Hidden Treasures.

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Day 3- Point Of View.

Question of the day: What is your biggest thing that irritates you? Mine is when people touch my neck.

Eren felt alone with Levi gone. "He'll be back, right?" He asked him self, sitting up from the old bed that creaked when he moved on it. He asked himself that every single day. Lee walked in, two pieces of toast that was lightly buttered and mostly burnt to a deep brown crisp on a plate with a napkin at the side. It wasn't bad for Lee's first time on making toast for his father. Eren bit into the toast and chewed, not looking at Lee in the eye. "Dad..."

He spoke up, and eren tensed up, afraid of what his adopted son was going to say. "Its been a year, dad.." He trailed. Oh no, please don't bring up Levi, Eren thought; almost shaking from both the cold that was surging through his body and the unbearable thought of what Lee was going to say next. Eren was scared and nervous for what Lee was going to say next. "it is my birthday next week, Dad... Are we gonna do anything?" Eren let out a sigh of relief and smiled at his son while ruffling his hair with one hand. "Of course, what do you want to do Lee?" Eren asked with another smile and pat on the head, his voice cracking only a few times. "Well, there is an Art Museum Opening today, then maybe we can go out to eat, like we did last year?" Lee perked up at his own statement. Ah, like last year, except there was no Levi in the equation this year. Last year they went roller skating... the nice memories, where Eren didn't feel alone and cold.


Eren was cold once again.

He closed his eyes, remembering that day that was so blissful among the three of them.


"Come on, Levi!'' Eren giggled, dragging the shorter raven behind him with a large and true smile painted on his face. "Fine, only 'cause Lee wants to." Levi growled, taking the roller skates from the desk and taking off his shoes (of course spraying them down) and slipping the roller skates on, before he tied them in a perfect bow. "lets go brat." Levi said, trying to get up. "Levi, do you even know how to skate?" Eren questioned, perking his head up to Levi who was stumbling and waving his hands in the air with widened eyes. "Yes....maybe.....not really but I'll figure it out; how hard can it be?" Levi asked, trying to walk with shoes that had 4 wheels on them. Eren busted out with fits of laughter, clutching his stomach and laughing until tears brimmed his bright eyes. "What is so funny, brat?' Levi turned around his head, now facing eren. Eren wiped the laughter tears before sighing and skating over to his husband after his skates were tied. "You just look so cute." Eren cooed, pecking his husbands nose with another small smile and grasped Levi's hand tightly with his.  "Whatever~"  Levi rolled his eyes, sighing and squeezing his hand with another returning small smile. eren helped Levi to the small gate in the long rail surrounding the big wooden floor where everyone was skating, happily with large smiles on their faces. Lee was out there two and Eren and Levi made sure to bring Hanji with so she was skating with him and holding his hand tightly.

They moved out there, Levi taking his time to steady and balance himself and keep a calm face while doing so. It is happy and nice times like these Eren loved the most. Everything seemed lighter and he cherished every second of it. They did a full lap, Levi almost falling once and gripping Eren's hand like his life depended on it. "Okay Levi, I'm gonna let go.." Eren assured him once Levi found his own balance. Levi's eyes widened and his reached out to Eren once he had let go of his hand. 'No no no Eren don't leave me alone!" Levi was scared once Eren did another lap. Levi just stood, watching him with a deadly glare as he was latched onto the railing just like he was holding erens hand earlier. Once Eren reached up and kissed the back of Levis neck-- right on the nape, all of Levi's anger vanished in thin air, and he felt relaxed and calm now that he had eren back.

"I promise, Levi, I won't ever leave you alone." Levi smiled to himself, but he knew he couldn't promise the same thing to Eren. He wish, he really wish he could but something held him back.

-Flash back over-

Eren walked into the art place with Lee latching his hand onto his father as he skipped along side Erens side and talking about all the paintings they will soon be able to gaze at. Eren nodded, not really paying attention to what his 12 year old son was saying. Are they celebrating Lee's birthday a week earlier than all the other years? Why now?  Eren didn't really question it, so he just closed his eyes, closing out the thoughts of Levi from his head, but failing as all the thoughts kept swimming back, making both his heart and head pang with depression. Everything was more and more grey and less colors showed up by each day Eren never got to see his husbands beautiful eyes. Eren was always thinking about Levi had gone off to. Japan? France? England? who knew? Plus even if eren found out, would he even chase Levi there? Not really. If Levi decided just to walk off, although eren wasn't thinking straight and had nodded his stupid little head which caused all this shit to happen.

But that's a different story...

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