Glassy Skies

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Part of me


White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection. White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive feeling.

So to sum it all up, the color white, the solid bright light color, is supposed to make you feel better, scare, pure. When my eyes shot up, all they saw was white, why was that? Why is everything white? And how come I am not feeling safe, nor pure? I wanted to open my mouth to speak, but it felt like it was sewn shut tightly. I wanted to raise my head, or my arm, even my legs. I couldn't. I couldn't move anything, it has felt like a pile of bricks and anchors were chained to my body, pulling me down. I breathed through my nose, but it felt like water was pouring through it, into my lungs, making it difficult to breath. All I could do was move my eyes. I flicked my gaze to the right; nothing suspicion. Then I looked to the left, still nothing.

So I just sat, or laid, looking at ahead. My lungs burned and begged for air but when i would try and attempt to breath liquid would fill me. I felt the hot tears brim my eyes as I felt like crying. But my body wasn't letting me cry. I felt like I was chained to a lab table, syringes constantly stabbing and pricking my all over and over again. I didn't feel numb. I was warm, pulsing through me was lots of warmth. I would've smiled, I really would've, if I had the ability. If I had even cracked my lips open it felt like a wave of pain shoot through my body. I could only scream internally, cowering to the beast.

'I want to wake up' I told myself, making a determine look in my mind. My thoughts was al I had now, it was like it had transformed into a whole new person, heck he even had s different voice than me. "No, you will wake up, Eren." The voice said from the back of my head. Yeah, yeah I will wake up. "Now just open your eyes Eren." But that was weird, aren't my eyes already open? I'm gazing into whiteness ahead. It wasn't that bright, nor was it too dim. My eyes are open, why is my voice playing games with me? Is this some kind of joke? Cause I don't think it is that funny. "Open your eyes, Eren." The voice had a light and soft tone, angelic. I closed my eyes and opened them once more.

Whiteness, pure innocent whiteness surrounded me again. To the left, white, to the right, white. Heck below me was white most likely. My eyes felt open, but where they truly seeing what I was looking at?  Was I truly awake and active? Or was all this just a terrible dream? To hell if I know, it all seems like a nightmare, I can't breathe, move, I don't even know if I can see. I felt my eye close slowly. I knew my eyes were closed nut I could still see the whiteness surrounding me. I could just imagine one of the song my mother would coo to me to calm me for when I had another terrible nightmare of the boogey man or there was a thunder or lightning storm. I remember one mostly out of them all. I can even hear her soothing tone echoing through my dining ears;

How many days have passed like this?
This city, the crowd is fading, moving on
I sometimes have wondered where you've gone
Story carries on, only lost inside

I've had this dream so many times
The moments we've spent have passed and gone away
Could there be an end to this, what I'm feeling deep inside?
You know there's no looking back

Glassy sky above
As long as I'm alive, you will be part of me
Glassy sky, the cold
The broken pieces of me

Glassy sky it burns
As long as I survive, you will be part of me
Glassy sky, the cold
The broken pieces of me

The mystery of it I recall
Suddenly the truth will change the way we fall
I didn't wanna hurt you, hope you know
Empty promises, shattered dreams of love

Sometimes I wonder what's beyond
I tried many times to make it up to you
Can somebody tell me what to do?
Thought we're meant to be, there's no going back

Time has already come
Sun is gone and no more shadows
Can't give up, I know, and this life goes on
I'll be strong, I'll be strong 'til I see the end

Glassy sky above
As long as I'm alive, you will be part of me
Glassy sky, the cold
The broken pieces of me

Glassy sky above
It covers over me, over me.

I remember her soothing Voice as he press my brown hair, and cooed me back to work with her comforting words. The lullaby she would sing me would rock me back to sleep. "Eren, you have to wake up now." But I don't want to. My voice was speaking. 'Who are you?' I questioned my own head, my own fake voice in my head and I was talking to it. I heard the voice let out a soft chuckle. "Just call me, Walter." He introduced himself. 'Walter....why do you want me to wake up?' I asked him. I didn't hear anything for a few minutes so I thought he just wasn't answer, so I'm decided to drop it and just stare back off into the space of the white Abyss.

"Walter. Set me free" I asked him after I felt my self lowering more into the deep white trench that was nothingness. "I can, is that what you truly want, Eren?" He asked, his voice clear and firm in my head. I felt my head very weakly nod, showing him I was fine with whatever had to be done. "Eren there are risks to this...." Walter warned, his voice slowly fading by each word. "I don't care! I hate is feeling of being trapped away from humanity! I want to feel the snow and see the colors! I want to be free!" I screamed into my eyes opened, and when I say they opened. They opened. I could see the colors once more, I had missed them so much.

Until the waves of pain came rushing back to my body.

Part Of Me (Ereri / Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now