Chocolate Kisses Part One.

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Sorry for spelling errors ;3

Eren sat he table, picking his food. He enjoyed watching the green beans flop against the others. Eren was sulking in his own deep trench of thoughts. Levi was at work; making money to pay for the expensive apartment that they were barely affording. Which is why Eren wasn't speaking up about anything to do with his lasts at thoughts that were swimming in his mind. Eren saw that in the crinkly newspaper that lazily rested in front of the apartment door. Levi was at work, so Eren couldn't help but to skim through the weird newspaper. Now I know what you're thinking; why isn't Levi with Eren, or Eren with Levi at the bakery, working? It's because Levi pretty much forced him to stay home. Why? Because Levi wanted to bring a sweet surprise home and surprise Eren with it. So as Eren sat here, face in his palms and stressing over one little thought, he didn't know what to do. Eren looked at that article like it had just murdered Levi and all he dearly loved. Why was he so nervous? What is it that made him afraid of talking to Levi--his Levi about one little subject? I don't know. Eren re-read the newspaper article over and over again. At first it was due to boredom in which Eren had just skimmed the first paragraph; barley reading the story. But then he had gotten intrigued; Picking up the whole newspaper like some old man at the kitchen table drinking a cup of warm black coffee that stirred lazily in the pearl white mug shining brightly. Eren re-read it once more, being sucked deeply into the descriptive article.
'Local Orphanage Fire:
At 1028 Birchwood Lance, Maria Local Orphanage had a medium sized electrical fire that burned most of the electrical wiring and some of the kitchen located on the first floor. fortunately, the children aging from 3-17 got out safely and everyone was okay except for one very minor 1st degree burn on the housekeepers right arm mid-bicep. Witnesses state that there was little smoke and the firefighters were able to stop it in time. Although due to renovations being done in the burnt areas and re-wiring being completed; the orphans will be resting and staying at 'Sina Orphanage.' Located at 2383 Evendale Drive. Now the Sina orphanage is packed full of orphans but will hold strong. To be continued for later updates.' It read. Eren couldn't but to feel bad for those children with no parents that now have to go through the tragedy of losing their homes in which most of them were practically raised in? Tough.

So now Eren sat here, thinking. What if he and Levi were to adopt a kid? But they were already swimming in a pool of dept. so there would be a .0000001% chance of ever adopting a kid at this rate of which they were making money. They would need another big boom of their bakery to come up before they could ever adopt and play would Levi even be for or against the idea? Would Levi even want "snot-nosed kids running around and dirtying their home"? No. 'That's a bad idea, I shouldn't even be bother with the pitiful thought.' Eren sighed as he looked at the clock that rested on the table sat next to the fluffy couch. '6:30' Levi would be home soon. Levi would sip off his coat, hang it perfectly on the old wooden coat rack and sit on the couch after throwing off his shoes. After sinking into the couch Levi would then rest his head on Erens lap and talk about his day. At least,

That's what Eren thought.

'That's odd, he is always home by now.' Eren thought to himself as he glanced again at the clock. '7:15' it read. The sun was going down. Eren started to worry for his husband whom wasn't home yet. Eren stumbled into the kitchen and tapped his fingers lazily to a song that had been stuck inside his head all day. Eren hummed the tune as he pulled out ingredients for tonight's supper. He was going to make extra for Levi. Eren set down two plates after he was finished, making sure to wrap up Levis portion and keep it in the fridge, with the others.

"Hm, probably must be busy with work." The clock was now ticking to 8:00. Levi still hadn't arrived. Eren took a bit of the spaghetti he prepared; the saucy marinara that was hot against Erens taste buds burned in the most tasty way possible. 8:30. Eren brushed his teeth, looking at his reflection with worry. What if something bad happened to Levi? Is he alright? Should i be this concerned or is my mind just being silly?  Eren didn't care~ he was worried. Eren picked up his phone and dialed Levis number which was the first in his contact speed dial list; as always. No answer. But Eren did receive a text from Levi. With Erens worries washing away as he opened it and skimmed over the message. "Sorry I can't answer, busy." It had read. Eren didn't reply, he didn't want to distract Levi with his job so he just wandered around the home, exploring every nook and cranny. But he had already seen everything you can in this apartment. It had 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. And the living room was near the kitchen, but not connected to it. Everything was cramped and small but Eren didn't mind. He liked it that way.


Levi still hadn't arrived. By now Eren had given up hope on his newest train of thought and decided to go on his laptop mikasa bought him for his birthday this year. Eren typed in the orphanages name and scrolled, looking through the website secretly as if Levi were to walk in at any moment and catch him. Almost like a mom walking in on his son gazing at porn websites. Or a dad walking in on his daughter reading gay fanfiction and drooling over the magnificent detail over the gay sex they were having: nosebleed and all. Eren has never read fanfiction but through his....ahem...'research' on the study of fangirls he assumed that's what they did when they viewed that sort of writing.

10:00pm. Still no Levi. By now Eren had pages upon pages of research on this orphanage and hid them away in a secret folder that was hidden underneath their bed in an empty shoe box Eren kept for secret emergencies. Right after he shut down his computer and put away the shoe box he walked down stairs in a comfy, two-sizes-too -big sweater that the sleeves were falling down to Erens finger tips. He also wore his black boxers and fuzzy pink socks. Eren wadded into the kitchen, noming on his sleeve as he looked through he freezer for a ice cream treat to eat. Since Levi wasn't home to judge him, Eren ate while watching the bright screen show his favorite television show of "sponge bob square pants."

Eren grew bored and glanced once again at the familiar black and white clock that showed the time. "10:45" it read. Tick tock tick tock.... Eren pulled out his phone, unlocked his phone, checked the notifications and then locked it once again. Not a text in sight. Eren sighed, sending another. "Well, I'll see you soon. I love you.." Eren sent it, sighing as he turned his attention back to the screen. The phone vitiated, and Eren immediately picked it up and read the short message. "Yeah see you soon." No I love you.

12:00. It was an hour passed closing time. It approximately takes 1:00 to clean the baker. Surely, surely Levi would be home soon.


1:00. Eren had finished his ice cream. It was thrown away and Eren was brushing his teeth once more again. ' he avoiding me?' Eren pondered as he circled the living room. He pursed his lips, taking the negative thought to the side and shrugging it off.

It was now 1:30 am. Eren was cuddling with Levis pillow, wide awake. All his thoughts were consumed of the orphanage and Levi. Although he was more worried about Levi than what Levi would think of his latest obsession on adopting kids. Eren checked his phone, the brightness hitting his eyes, making his pupils dilate quickly smaller; adjusting to the light. 'No new messages.' Said the notifications. "Hmpf." Eren pouted, wondering why Levi wasn't home, or even talking to him about coming home soon. Erens eyes slowly closed, letting sleep consume him.

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