Meaningless Words.

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Oh my goodness today just... Was the best day for me o(o). I was walking in the hallways and I saw these two boys holding hands and they are so cute together you have no idea and I saw them kiss each other goodbye and splitting ways to go to class and they both had a frown and it was just so cute!!! I was smiling the rest of the day until I saw it AGAIN and just it was too cute!! I ship it so hard. Also don't forget to follow me on the social media accounts (insta, deviant art, tumblr, ifunny) in which I have the same username (Thesebrokenstones) so follow meeeeee I will 110% will follow you back!!!

Stay classy ;3
-Izzy-Chan ❤️

"Levi we have a lead." Hanji said before Levi hung up abruptly. He slipped in his coat in a hurry, running out the door in a fast sprint. "Eren." Levi thought as he started his car which the engine roared loudly as he slammed on the gas peda, moving through the paved streets and roads with quick speed and swift movements. He arrived at the location Hanji sent to Levi. Why was this place so familiar?

Oh yeah.

It's the same place. The same old crooked house that looked more worn. More older. More of the wood was peeling off, hardly any of the white or cream colored paint was still on the oaky wood. The door was still firmly in place on the front, but wouldn't be for long as Levi ran quickly, not caring about Hanji- who was screaming for him to stop and take his time. Take his time? With what? He didn't want to be away from Eren any longer. Tears escaped his eyes as he sprinted fast, foot in front of foot. He didn't have a dagger. He held no gun. He didn't need it. Levi wanted to kill Jason with his own two hands. Levi wanted to beat Jason until his heart stopped beating.

Levi ran through the door, slamming his shoes on the floor. The floor boards groaned and creaked lowly as Levi ran faster. Heat built in his chest, swirling his heart that was beating quickly. Levi ran down the stairs, following the trail of weak warmth that was getting hotter and warmer the closer Levi got to that old and creaky door ahead down the long stone hallway. The Halls seemed to get longer with each foot Levi stepped closer. Levi reached his hand out, grasping the door and opening it wide. Jason stood there, a knife in hand and a wide, evil grin plastered on his lunatic of a face. Crazy shone bright in his eyes as he looked at Levi. Levis wide eyes traveled to the withering and familiar brunette boy on the chair. His hair greasy and stuck to his forehead.

"Eren..." Levi spoke in a murmur... A mumble almost. Jason scoffed and stepped closer to Eren, the sharpe knife grasped in his sweaty hand. "I knew you would find me eventually, but not this soon, I haven't even started with my new experiments yet!" Jason chuckled lowly, grazing the tip of the knife on Erens arm, up to his bicep. Erens lips twitched, showing he was alive. Relief spread through Levi. But soon anger consumed him and his eyes. Levi didn't think twice nor did he regret the next choice he made. He lunged at Jason, knocking the metal knife out of his grasp and kicking it to the corner of the room.

Levi punched Jason. He kicked him, kneed him. Levi beat him. His fists bruising more and more with every punch. Jason tried to fight back, only able to scrape his finger nail on Levis cheek, only causing a scratch. Levi kept hitting and hitting until Jason went limp, and stopped fighting back. He was dead.




Finally. He was gone for good. Levi turned around, seeing Erens chest barely moving. "Eren." Levi said, scooping Eren bridal style and walking out the of the old house. Levi just let his eyes on Erens beautiful and hurt face, his eyes softer than the hard glare he held before. When they got into the car and Eren was laying on the back seats, Levi sat next to him. Watching him to make sure he would be okay during the long trek to the nearest hospital. Levi brushed Erens hair, the greasy feeling hit his fingers by he didn't care. He didn't care about anything except Eren. His Eren. Levi was still Erens precious Prince Charming. And Eren was still Levis damsel.

Eren was okay. Eren was going to be okay. He was going to be fine. Right?


Just maybe.

-flash back time cause this chapter SUCKS-

Levi snuggled into the blanket, trying to find extra warmth while Eren was preparing dinner. "Eren." He called, making the blanket hood over his head and Raven hair. Eren walked in, holding a note. "I'm making dinner what is it?" It read. Levi held up his hands, and outstretching his arms silently before speaking "I'm cold." He said, his mouth in the regular frown still on his face. Eren smiled, wrapping his arms around Levis body and hugging him. 'it's, warm' Levi thought with a sigh. Every time he had a wave of warmth flow through his body it was like a new experience for Levi. It was happy and felt amazing. Eren left and went back to dinner, while Levi frowned at the loss of warmth exiting his body at a rapid pace.

-flashback over-

They arrived at the sterile hospital, that smelled of bleach. It was nice. Clean just how Levi liked it. But now his warmth was away in the hospital. This familiar feeling of warmth that was once coursing happily and carefree through his body was now dissipating. Levi just stood there in the middle of the hallway; blaming himself with wide eyes and an agape mouth as he watched the nurses and doctors wheeled him away. They wheeled his Eren away. Levi was now alone and cold. Also afraid. Levi was scared. What if Eren didn't make it? What if Levi was going to be left in the cold alone and forever with no Eren by his side?

'No, stop thinking like that.' Levi thought to himself as he paced the small and cramped waiting room. It was where Levi and Hanji and Erwin sat in silence, hoping Eren would be okay. Waiting for the doctor to arrive with the amazing new or the horrendous new that Eren was gone. That his heart stopped beating. But nothing happened. No doctors came for over 5 hours. It was pure silence as Levi sat in his thoughts.

'I'm cold.'

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