Sweet Surprises.

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That all happened one month ago. Now they barely show any progress on where Jason may be. But Levi and Eren didn't really worry much anymore. Maybe he was caught and placed in a mental hospital with more straight jackets and padded walls. Who knew?

"No way you stir it like this you brat." Levi scoffed, mixing the brownie batter the correct way. He took out the wooden spoon, tapping it on the edge of the bowl, trying to shake off as much brownie batter as possible. Once he lifted the wooden spoon that was lathered in a thin layer of delicious batter, Eren licked it. Almost moaning at the taste, Eren licked the spoon again. "Eren!" Levi growled, somehow getting turned on by how sexual Eren licked the wooden brownie spoon. Eren gave a apologetic look and shrugged, wiping some of the batter from the spoon onto his finger and then smearing it on Levis jaw then trailing his fingers to his neck. Levi stiffened at the thick fudge on his face and neck.

Eren smirked and licked the start of the brownie line on his jaw and trailed his tongue to Levis collar bone. "S-shitty brat." He moaned, feeling a tiny erection coming along softly. Eren continued, continuing to kiss along Levis neck. "EREEEENN " Armin screeched, opening the bakery kitchen door. The couple stiffened, not moving a muscle as they watched Armins eyes go wide from the sight. "S-SORRY!" He squealed, running out of the room. They both relaxed, but Eren pulled away and poured the batter in 13 x 9 pan.

After smearing the batter all over the pan till it fully covered the bottom they pushed it into the oven, wiping their hands on their white cream colored aprons and huffing in achievement. It was hanjis birthday today so they wanted to make her Something special for the day. Well; mostly Eren wanted to but Levi complied any way since it was 'be nice to Hanji week'. Eren made a duck face as he spun on the office chair. They were waiting for the brownies to fully cook since they were in their brake. All their friends were still working and serving customers their delicious treats and homemade pastries. They're sales have boomed over the last months Eren and Levi couldn't be happier.

"5 more minutes" Levi warned as he ruffled Erens soft brown hair.

5 more minutes later, the brownies were done and pulled from the over. Over the last month they have thought about Jason. Where was he? Did he find Eren yet? Does he have a plan to kill or kidnap Eren once again, adding scars to his frail body. They let it cool for 10 minutes before smearing chocolate fudge icing on the warm brownies. They finished delivering it to her, getting loud screams in their ear drums and a long talk a bout how thankful she was. After they got to their house they were just sitting in their bed, cozy and comfortable.

-like 1/2 smut scene warning /).(\ decided to try again hope you like it. It sucks.-

"Eren.." Levi mumbled, staring at the white and clean ceiling. He didn't need to wait for a reply, but he closed his eyes and pretended Eren ruffled his Raven hair and say "yes, Levi?" And kiss his pale forehead, sending warmth down his back. Levi wrapped his arms around Erens waist tightly pulling him closer and causing Eren to become the little spoon. "You're so warm" he purred into Erens ear, massaging his thigh. Eren blushed and stared deep into the pillow that he rested his head on. "You're so beautiful, Eren..." Levi mumbled, his voice fading off as he tilted Erens face to his own and capturing his pink lips in his own pale thin ones. Their lips moved in sync as he moved Eren flat on his back and straddled Eren.

It was a while since they have had any kind of sexual interaction like this so Levi was already hard with a erection. He became more touchy and lustful over time, but it didn't scare Eren because he knew Levi wouldn't try anything without his consent. If he went too far, Eren would just shake his head, and give an apologetic smile and wave him off. Levi didn't mind, he understood. But that didn't stop his raging hormones coursing through his tiny midget body. "Eren..." Levi moaned against Erens lips. He rolled his hips, making Eren moan right back at him. They two continued kissing passionately but roughly till their lips felt bruised and they needed air.

"Eren.." He tugged at the hem of Erens shirt, raising his eyebrows as if to ask permission to slip it off and over his head. Eren bit his lip, making it more bruised and nodded. Levi smirked softly to himself it was almost impossible to tell his lips were curled up a little into a nice smile. Levi slipped his own off. Right after he did he felt Erens wandering hands tracing along his 8 pack and draw little weird shaped with his index finger and let his hands roam. Levi didn't mind, it was more waves of amazing wants Levi never got used to that flowed carelessly through his body. Eren smiled small and propped himself on his elbows. He placed his soft hand on Levis cheek, cupping his pretty pale face and looking into his loving eyes.

If you look close enough, his eyes aren't so much of a grey; but more of a midnight blue. A truly amazing color that if you stared Into long enough you could almost see the stars. It was a part of Levis mysterious personality and stature. His eyes. His attitude. His cleanliness. His body. Everything about Levi was mysterious. Heck even Eren was still wondering some things about Levi. What would be their future? Would Eren never be able to speak again? All these questions washed away from both Eren and Levis mind as their lips connected softly. It was a blissful moment spent between the two. They just hope this time....

Armin wouldn't walk in on them.

A/n: eek! A happy ending cx but I will be updating soon! This was a happy one cause the last ones have been so depressing ;3;. So I made this short one to cheer you guys up! Hope you liked it I worked hard. Also I'm having very slight writers block! I have the ending all planned out but the chapters between are a little shaky. So be patient the next upcoming chapters will be short but sweet. They will carry lots of information in the important ones so make sure you read all of it! Anyways..

Stay classy ;3
-izzy-chan ❤️

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