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Okay here is a fact about me for this update: my biggest fear is that I am afraid, that I just will never be good enough. I'm afraid of rejection, failure, and just being on big crowds that judge me. I'm insecure and timid. But that's just me. What's your biggest fear?

Stay classy ;3
-izzy-chan ❤️


Gray is a cool, neutral, and balanced color. The color gray is an emotionless, moody color that is typically associated with meanings of dull, dirty, and dingy, as well as formal, conservative, and sophisticated. The color gray is a timeless and practical color that is often associated with loss or depression.

That's how Eren felt. He felt grey. He was still laying cold and alone on the wet soft and inviting grass that flowed beneath him. He kept his eyes closed, not wanting to look at the grim and disgusting world that was before him. Eren felt so alone. So grey. If he opened his eyes that's all he would see. Grey.



It was raining. The first drop landed on his cheek, then his eye, lastly on his forehead. Where was he? He didn't know....he didn't care. Everything was grey. Everything was now hated by Eren. He didn't want to speak. He no longer felt the need. Eren felt like he was in one of his dreams, drowning in the ocean of his depression, only this time; there was no Levi to save him. No one to free him of his shackles, no one to warm him. Everything was slow, everything was grey. That's how Eren wanted it. He chose to be gray. And now he is choosing to go down this path. The colorful world he used to surrounds himself in was gone.

He was alone, but he didn't care no more. Everything was fading, everything was disappearing. He shivered, his breath was only a visible cloud of cold air. It faded quickly, into the air. Grey. Eren grasped the grass, making sure it was there. Making sure it was real, no longer a dream. It was reality.

And it hurt like a bitch.

Eren breathed in through his nose, out through his mouth. Another cloud of cold air. But he was no longer cold, it was just the air around him making him shiver. Eren didn't feel cold, he didn't feel warm either. He was grey. He was numb.

Eren was alone in this grey and numb world.

His chest rising, then falling. Something snapped in him. It was a feeling, a surge of something new. A new pain. But it wasn't pain. Eren knew this pain, but it never hurt him. It made him want to smile and skip around in circles, laughing happily. And for the first time in a while....

He snapped open his eyes. And he was met with my most beautiful sight he would ever see. Two large, dark grey clouds that held the wet rain that splattered on him three time. His eyelid, cheek, and forehead still a tiny bit damp from the raindrops. They were spreading apart, the clouds. The sun was poking it's magnificent head out from between the darkness. It was done, the storm was over and done with. Eren sat up, stretching his aching back. How long has he been sitting there, thinking? There was still a pad of flattened grass from where he had previously laid for quite some time. Eren hesitated. what was he doing? Why did he feel this way? It was a difficult question. Where was Levi?

Oh.....Eren knew where Levi was.

He was probably kissing it up with Petra. Loving Petra. She was pronounced a bare neck two days ago, when Jason's men found Petra and killed her husband and both her children, slaughtering them all mercilessly. It made Eren cringe at the thought of disgusting men slowly killing children. It reminded him of Jason. The way Jason always had a new and improved version of a torture weapon. Some were simple like a meta baseball bat or a whip. Some were more complex like some chain things that had spikes, it held no name. No identity.


Eren closed his eyes once more. But this time he was still in his sitting up position. Imagining a better world with colors. Where if this was just a dream, what it would be like once he woke up. Colors splashed his mind and his eyes as he shut them tighter, not wanting to live in the cold reality he was in. Eren wanted to go to a different universe where there was sadness, no pain, no cold.

No grey. That's the dream. No one having to spend an entirety in the cold darkness. Or have to be plunged into the depths of the fake ocean, suffocating and dying slowly. Your chest no longer rising or falling. Rising and falling no more. Your heart stops, your eyes close, your fingers go numb. You are dead, you have no color. What would you do in a world like that? drown? Or would you swim. Open those eyes, bring the color back, bring the color back. If it rains....




The last three splats weren't rain, they were tears. The last one was a big fat blob of Eren salty tears splashing against the grass. He was thinking too much, everything was clouding his mind, making it difficult to comprehend what exactly it was that was going on in this cold reality. In this grey cold and numb reality.


Where was I? Oh yes, if it rains; don't let it wash away your colors. Shine bright with your colors and fight against the smearing rain that is trying so hard to drown you out. Don't try to drown your demons they know how to swim. Curiosity killed the cat they say. But most people don't know the rest, they don't know.

Of course curiosity killed the cat....

But satisfaction had brought it back.

If this was the case, then was Eren curiosity and Levi was satisfaction. Could Levi bring back Eren and make him feel whole? Maybe.

Just maybe.

Eren felt it, but he didn't do anything. He felt it wrap once more around his heart, once again. It took its rightful place around his heart. The warm scarf wrapped again, making his blood boil in the best way. It made his tears only flow faster with joy and happiness. Once again that question was back. Why did he feel this way? But just this time, just now, Eren didn't hesitate to answer mentally.

He loved Levi. His warmth.

Part Of Me (Ereri / Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now