Cupcake Battles.

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Cause nothing says cuter than Levi drinking a tasty drink while wearing a chicken costume XD Enjoy you yaoi maniacs~


A warm and delicious smell awoke a sleeping brunette. He perked his head up from the comforting touch of the pillow. 'What is that sweet smell?" His stomach grumbled low in his stomach. He wanted to get up to investigate the smell, but he and Levis bed was just so comfy and his spot was just engulfing him in the most amazing way. Eren reached his long and slender arms out, as if Levi was there, watching him as he woke up. Levi always did that. He would twirled his soft brown locks with his slim fingers and gaze at the sleeping face with his eyebrows un furrowed and no creases in between his thin eyebrows. So instead, Eren wrapped his arms around Levis pillow, snuggling his face it of the middle of it. It had his manly smell that Eren loved so much. But the sweet smell overpowered it, making his stomach growl again, this time louder. Groaning inwardly, Eren gave up. Trudging down stairs in a shirt 3 sizes too big, Eren walking down Into the kitchen where he saw Levi in a cute apron....

Making cupcakes.

What time was it? And why was Levi making cupcakes? At this hour? Eren glanced at the time.

'12:41' it read. What?! Why did he sleep so late? And why didn't Levi wake him? At least he didn't have a bad dream last night. Levi picked up a pink cupcake and turned around, facing Eren as he was biting into it. The pink frosting was at the corners of his lips and he was just staring at Eren as his teeth were in the cupcake. This was awkward. "Mmph~" Levi tried to speak as he chewed on the cupcake. Once he swallowed the treat he wiped his mouth slowly. "Morning...or should I say afternoon." Levi smirked. He rested his back against the counter and faced Eren again, who had a sight tint of pink dusted onto his cheeks as he had watched his overly adorable boyfriend bite into a pink cupcake.

Eren smiled softly and swiped his finger on the icing and licked it from the tip of his finger, enjoying the smooth and sweet taste of the pink cream. Eren did enjoy sweets, he had a sweet tooth; but it was nothing like Levis. If you walked into a bakery with Levi, you wouldn't be coming out for hours. Levi would make an excuse, saying it was Eren who wanted all the sweets to gobble up. Once, Levi and Eren brought home 12 cupcakes and 3 different sizes cakes. Levi wouldn't let Eren touch a single one. It was funny really, how much Levi loved sweets. It was cute to see his face light up when he got the dessert menu from the waiter or waitress in the diner.

His eyes got softer and his eyebrows less furrowed. Levi huffed and took the cupcake, and smashed the whole cup cake onto Erens right cheek, smirking at the victory. Eren opened his mouth into a wide O, as if to mimic a gasp. He picked up an extra one, not really caring about the mashed remains of the previous cupcake and moshed it all over Levis face. Levi stiffened, debating whether or not to smile or clean it. He did both. A small and almost invisible smile appeared on Levis face as he took the same mashed up cupcake and threw it Erens face. This set off a cute fight between the two. Eren softly giggled, placing his hands into the large flour bag Levi regrettably left out while making the yummy and delicious cup cakes. "Eren, don't you even---" he was interrupted by a large cloud of four puffed into his face. Levi closed his eyes, letting out a breath of air, white air. The flour gotten into his mouth. "Eren..... Run." He looked up, his Raven hair now a bit powered white from the large cloud of flour blown into his hair and face. Eren squealed silently; jumping like a kitten in water and scurrying off from Levi and running into the kitchen. Being immediately chased by Levi, he didn't make it that far. Eren only let his feet take him to the medium sized wooden coffee table before he was tackled to the ground by the shorter Raven haired male.

"I caught you now....." Levi mumbled, his icing covered thumb dragged over Eren bottom lip. They were home alone, so no one was going to walk in any time soon. It was a long week that had dragged on since hanjis birthday. Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days. So in this moment, it felt like it was lasting an eternity. Time had seemed to be magic and slow as Levis eyes made direct eye contact with Erens bright green ones. This time it had more spark in his eyes. He was slowly and more gradually getting better. His scars were fading into the darkness, along with Jason and Jean and Petra. Eren gave a look from below: quirking up his right eyebrow and smirking, as if to say, 'what are you gonna do about it?' Levi smirked and kissed Erens nose, teasing him.

Eren groaned silently and rolled his eyes to the back of his head slightly as whined by puffing out his cheeks and huffing in his head. Eren grabbed the light cream colored string of the apron and pulled Levi as he was pulling away. Eren captured Levis lips into his own. Eren wasn't one to initiate sweet cute things like holding hands or kissing or even sex. He always hugged Levi when he needed it. That was one thing he wasn't afraid of. But he was always hesitant on kissing or holding hands with the older male. Eren loved him, he really really did. And Levi knew it. And Eren knew Levi loved him. But that scared him. Why? I don't know. But it did. Levi closed his eyes, cupping Erens frosted covered cheek and rubbing his thumb on his cheek, kissing him back. He tasted like the cup cake. The pink frosting that was layered lightly on Erens soft bottom lip just helped it. Levi moaned softly at the amazing taste. Like I said...

Levi loved sweets. So when he had kissed Eren it was a sweet tangy over flow of emotions.

-later that night-

Levi was tucked in bed, re-reading his favorite novel 'To Kill A Mockingbird' he was on page 20 and in the middle of a paragraph, when eren walked out of the bathroom and yawned, extending his arms up. Today was their lazy day and the only day of the week they had off so they spent it together enjoying each other's lovely company and presence. Levi didn't even have to look to hear Eren shuffling himself under the covers. Levi didn't even have to wait for Eren to poke his shoulder to lift his arm up. He did it anyway, raising it into the air and feeling Eren tuck himself close to Levi, their warmth between the two only growing more between them in blissful warmth.

Eren dug his face into the crook of Levis neck, lightly kissing and nibbling on his collar bone from time to time. It was only a matter of minutes until Eren fell asleep, his right hand still clutching onto Levis button up sleep shirt. He sighed, closing the book shut. He didn't even make it past the same paragraph, only reading over and over the same sentence, the same words. Over and over on repeat. Levi sighed again to himself. It was a happy, relief sigh. Things were going back to normal. Things were lighter. The feeling was happy and airy. Levi opened the drawer to the nightstand that sat next to his bedside. There was a lamp on the top that dimly lite one side of the room. And a annoying alarm clock Levi almost broke once. Or twice. Or ten times. The drawer was empty, only two things rested inside of it. One was the book he had just placed back inside. The second was the one he took out and and sneaking a quick glance at Eren, making sure he was fast asleep. Levi sat back, leaving his back on the pillows that rested on the headboard. He sighed again contently, lifting the lid and running his thumb along the small object, smiling lightly to himself.

That thing?

It was...

A ring.

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