Dancing Planets.

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Heh. Listening to my father talk to the tv and Call the guy talking on the TV a "fag" and "dick sucker." And "homo"



While I sit here, wanting to cry at the harsh words he spits from his mouth towards the TV. -eye twitch-

I got social media accounts!!! Ifunny, tumblr, And Instagram. They are all the same username @thesebrokenstones so make sure to follow if you want 1) funny photos 2) yaoi photos 3) SNEEK PEEKS AND SPOILERS TO THIS BOOK!!! THEY WILL BE ON ALL THREE ACCOUNTS SO MAKE SURE YOU FOLLOW ME IF YOU WANT THEMMMM!!!

Sorry for spelling errors.

Levi laid there, dark bags carried heavily under his eyes and sagging deeply. His mouth a gape slightly, his chest moving as he twitched his eye from lack of sleep. The radio was on. The same exact song from that day was playing. But there was no tapping of his fingers, no happy laughter shared between the couple. No, it was a grim silence but only the light classics song that lightly flowed out of the speakers in such a way it made Levi want to take the radio and throw it out of the nearest window. It was still a disgraceful mess. Levi was just resting his head on the white cream colored and plush pillow that still had Erens lingering fresh scent on it. Life is just a paragraph, they say. They who you ask? I don't know, no one does. It's just what people say when they try and make a point, I guess. They say, that life is just a paragraph. But why? What could you possible say about your entire and long lived life, with ups and downs and good and bads, that could Fit in a tiny, 4-5 sentence, paragraph? For Levi, his life was chapters upon chapters of words. Descriptive words in fact. He wouldn't skip on a single detail, making sure he included each and every memory still fresh in his mind. But he never wrote the story, he just thought about it. His life. He life was now a mere sentence; a bundle of random and non-descriptive words mushed together to form a silly and childish sentence.

For Levi his life was only a sentence without Eren. Eren gave his life more detail, more words, more meaning. For Levi, Eren was his beauty, his light, his color, his everything. I think I have said this before, but I'm just making it clear; that Levi truly, truly loved Eren. So why wasn't he doing anything? Why wasn't he screaming, punching walls, throwing glass plates at the punched walls, tearing the bed, crying? Why was this all taking so long to effect him? Why wasn't he crying anymore? He didn't feel at peace, he wasn't calm on the inside. Levi blinked. Once, twice, three times. Four. Five. Six. Not a tear remained in his eyes, not a gleam of color of happiness in his eyes. He moved his head, looking at the empty space on the left side of the mattress where Eren would lay, smiling at Levi as he watched him read or do whatever he did before letting Eren fall asleep cuddled in his side, snug and sound. There was still a dip in the mattress. An imprint if you will; where Eren laid, as he slept.

Levi breathed out, and stopped peering at the empty and open space of Erens spot. What would Eren say if Levi was here? If he saw Levi laying like this in such a glum mood? What would he say? No, what would he think? Because Eren stopped speaking, his angelic voice muted by the same monster who had taken him not once but twice. But what would Eren say if he could speak? I know. He would kneel next to Levi on the bed, wiping away the thin Raven locks that rested lazily on his forehead and smile, kissing his pale forehead and letting his warmth radiate from Eren to Levi. "Don't be sad Levi...Maybe you just need to clean, you always did that when you needed to think and process things." Eren smiled again, tucking Levis hair behind his ear. But Eren wasn't there, he was just Levis imagination making him see such odd things.

And so Levi got up, looking at his socked feet, dangling over the edge of the mattress. He pondered in his thoughts, slowly and mysteriously as he didn't know what to do. His life was an incomplete sentence without Eren. He life was grey and cold. He didn't know what to do, say, or even think. He was tired. Levi was fully rested; but he was just tired, mentally. He was alone and afraid of life itself. Levi never really realized just how much he needed Eren, and his sweet warmth. Levi got up, but his knees buckled and his legs had stopped working. He fell, landing on his knees. Levi couldn't even walk without knowing if Eren was okay. Where was he? Back in that old lopsided cabin? In that disgusting and damp dungeon that he didn't even know what it looked like, but Annie and Bert and Reiner had explained it vividly. It was like a nightmare dungeon no one would want to be trapped in. But Eren was. This wasn't new to him.

Levi grabbed his phone, which rested on his nightstand, next to the old and dusty lamp that was almost flickering. He dialed the only number he could think of . Someone who wouldn't look at him any different even for all this emotion and weakness Levi was showing. Some who would pester and tease him endlessly but still love them no matter what.

Levi called his best friend, his only friend, Hanji.

-flashback to how they met-

It was 3rd grade, the young boys and girl scattering among the long halls. Except for one new Raven haired young boy, Levi. He sat outside the principals door, his legs swinging from boredom as he looked around aimlessly. He was getting registered and today was his first day. Levi still kept his dark and monotone look, his hard and deep glare that sent crawling shivers down your spine. The principal, old and fat, but cheery with a wide grin walked out: his thumbs tucked under his brown leather suspenders. Mr. Fredrick, his name tag read that was sat atop his dusty wooden desk. Levi couldn't help but glance at it as he walked past the pane glass window door.

"This way, sunny." Mr. Fredrick smiled more, patting Levis back. Levi tensed up, but relaxed nether less. He just didn't like it when people touched him. It was uncomfortable and disturbing for Levi. "Here we are, room 104!" Mr. Fredrick said with delight as he swung open the door, catching the classes attention immediately. They were studying math; Levi was good at math, really good. In his old school, he excelled perfectly and flawlessly in all his studies. "Ah, Mr. Fredrick, who is this young boy?" The teacher, Mrs. Valentine smile, folding her hands over his dress and bowing a little to view at the little boy glaring at the staring class that was observing the new young boy with wide, innocent eyes. "New addition" and with that, he was settled into the class, being place in the back and in a 4 person table. Including him, there was only two people. It was a boy, who didn't talk to Levi but only payed attention to the class at hand.

It was now break time and all tables got a small amount of blank sheet papers and a thing of crayons. Levi immediately took a piece of paper and a red and black crayon; his two favorite colors. He drew and drew, his red crayon losing it's sharp tip and slowly becoming more dull. "Hey Levi what are you drawin'?" The table ahead of him turned their heads, smiling and encouraging for him to show the small kids his work of messy art. Levi sighed, resting his chin on his palm and his elbow on the table, lifting the paper with his other hand bad showing the kids. Levi watched as their smiles fading into horrified ones. There was big people eating smaller people and the red crayon representing the blood smeared all over. They quickly spun around, whispers erupting from the table.

"WOOOOOWWWWW THATS SSOOO COOL!!!" a shrill voice erupted from God-knows where and a bouncy and jumpy brunette, buzzing with excitement jumped to him and plopped in the seat across from him. "Hm. I guess I could tolerate you." He muttered, crossing his child like arms over his chest.

And that's how Levi and Hanji met.

-flashback over-

"Oh my god, Levi?!" Hanji asked as she stepped inside the bedroom. She used the spare key Eren gave her to get into the apartment, only supposed to be used for emergencies only. This was one of those times. Hanji lifted Levi up back into the sitting position on the fluffy bed and watched him stare off into space. Hanji found the letter, trying not to cry, scream, or yell as she skimmed Over the harsh words of the cruel and dark monster, Jason. Hanji stopped and dropped the paper, letting it float to the floor as she placed both hands on Levis weak shoulders, gripping them tightly as she stared into his eyes. "Levi. Don't give up on your hope. We will find that monster and save your love once more,

I promise."

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