Endless Flight.

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-slams head on desk- no inspiration, here we go, hope you enjoy. Sorry if i spell like a turd. I feel like its better if i keep talking about Levi and how he is, i will go to eren from time to time. ALSO THIS IS THE LAST CONFUSING CHAPTER THE NEXT ONE WILL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING!!!!
Day 6: Planning the plot. (I am in the process of planing the plot for my sequel.)


"How many stars are in the sky, Levi?" Levi was awoken by Erens question. He shuffled in his bed, now face to face with his husband. "What?" Levi asked. It was a silly question, and eren knew that. Eren sighed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about the stars. "How many stars do you think are in the sky?" eren asked again, repeating his question to the older male. Levi sighed, still looking at the side of Eren structured face. Levi studies Erens face perfectly but he still loved to gaze and space off into Erens face, his eyes, messy hair, jawline, cute little kissable and poke-able nose; Levi loved Erens face. "um, 100 trillion. Now can we sleeep?" Levi practically begged with his frown on his mouth and his low glare. Eren looked at Levi right into his brilliant blue eyes. "I think there are way more than that." Eren giggled, smiling brightly. "I can see the stars. In your eyes." Eren said slowly once Levi turned over and made is so Eren could only see his back. Levi blushed slightly, but didn't let Eren see since he wasn't facing him.

"Good night, Eren." Levi stuttered out, clutching the pillow tighter as he let his memories flow back to that one phone call. With that thought in mind, Levi turned over again and grabbed Eren who was in the process of turning over. Levi latched onto him, snaking his arms around Erens waist and nuzzling his head on Erens chest; wanting to cry. "Ehhh..?!" Eren was surprised by Levis sudden actions, but he wrapped his arms around Levi and pull him closer. "I won't leave you alone Eren. I.....I can't." Levi thought to himself as his grasped tighter onto Eren, not wanting to let go of Eren. "Goodnight, Levi." Eren was stupid. Eren couldn't see what was really going on. Ever since that day, Levi has been stuck to Eren like a leech. But Eren didn't know the real reality of it all. He was in a different world, a world were Levi kept this secret, this huge secret from his lover, his warmth; His husband. It was all to disappear soon. Eren would see the truth, everyone could see the truth. Soon.

Levi was going to lose Eren soon.

-Flashback over-

Levi sat on his desk, looking into an empty sheet of paper and a sharpened pencil in hand. No no, he wasn't going to draw, he was trying to find something to write. But to whom, to what, to where? To Eren, to Lee? Levi looked at his phone, pondering over the thought of calling his friend Hanji to see if she has seen Eren yet.. Has she? The next song played on the radio, it was one of his favorites. Circles, by the Eden Project.

If I told you how this story ends,
Would you change a step you take?
And if I could relive all mt day, I'd live them all the same.
I'd live them all the same.

Levi would, he would change a step he would take. He wouldn't have left the only place he truly called home. He missed Eren. He missed Lee. He even missed Hanji and Erwin. Levi really messed up, he took the wrong move, he made the wrong choice. This is one choice Levi would forever regret. Levi let the paper drop, he put his head in his hands and shook. Levi wasn't crying; he ran out of tears long ago. Levi felt alone, cold, and afraid. Just like Eren did. Eren was busy in Lees room, reading him his favorite story of little red riding hood. Now why would a 12 year old still like story time? Because Eren didn't want Lee to grow up. Eren didn't want time to pass and see his age go up. This was the only year Levi never made it to Lees birthday. This year was the dark year. When Eren told Lee that his father abandoned the two, he didn't move. He had been abandoned by both his parents already once, now he had to go through the pain of losing another. But Eren helped Lee pick himself back up and Eren healed his wounds. Erens wounds were still open and hurt, bleeding out. Eren was bleeding out.

