Tag Challange (?)

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I got tagged to do this sooooo yep lets do this boi! (Oh shit waddup)

I got tagged to do this sooooo yep lets do this boi! (Oh shit waddup)

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I'm sorry lets do this.

I was tagged by Ciph3rsObs3ssion so please do me a goodie and follow them 👏👏👏👌👌👌

• You MUST state the rules
• You MUST tag 15 people
• You MUST answer 13 facts about yourself
• You MUST answer the questions given
• You MUST give 13 questions
• You MUST complete within a week (or else punishment)

-Q U E S T I O N S-

1) What Is Your Nationality?
I am 50% Mexican and %50 North American
But I am %100 trash 😉
2) Favorite Type Of Shoe?
I love converse. My stereotypical and cliche teen girl shoe. I wear them to work, school, and everywhere. I hate flip flops my feet are gross.
3) Favorite Color?
My hair color is my favorite color. Teal and Aqua. Hands down. I find it to be so pretty and calming at times.
4) What Is Your Sexuality?
Well shit if I don't know. It's really blurry at the moment. I like girls and I like guys. I like boobs but sometimes I don't. It's really the matter of personality is it not?
5) Introvert or Extrovert?
Introvert. I can't talk to anyone my age and I get along more with solitude rather than doctors and students and patients. Plus dogs don't talk so that makes it even better.
6)Do You Watch Anime Or Read Manga?
Currently in my position I have not had the time to watch Anime (reading manga isn't my thing.) but I did re-watch Beyond the Boundary and it was my life.
7) Cartoon/Anime Crush?
Hells yes.
•Dipper Pines
•Mabel Pines
•Stan Pines ;) Just kidding!!!
•Mirai from Beyond the Boundary
•Jake the Dog he is my senpai.
8) Rate Yourself On Wattpad From 1-10
I'm not going to be mean to myself and say like -5000. I'm a solid like 6-7. People like my stories, they like me. They enjoy my words. And that's all that matters.
9) Why Did You Join Wattpad?
Someone very near and dear to me told me to. Someone who is gone, and won't be back for a long time. I'll visit them sooner than later, though not for the same reason he left me.
(Re-stated: my brother told me to, he passed away, soon I'll be joining him because I'm dying :D and so is everyone else just slightly slower than me, unless they have a worse condition.)
10) Have You Ever Been To A Concert? If Not Who Would You Want To Go See In Concert.
I have not gone to a music concert yet, but did see Dan and Phil on their tour. It was 🙏🏼 beauty. It was grace. It was so much phan.
So much.
But if that don't count as a concert then I would want to see:
• Melanie Martinez
•Troye Sivan
• Twenty One Pilots
• Halsey
• or Kanye (just kidding)
11) Religious or Nah?
Eh. I don't care. Whatever. Not a subject I care too much about. I don't mad by the subject or offensive, I just am neutral. Same goes with politics. Just, no.
12) Do You Have A Crush On Anyone?
I am currently dating someone at the moment,
And it will be our one year anniversary this month.
But damn just because you on a diet don't mean you can't look at the menu. You know what I'm saying ;)
13) What Occupation Do You Wish To Have In The Future.
Something with art. Digital art, maybe. Graphic Design is what I'm going to try and go to college for. But who knows what the future holds for me. Maybe I'll just work at a fuckin McDonalds or Taco Bell.

13 Facts About Myself

1) I am mostly quiet.
2) I am in a relationship.
3) I partially Own a restaurant.
4) I am battling Lupus.
5) I've never played Pokémon Go and I never want to.
6) I have like 2 friends in real life. And One very very close friend. Like biffles.
7) I once ate a m&m from a ditch when I was 6.
8) I love peaches (candles, perfumes, fruit)
9) I hate going into Victoria's Secret. It makes me so uncomfortable when the girl walks up to you and surprise attacks you from behind with a "WOULD YOU LIKE A MEASUREMENT TODAY?"
10) I have a fat black French bulldog mixed with a pug. She snorts and farts wayyyy too much.
11) Favorite movie is my neighbor totoro although I did just see suicide squad and it was 👌 delicious.
12) Video Games are my lifeeeee.
13) I'm not allowed to eat unhealthy food because "it will hurt my dying insides" and "worsen my condition" but the doctor don't need to know I like to sneak in a chocolate bar or two.... Or ten. Just between us okay?

I tag:

And my 13 questions are

1) Besides Occasionally Writing, What is Your Favorite Hobby?
2) Who Is Your Favorite Writer On Wattpad?
3) What's The Clichè You Oddly Love (ex: Kissing In the Rain, Drama But they Get back Together, etc.)
4) Favorite Color?
5) Favorite Movie?
6) What's The Best Thing About Yourself?
7) What's A Pet Peeve of yours?
8) What Color Are Your Eyes?
9) If You Had One Wish, What Would It be. (cannot say "more wishes".)
10) Do You Prefer Solitude Over Most Things?
11) What's Your Favorite Season?
12) Favorite Number?
13) Favorite Meme?

)10) Do You Prefer Solitude Over Most Things?11) What's Your Favorite Season?12) Favorite Number?13) Favorite Meme?

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