morning.'' Levi rubbed his eyes, wrapping his arms around erens waist once Levi sat next to eren, resting his head on Erens shoulder. "Mornin'" Eren smiled, kissing the top of Levis head, but the thoughts still swirling in his mind like a crazy train. What would Levi even think about this? "How are you feeling?" Eren already knew what Levi meant by that. Was he in pain from earlier? "Oh god yes. It was a bitch just to walk down here, even to take a shower which was excruciating." Eren explain with a roll of his green-blue eyes that reminded Levi of Isabelle, his friend who passed away long ago. "Yeah sorry you know I don't hold back." Levi mumbled, nuzzling his head in the crook of erens neck, taking in his husbands fresh and clean scent of Lemon soap.

"I'm going to take a shower, as well." Levi mumbled, standing up and walking back upstairs and into the clean white bathroom with pearl white subway tile and fresh new soaps. Levi fumbled with the handles of the shower, making the temperature just right before he striped down back to naked and stepped into the shower, letting the water cascade down his skin, washing him as he grabbed the shampoo that was strawberry scented; it was Erens favorite. Eren, hidden away next to the printer and printing out documents upon documents of everything he could find out about the Orphanage. Eren stumbled in pain up the stairs and walked into the bedroom, grabbing the shoe box and stuffed in 5 more pages and then walked back down stairs, pain raging like wild fire on his hips and butt. Eren hissed, letting out the smallest of whimpers as he trudged more down the steps and into the living room. After shutting down his computer and lowering down the lid, he slowly put himself down onto the plush couch and snuggled back under the blanket. Erens head hit the pillow, still not tired. His eyes were wide with curiosity. Eren gasped, sitting up and breathing heavily. "I FORGOT TO CHECK FOR REVIEWS!" He shouted to himself, clutching his hair and grabbing the computer, re-opening the lip and logging onto his profile and immediately popping up his new favorite website, scrolling to the bottom and looking at what the people had to say about the prices, the taxes and how well-behaved and un-snot nosed they truly are. One review stood out.

"Mina: A while back, when i went to the doctor, he explained I was infertile and that if I wanted to have kids, it wouldn't be possible. So i said it would be alright, and instead I went with my second option of adoption. I would defiantly recommend this child care center. The kids are well behaved, and clean. they are polite and not rude at all! 5/5 stars." Eren read it, before re-reading it again. He has truly gone insane over this one simple talk. Whenever Levi would walk in the room to check on him after his relaxing shower, Eren would get nervous and fidget uncontrollably. As if he was on a drug and was on this 2nd week with out it. Almost like a withdrawal. "Eren seriously what is wrong you brat?" Levi asked as he carried in two cups of tea by the rim. Levi set down both on the coffee table. One in front of eren and one for himself. Levi poured lots of honey into his tea, stirring it slowly with a small spoon as his attention was only fixed on Eren. His eren. Erens heart pumped faster at the question. So he attempted to lie "Im fi--" but he was cut off with Levis dark tone. "No you're not now tell me." Levi scoffed, rolling his eyes as he crossed his legs over each other and kept looking at Eren; his gaze fixed on him. "its nothing, seriously."

But it wasn't nothing; it was something. It was everything, for eren at least. It was everything eren was thinking about. He was completely insane with the thoughts racing through his thoughts like a tornado. "Whatever" Levi grunted once more, paying attention to his cup, the way it moved; the light brown liquid in the cup moving around with the way his moved his cup. It splished and splashed in the light green mug. Levi took a sip, the warm tea moved and the steam raised into the air and into Levis nostrils. He gulped it, the honey moving down his throat and it tasted wonderful against his taste buds. Eren didn't even drink his tea that was prepared by his lovely husband-Levi. But why wasn't he drinking it? Was it because of the pure guilt that he has flowing through his blood stream? He couldn't muster up the confidence to speak to his lovely husband about his latest obsession over adopting children of their own. They sat in silence. There was no peaceful silence. It was now an awkward and uncomfortable silence that grew thick and more and more silent. "So..." Eren pursed his lips as he spoke; attempting to break that terrible silence. Levi just got sick of the stupid silence and glared at eren. "Eren what is wrong with you just tell me you act like I'll--" Levi was cut off by Erens heart jumping and Eren just doing it, he spoke up.

"Levi I was looking at adopting a kid."

Eren didn't stare at Levi, only the light brown liquid moving in his cup that was filled an inch under the rim. The smell was so homey and perfect it reminded him of his mothers sweet smell. She smelled of sweet honey and tea, just like erens tea in the cup. His mug was black and shiny, no print on it. It was empty except for the tea swishing around it. Levis eyes widened, he wasn't expecting something-anything but not this. This was new. Eren blushed of embarrassment and didn't even think of making eye contact with his husband.



That's all he said. Before Levi stood up and walked away.

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