'cause I'm scared, of all that I don't know,
'cause I want it all but all of it ain't gold.
And I'm scared, but I know it's not for long.
'cause I'm learning what I should've done long before.

the song played on, and Levi picked up the pencil and wrote down his first words on this first blank sheet of paper. He wrote and wrote until his pencil well dull. He put down the 5th sheet of filled up paper. It was just a simple writing phase. Levi just wanted to express his feelings with his writing. No one would ever see it soon. Levi dropped the pencil, his hand cramped and red from all the writing. He picked up the 5 sheets of led-filled paper and stacked them neatly on the corner of his messy desk. His whole room was filthy. It no longer smelled of Erens warmth. Eren was the opposite. Everything was clean, polished and perfect. It was just the way it used to be when Levi was around. Both of them had gone crazy. Levi became a mess and Eren was too clean for comfort. When his friend Armin stopped by, Eren refused to let Armin in, he didn't want his filth to get everywhere. Armin understood and they sat in the hallway outside of Erens apartment and talked like they did every time they would see each other. It was nice.

That all we are, is a light into the darkness;
And all we are, is time that's counting down.
And all we are, is falling through the spaces in between;
Endless flight, life time in repeat.

Levi lived every day alone, and in his bed. He had taken a shower, but he would still feel unclean. Levi just let it be, and just sat on his desk chair, writing. By now he had written over 50 pages and it had only been a day. He was just in need of letting everything out that was in his head. In his heart. In his soul. when Levi was just sitting, listening to that one song that started it all... he felt at peace. Levi felt a bit calm when he wrote what he wanted. Levi even felt so calm as to unlock his door, and eat dinner with his family. they were shocked, and attempted to reach out to Levi; but he wouldn't respond.

But I still find solace, when you say that you know how I feel.
When it's wrong, and it ain't been right for years.

Levi had now filled up 75 pages. He wasn't done, it wasn't over. He had gone out into the store and bought more notebooks and pencils and pens of all kind. His parents said it was fine, as long as it made him happy. It made him feel calm, not happy. He would only be happy when he was with Eren. that was something no one could ever change.

Let go, give these ghosts a new home;
Let's bury our past and our fears and all these bones.
Let's go, I should've seen it long before;
'cause this is my life. I will not run in circles. Ending where I start.

The song replayed as Levi started his 100th page. Levis eyes widened in at the familiar tune replayed in his head. Levi sat back in his chair, puts his hands in his lap and leaned back, enjoying the soft song that slowly climaxed.

So hold onto me, we'll burn slowly. And feel our hearts leep to words we dont mean:


that word stopped Levi and his heart gave out a pang. His eyes traveled to a picture frame that was facing the desk table top. Levi reach out a shaky hand, flipping it up and dropping it back own once he saw that one picture. The picture of Levi and Eren during the wedding. It was when Eren and Levi fed each other piece of cake. Levi had a bigger bite of course and Eren had a cute smile. Levi had a bland and monotone look of disinterest but you could just see that one emotion in his eye; that one spark of Love in his eyes. The way he looked at Eren made Eren feel special, and he was. Levi knew he was. Eren thought Levi was special. And he was. Levi covered his mouth, as if he was going to vomit because of the picture. So instead his bit his finger, not letting himself cry. The song played on:

Means nothing to me, 'cause I don't know it is. I'm just dying to be
All that I've been dreaming of. And words betray me.
Contradict all I stand for; but I'm still learning.
Yeah I'm still learning.

Eren looked at the same picture. He stared long and hard. He studied it and looked it over and over again. He held it in his shaky hands. Eren even studied the frame of the picture. It was white, fragile and square. Not rectangular. It was a perfect square. It framed the photo perfectly and fit the photo with out a single flaw. Eren sighed, letting the picture frame flop onto the carpet with a small and light thud that rippled through the ground.

That all we are, is a light into the darkness.
And oh we are, Just time that's counting down.
And all we are, is falling through the spaces in between; Endless flight,

We're falling to our knees...

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