Last Resort

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Soul_to_Keep is amazing I totally suggest you go read realization is a bitch which is AMAZING and like all the other books which are all amazing!!!!!! Okie now for de chappie!:

Stay classy ;3

-Erens PoV-

Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.

My whole body aches as I freaked my eyes open. Do you know when you wake up and there is like the weird stuff in the corner of your eyes? Yeah that was there. I gave out a loud shiver and cough. My throat was on fire and my eyes burned. I didn't want to open them. They were halfway open as I peered around the small and damp dungeon. I was still on the thin mattress, as well as the pillow was still there. I was cuddled up to it, needing my warmth back. Where was Levi? Where was my warmth? Where am I? I didn't know, and frankly I don't think I'll be able to find out. I groaned in horrendous pain as I sat straight up and slouched my aching back against the cold brick wall. I leaned the back of my head against it as I breathed slowly. My heart beat was slowing down as I took many deep breaths. I just want to be home. With Mikasa and mom, and Levi. I only have known him for so long, but once you meet your soulmate it's an eternal bond. Forever together.

I've wondered what Levi feels for me. Is he disappointed in me? That I'm not good enough for him? Am I good enough for him? I know for sure he is too good for me. I mean look at me, pitiful. I'm always in need of help. Why can't I change things around and help someone else for a change? That's all I's all I need. I would risk my own fucking life if it meant keeping someone out there safe. I peeked my eyes back to their half-way open position and looked around the room like last time, observing everything. Even though there was t much to see. Just a old wooden table with a black table cloth draped over some things. There was now a small lantern that was where the flickering old candle was. It was still dim, but a little bit brighter than last time I opened my eyes yesterday. There was still crusty blood on my forehead, probably from when the creepy guy bashed my head against the building wall.

There was a big old wooden door that had a black metal handle in the shape of an O. The walls were dirty red-brown old bricks pulled high. The ceiling was actually pretty high. The sounds of drip-drop of some water falling from the ceiling and splattering on the cement below my feet or mattress. I was so hungry, my whole body felt numb. I squinted my eyes as someone opened the big wood door and a bright light was shining as it was opened. It was soon closed and my vision was back to normal. It was the creepy, head bashing dude from yesterday. I heard her footsteps hit the cement as he walked towards me. I just shut my eyes and let him walk towards me. I was done fighting. It hasn't even been 2 days I have been gone and I am already miserable. He gripped my hair and yanked my head back, my throat in full view.

"You know Levi?" The old man growled in a weird accent that was unknown to me. Russian maybe? I don't know. How did he know Levi? Is he part of his gang thing? I swallowed what saliva I had resting in my mouth and opened my mouth, my voice rough and shaky. "Yeah, what's it to ya?" I coughed again as I sent a small glare to the old man. The old man pointed a finger at me as his golden eyes narrowed to a deadly glare. "Now don't give me that sass." He sent a punch to my stomach,  making me groan in pain and land on my side. My hands were still chained as were my ankles. That was until he reached up and I cuffed other my ankles and wrist, and before I could even move a single muscle, he yanked me up and tied me to a chair, wherever that came from. I sat there, my shoulder dropped and slouched as my head hung low, in shame. He tied my agin to the chair tightly as he walked to the old wooden table, yanking off the black table cloth, showing the disgusting torture tools. My eyes widened in fear as is I breathed quickly.

"Who the fuck are you?" I snapped at him. The old man examined the big spiky ball before placing it down in its original spot, nearly where it was. He faced me and crossed his arms, huffing angrily. "My name is Jason." (Anyone see what I did there OUO BU DUM TSSS EYYY......I need a life.) Jason spat as he picked up a old metal tool, which was rusty and brown, and still had dried up blood on it. My eyes widened in horror that the thing as I shook my head frantically as she walked towards me with it. "W-w-what are you doing?! STOP! STOP DONT TOUCH ME PLEASE NO STOP STOP STOP STOP---"

-Levi's PoV-

I gasped as my eyes open and I shot up, sitting up straight. Cold sweat beaded off my forehead as i breathed heavily.(no what is happening Eren is not a dream). I ran a hand through my hair as Hanji walked in with my tea, setting it down neatly. "Another dream?" Hanji asked as I gripped my tea cup at the rimand gulped it down. "No, it felt so real." I murmured as I took the last sip to my drink and set down the empty tea cup. Hanji furrowed her eyebrows for a few moments before relaxing them in realization. "Ah, probably because when you find your soul mate, after a while you get visions or in your case, dreams about what is going on with the other person." Hanji explained as she picked up my tea cup and left me in my room as I widened my eyes. So Eren is getting tortured?!


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