Another Authors Note (PLEASE READ)

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See that picture up there? My horrible handwriting please excuse it. But I wrote down your ideas cause they are all so amazing!!!! Thank you all for the 52 followers I am so honored. ❤️

Okay so i have a few questions. They are simple and easy questions. The one with the most right gets a prize! (Of their choice OR my choice if I can come up with one) rules: you CANNOT go back into the other chapters to look! You have to use your memory! Please do that for your izzy-chan. And you can't cheat off others answer if someone posted before you. I will check answers by the end of the day. And have fun! Okay here we go~

1) where does Eren work?

2) what is the name of the guy inside Erens mind?

3) what is Mikasas charm?

4) who kidnaps Eren?

5) what is my favorite color?

6) what is my favorite anime? (extra point: who is my favorite character in that anime?)

7) last one: I type all my chapters on what?

EXTRA POINT: what sexuality am I? It's okay if you don't get it right.


Okay so please answer if you want to win. I will update again today and then at the end of the day I'll post another note saying who won! So comment as fast as possible! And the winner gets a prize of their choice. >u<

Stay classy ;3
-Izzh-chan ❤️

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