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So in my other book (Hanjis experiment) I said I would give a fact per update. So I think I'm going to do that for this book as well! So here is my little fun fact (may be useful in the future ;3) : I am 5 foot 3 inches tall. I am like a whole inch taller than Levi.

Also thanks again to riren121 for helping me with this chappie!!!! :3 there might be triggering things I don't know what is triggering and what is so just read with caution?
Hope you enjoy the chapter anddddd
Stay classy ;3
-Izzy-chan ❤️

-Erens PoV-

Three weeks? That's how long i have been missing? Is anyone even worried about? Is anyone going to be able to find me? Was Petra just lying to me? No Petra wouldn't be able to do that. She was my friend, my little light of hope to my deep and dark hell. Petra visited me more regularly, which was scaring me oddly enough. What if she just stops giving me hope? Is she tired by me? I was still on the heated and bloody chair. I hated this chair, is sometimes gave me splinters. It was worn out I wobbly. Jason finished his beating for now, but he promised me he would be back after Petra was done with me. I kept my head hung low, it took about 10 minutes for Petra to come back, so I waited.

"Oh, Eren." I heard someone whisper in a sympathetic tone, I turned my head to the left and saw the ghost of my mother, she was shinning and her skin was glowing. She has a warm and apologetic smile written across her porcelain features. "M-.....m-mom." I croaked out, trying to lick my lips but only tasting blood, which tasted like pennies. She smiled again and enveloped me in a warm and reassuring hug, sending me into a beautiful meadow of her favorite flowers, Daisies. I wasn't on the chair anymore, as now I was laying back to the ground and staring at the very slow moving clouds, that made all different shapes. My head was in her lap as she played with my no longer greasy hair. I felt free and alive. I didn't feel numb. I did still feel cold, but not numb. I opened my eyes and et the light soak into me as i watched all the colors. "Oh, Eren." My mother whispered again as she rubbed her thumb across my forehead, making my close my eyes and enjoy her soothing touch. "Mom." I said, my voice filled with sweet emotion. My lips were no longer chapped, they were just like before. My throat no longer burned, and my wrists weren't chained together, so i lifted them in the air, my skin glowing brightly just like my moms. Was I....dead? No that's impossible. I let my hands fall back to my sides as I let my mother caress me, only speaking "oh, Eren." Into my ear as I listened to her calming voice echo through my mind.

"Mom, am I...dead?" I asked, making her let out a dry laugh and I felt her head shake no. "Oh, Eren." She sighed and stopped caressing my hair and face. "You're okay. Just be strong, have hope." My mother smiled at me from above. "Just fight." I sat up at looked at her warm smile, making me smile right back at her "okay, I'll fight." I mumbled as I nuzzled into the crook of her neck softly. She rubbed my back and cooed sweet things into my ear as she also played with my messy brown hair. "You're gonna wake up now okay?" She smiled again as she started to fade away. The flowers shredding away into dust and leaving it to be me and her. My eyes widened as I shook m head furiously. "No wait! Mom! Don't....don't leave me." I said once she started to shred away. "Fight my dear." She cooed as my head fell off her lap sonde is was now gone. I curled into a tight ball and cried helplessly as the tears never came out, yet my face felt wet. "Don't leave me alone." I cried out as I gripped my hair, missing her hands stroking it softly, soothing all my pain. "Oh, Eren. Fight for me. I'll never leave your side." I let out a whimper as I circled tighter.


"Eren...." Someone whispered and poked my neck, which only had about 2 hickeys from last time he violated me. "M-mom." I called out as my eyes opened slowly. I looked up and saw Petra, the closest living thing to my mother that I have right now, other than Mikasa. Mikasa wasn't my mother, not even close. Mikasa never held me in her lap, and told me to fight. Petra did, she even had my mothers eyes. Except golden. "P-Petra." I cried out as I saw I was resting in the mattress. Oh no, not today. My hips still hurt. She nodded as she knew why I was crying. I was going to get violated again today. I looked at the dark ceiling as my head was rested on the pillow. When I first slept on it I thought it wasn't comfy. But now it was the most comfortable thing I have ever felt in my life. I felt like I was in the cloud when I laid on the mattress. It was wonderful and pure bliss, even though I could feel the springs from underneath me.

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