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So short I'm so sorry ;3;

A box.

An empty box. Eren was trapped in that box. There was a door. It had a key hole. But the key was no where in sight. He was alone and trapped in this world. No key to save him from the empty abyss he was in. He just curled Into a tight ball when loud pounding sounds of a heart beat blasted through the boxes walls and ringing into his ears. His bleeding ears. "MAKE IT STOP!" He tried to plea out, but his mouth wouldn't speak. Something wet fell from his eye and streamed down from just that one eye. Blood. Thick red blood cascaded down his cheek and landed on the box floor. There was no splash. There was no box. There was no floor. Jason's face slowly appeared, the wicked grin widened as big as the Cheshire Cat from Alice in wonderland.

"I'm coming for you Eren... Soon"


Eren woke up, opening his mouth and letting be air pool into his lungs. He was sweating furiously and his Hair was damp Against his forehead. 'Another nightmare' he thought to himself as he swung his legs over the bed and stood up. Immediately his knees buckled and gave out, sending him falling to the floor with a loud "thud" rumbling through the small home. The door swung open after seconds and a worried Levi stood there, shocked to see his boyfriend laying on the ground in pain. "Eren?" He asked, wondering if he was okay as he placed one foot in front of the other, walking slowly towards Eren. He wasn't about to add more worry to Eren with the whole "Jason is free and coming to find you" thing. Eren was already in enough pain. Another waves rippled through his spine as he cried out silently. Only a mere whimper was audible to Levis ears as Eren arched his back in pain and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Oh I know." He understood now. He walked towards Eren, picking him up bridal style with ease and setting him back on the bed. Levi sat Eren up straight and took off Erens shirt, exposing his bare back and chest to his eyes. It made Eren blush and wonder why he was doing this. "Don't worry." Was all Levi purred into Erens ear as he sat behind Eren, placing his cold hands on Erens back. His back that felt like it was on fire and in pain. "You just..." Levi trailed off as he slowly rubbed his palms onto Erens higher and lower back slowly. "Slept on it wrong."

It was silent for the rest of the time. It wasn't as Much of an awkward silence but more of a sweet silence Eren was grateful for. Until Levi decided to break the thin ice. "Did you have another nightmare?" He asked, digging his lower palms on Erens shoulder blades before going back to the middle where he had began. Eren nodded slowly. His hair moving with him enough so Levi saw his head go 'yes'. He instantly hugged him tightly from behind, resting his chiseled chin atop Erens shoulder from behind his back. "Wanna talk---err---write about it?" Levi kept forgetting how Eren didn't speak anymore. Eren sighed softly, very softly. So soft Levi didn't hear even from right beside him. He shook his head no. This happened every time he had one. He would shake his head yes, then no. He didn't want to write about it. Eren didn't feel the need to bother people with his problems when they probably had bigger issues to worry about more than Erens. But Eren trusted Levi. To keep ahold of Erens problems and secrets and hold them close and near and dead to his his chest.

"O-okay." Levi stuttered, looking at his hands, ashamed his boyfriends wouldn't write and tell him what is was that was wrong. Only once had he ever listened (or read) to Erens description of one dream. It was supposed to be a happy one where Eren was walking barefoot on the sandy beach side, his toes dipping Into the soaking sand the salty waves crashed into. Until he felt a heavy pang in his chest, making him fall on the sand. One his back touched the sand, it all turned black and he just kept falling and falling and then that shadow would come up next to him and whisper "watch your back" causing him to scream loudly and wake up in a pit of pants and heavy breaths. It was a new one. But so was this one. This car crash one; not even Eren couldn't comprehend what it meant. Eren turned around, now facing Levis who had his head hung low and his hair covering both his narrowed eyes. Eren wrapped his arms around Levi and pulled him close. Once Eren pulled Levi close to his body Levi broke down. He didn't know why, and he didn't know how but he cried so hard it broke a piece of Erens heart. He was at fault for his love crying.

After the touching embrace, the two pulled away and Eren smiled while wiping away Levis left over tears that trailed down his face. "Eren" he spoke softly. Levi wasn't even thinking clearly nor was his actions. "Jason has escaped." Erens eyes widened, his heart dropped.

Oh no.

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