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(Sorry for the crappy title) Erens dream~

Everything circled around me. I was sitting in a car, buckled into the leather seat, grasping the cold steering wheel. I looked to my right, my mom sat there, doing her eyeliner; or at least attempting to. It was beautiful though. She was always able to look pretty for anything and it amazed me. I looked into the rearview mirror. I was in a van, and there was two rows behind me cramped with my friends, my family. Levi. Mikasa. Armin. All of them in the car, talking like pals. This was an oddly normal dream. A light tune traveled from the dusty speakers as I felt my foot going down on the gas slowly. The car lurched forward as we drove. Everything was calm and smooth. I was driving causally. They were all laughing (except Levi duh) and talking like as if they've known each other forever. My shoulders relaxed, I drove a bit quicker. I wasn't in charge of my movement, but I felt myself relaxing.

This was normal. Almost like a reality. Except my parents are dead. Died in a fire. My speed quickened, faster and faster. Quicker and quicker. I was now going 50 mph. I saw a sign roll past me quickly, but I was fast enough to catch it. "Eren." It read. The more I sped the fast things out my drivers window started to blur. The scenery blurred more the faster I drove on the car. My hands were glued to the wheel, my feet slammed on the gas. I was focused on the road, nothing else. I didn't even notice the worried looks everyone was giving me, but I heard their angelic voices in my head. "Eren?" My mom asked. "Eren slow down." My dad ordered. "Eren, you okay buddy?" Armin asked. "Eren, slow it down." Mikasa spoke in her dry and monotone tone. "Brat. Slow down." Oh that voice. I knew that one.


My warmth.

I opened my mouth, but it felt like duck tape covered it. I moved my eyes and looked down.

Duck tape. Covering my lips and mouth, making me unable to speak. They didn't seem to notice my duck tape. I was unable to move my arms or legs, but they were glued to the same spots as before. The gas pedal and steering wheel.



"EREN SLOW DOWN!!" My mom screeched worried. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I could hear the others around me, I could move my head now. It wasn't numb like the rest of my body. I had control of my head. I snapped my head to my mom; more tears poured from my eyes. She didn't seem to notice me. "Eren! Slow the fuck down!" Levi barked from the back side. I couldn't. I was being forced. This ghost somewhere was controlling me. An outside force moving me. I looked into my lap; not wanting to face everyone who was shouting at me to slow down.

But I couldn't.

I had no control. I couldn't do very much. I was useless in this dream. Just like all the others. But the pain, the utter pain, I have during this dream is driving me insane. Usually it would just be me, and a mysterious shadow; who would whisper in my voice softly "I'm done protecting you." But then again, no one was protecting me. I wasn't ever safe. The sense of security was long washed from me. I wasn't safe. The cold darkness was going to consume me soon enough. It was only a matter of time before I would fall. Before I would crash. Before I would crumble. I was a grenade and I wanted to take the amount of people I was going to hurt to a minimum. So as I sat here, in this dark car, with all my loved ones shouting at me....

I thought.

About the cold darkness of scars I have faced through this year. Through these months. I hurt so many people. Mikasa Armin.


I've hurt Levi too many times. More than I can count. I 'tsk'ed to myself in my head. The tears not effecting the ones around me. Heck I wasn't even at the road yet they were yelling at me for my speed. My recklessness. My stupidity. All of it. My fault.



I was almost to a hundred. The screams had now become much more louder, making me cringe with fear. Now everyone---even Levi. Was screaming. Demanding, pleading, begging for me to slow down or pull over. I couldn't. I had no control. I was worried. I couldn't move and I wanted to. I tried so hard. To wiggle my toes, my fingers. I could move my head, why couldn't I move my legs hands.



They were screaming their lungs at me. I was driving way too fast for comfort. I only knew how fast due to my eyes casually flickering to the speedometer then back to my lap. My shoes were my everyday converse. The dirty was still marked along the edges. My shoes were dirty. It actually disgusted me. It never did, so why start now? Maybe I was focusing too much on them.

Bright lights.

Two very bright lights ahead, leaking through the windshield and onto my lap. Their screams heightened into pleas, begs, yelling. I couldn't breathe. It was like all the other dreams---no...the the nightmares. They all ended in my death somehow. But now this was doubled, tripled. Ten times worse to where I would now be the cause of my family's, friends, and lovers death. I was the burden in this situation. I would slow down. I would stop. If I had the ability. I was at fault. It wasnt the truck a heads fault. It was my one silly mistake. I caused t. I can't fix this one. No one can.


Everything went black, time seemed to fly. But it only felt like moments before I was laying on the road pavement. The truck to my left was demolished, its front crushed and windshield broken. The old man that was in the drivers window had his bald head on the steering wheel. The loud and annoying horn blaring into my bleeding ears. I moved my head to the right. And I saw the car I was driving. It was flipped onto its side. Levi was next to me; a branch penetrating right through his heart. My mom was smashed through the wind shield, her limp body dangling out the wind shield. My dad was most likely in the back room, bleeding out from smashing his head. Mikasa and Armin were dead. Levi was dead. Parents were dead. I was still alive. Why?

Why was I still breathing? Why was my chest still rising and falling? My breaths even and slow. A single tear dropped from my eyes. Crawling down my bloody and gashed cheeks. Glass was sprawled out all over the road. Most of the windows on both of the cars smashed. This, all of this. Was my fault. Step. step. Step. A boot walked on the glass. Kneeling next to me, tracing a finger down my chin. "Oh, Eren...." The voice whispered. His face now coming into view. My eyes widened. My heart stopped.

Jason. That monster. He smirked. His ugly teeth shinning bright in the moon light.

"I'm not finished with you, I'm coming for you....." Pause.

"Watch your back."

Part Of Me (Ereri / Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now