Desperate Awakening.

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Hello People! Today is the day I will start it, since it is the beginning of the month (Okay 2nd day so shush I'm lazy) So i will be taking the #JustWriteIt 30 day challenge. Now I know it will be hard but this is my passion! I'm taking honors English,I'm on wattpad, and now a 30 day challenge! I WILL BE A GOOD WRITER!! I LITERALLY----have no idea what to write for this chapter so I'm just gonna..... I'M JUST GONNA DO IT!!! JUST DO IT!!!! NO....JUST WRITE IT!!!MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE!! FOR SPARTAAAAA #JustWriteIt

Day 1- Don't think; WRITE!

STAY CLASSSYYYYY ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3 ;3

Sorry for spelling errors


Eren opened his eyes. The room was empty. His apartment was empty. His heart was empty and a huge gaping hope was in the middle on his heart. A big part of his heart felt gone or missing. He felt empty. Eren felt cold. He was laying on the left side of his queen sized bed. eren turned his head, looking again and seeing a vast space of emptiness. It was or used to be Levis side of the bed. Oh, Levi. His sweet----wait no that's not it. Just....Levi.

Levi was no longer Eren's. And Eren was no longer Levis. "Daddy?" Lee questions, opening the door and peeking his head through. Oddly enough, this messy and scruffy boy reminded Eren so much of Levi. they almost had nothing a like but they were the same in so many ways. Levi was intimidating whilst Lee was always scared and timid. Lee was shy, Levi was dark and mysterious. The two were polar opposites. But yet, when Eren looked inside of Lee's beautiful and unique eyes, he saw the image of Levi. Eren saw Levis thick raven hair moving with the wind, and his piercing grey eyes that reap you like a map. His dark and menacing glare that hit you hard and looked like they were judging you. They say, that eyes can tell a thousand stories. Levis beautiful midnight blue eyes told a million. Levis eyes were always clouded with emotion. Whether it may be a simple look or glance you could see so much. Levis eyes were filled with sadness, anger, rage, anything really. Eren closed his eyes and let Lee crawl right onto Levis preferred spot on the bed. "Daddy, are you asleep?' Why would Lee ask such a thing? His eyes were open, he was breathing. Eren was fine...right?


Eren wasn't alright. He looked back into the ceiling. Staring at the empty space up in the air with a small smile on his face. A memory, a flashback...a vision played in his mind as a single, salty tear slid down his pale and cold cheek, landing on the pillow that was underneath him.

-The Flashback-

"Daddy, Daddy! Look at what I drew!' Giggled the now 12 year old Lee. It was three stick figures, holding hands. One was drawn sloppily with the color black, it was the 2nd tallest, and one was drawn with red, it was the tallest, and the 3rd was the shortest and drawn with yellow.  It was a sloppy mess of the waxy crayons smeared on the piece of paper. Eren gasped in excitement, and smiled at it with a wide grin. "Aw Lee its amazing I love it!" Eren exclaimed, jumping up to place it under a magnet that was just a simple grey and glossy magnet. Once it was on the fridge, Eren turned on his heel, crashing into his husband and warmth, Levi. Levis eyes glanced from Eren to the paper that was almost covered with the cute drawings of their adopted son, Lee. "What is this, Eren?" Levi moved the magnet with one hand while pulling the paper from under it with the under. Lee was in the doorway, but Levi nor Eren noticed.

"It's Lee's drawing. I know, I know you said nothing on the fridge as it looks messy and unorganized...but i love it and we showed keep it up." Eren defended Lee before Levi even spoke up. "I don't care. I'm not keeping this piece of shit art on here---" Levis eyes widened when they met Lee's eyes; watering and about to cry as the beautiful color was shining with sadness and pain. Eren turned around, also meeting his sons gaze. "Lee..." Levi started to apologize but Lee nor Eren wanted to listen to a single part of what he has to say. Eren spoke up as Lee turned, his red hair swishing. Lee had meet Levi and Eren in the art room, with inspiration flowing through his head as he painted. But when he drew that drawing, although not his best work-- he tried. And that is exactly what Eren was going to yell at his husband about.

"Levi! That was a rude and ignorant thing to say. As well as stupid and the list could go on! You need to apologize immediately!" Eren scoffed angrily before stomping out of the small kitchen and up the stairs and through the small hallways to Lee separate and secluded room. Eren cracked open the door, seeing a big bulge under the puffy cloth that was the bed spread. Lee had somewhat of a girly room, filled with pastel type colors and frilly objects; such as his bedspread that was an abstract mess of pink and bright orange etc. The pillows were cream, not white or even eggshell. It was cream. Eren stepped in, shutting the door behind his back. a few sniffles were audible from underneath the covers. "Go away..." An innocent and shaky voice mumbled from underneath the duvet. "Come on, Lee; it is just you and I.." Eren sat next to the small lump, reaching his hand to the front where his head would be.

But Lee's head peeked over the front, peering out into the room and checking to see if his mother was not there (Yes, mother, they decided he would be the mother for the family). "Mom's gone?" He asked, making Eren nod reassuringly. "Yeah, but he is really sorry buddy, he didn't mean that.." Eren sighed, rubbing his hand on top of his sons head, smiling down at him. The room fell silent for a few moments. It was a comforting silence as Eren played and twiddled with his golden red locks in between his fingers with a small smile. A small thumping sounds of Levi climbing the stairs got loud as did the foot steps. The white door creaked open and then Levi stepped inside. "Eren..? Lee...?" Levi mumbled, regret shining in his eyes. "Hey.." Eren mumbled again, not even wanting to argue with his husband over a simple drawing Levi didn't like. Eren was too happy and set with the small and soft sounds of Lee's breaths and his sleeping face that looked so content and calm. Eren kept playing with Lee's hair, it was gentle and felt nice like silk with his fingers. Eren always did this to both Levi and Lee. That was one of the things they shared in common. They both loved it when Eren played with this hair. Even the simplest things can connect the two together. Levi sat at the foot of the twin sized bed, grasping the soft sheets in his curling fists and "tch"ed.

"I'm....sorry, Eren." Levi sighed, looking at him with guilt and regret in his midnight blue eyes. "hm." Hummed Eren, who wasn't really paying attention to what Levi was saying or even what he had to say. Eren played with his hair again, being careful not to wake his son, who looked at peace and clam, no longer sad or even angry. Everything was calm. After Lee woke, Levi apologized and they had framed the picture, hanging it on the wall for all to view at their sons work of art.

-flash back over-

the picture was still there, probably layered with dust and dirt. Eren hadn't cleaned unless he was showering or washing a dish ever since Levi had left. Now I'm not saying Levi just disappeared or anything, but he just left. Not exactly got up and left, there was a reason.

But that's another story.

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