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-Erens PoV-

Love has no age, no limit, and no death.

- John Galsworthy

(Thought it was the perfect quote for this XD)

I shuddered at Levi cheesy pick up line, I felt a hot blush creep on my cheeks, making me feel overly self conscious and look at my lap, nervously. Levi leaned over the table and grabbed my shoulders, making me gasp at his movements and I looked at his face. "Don't look away, then I won't be able to see your angelic face." Levi stuck out his bottom lip, making a pouty face with his lips. I opened my mouth for a response, but I couldn't speak, he had practically stolen my vocal cords. My ability to speak had been ripped from my grasp.

Levi leaned back and plopped back into his seat, earning a small squeak from the old wooden chair. I let out an awkward cough before actually speaking up, even though my voice was scratchy and rough. "So....what's your story?" I asked quietly, oddly afraid of asking what I had asked. I was afraid he was going to be mad at me for asking such a weird question since we had learned some stuff at the boardwalk, but not much. All I had learned was he was one of the most well known thugs of one of the most well known gangs of the city. Levi let out a sigh, probably thinking of something to fire back at me, but instead he told me everything,

"One very rainy night, at a bar, I was getting heavily drunk off my 19 year old ass, I gotten into the bar with a fake ID, those stupid bartenders didn't even ask for it. Anyways, I was very wasted, far from sober, and this lady comes up to me, dark brown hair, tattoos covering pretty much everywhere but her face, asking me, me of all the 100 people in the bar, if I wanted to be part of a gang. Now I was stupid and I was drunk, so I was like, why the hell not? I was alone, forgotten about, my father, that asshole, abandoned me when I was 13 and my mother died when I was 16 of cancer. So I was alone. For three years, crashing at Erwin's or Hanjis place, constantly changing back and forth between the two. So anyways, she took me in, said her name was Star, it was a code name, obviously. She took me in, trained me to be a fighter, to not be weak. To not show any form or sign of weakness. Star was my mentor, my guardian, my teacher. I looked up to her, ya know? And so one night, we were out on the town, doing a quick cover of the land, making sure everything was fine. That night was star and I's shift, so we surveyed our territory. I went left, she, right. I was walking back when I heard crashes and screams of terror ringing though my ear. I admit it, I was very very scared for my life. But like star had taught me, to not be weak, emotion is weak. I walked towards the sounds slowly, slower than I should've been. I rounded the corner and there she was there, bloody and beaten to a pulp. There were no gun shots, she was barely hanging on for dear life. Her heartbeat was weak and very slow. Her last words to me were , "don't be weak, be strong.." What weird last words right? Anyways I followed her words, I mean she was the only person of the gang I had actually entrusted with my real name. Although she had never told me hers, I didn't mind. So I lived on from there, becoming one of the heads of the gang, until I met you, then I was released, thank god. And that's pretty much it." Levi didn't make any eye contact with me until the very end of his descriptive story of his whole past.

I took a deep gulp and processed what he has been through. Levi has been through more things than any 21 year old should. Levi had no parents, and no where to go, except to the comfort of his friends. I grabbed his hand, making his eyes widened his eyes in surprise at my sudden movements towards him. I looked at his steel grey blue eyes with a stern and hard look. "We have only known each for so long, but yet I feel a deep connection with you, I only hope you feel the same connection. I'm so sorry with what happened with star and I hope the people who did such terrible things to her should go to fucking hell. But I hope you can put your trust into me, I will protect you. And if I can't, tell I'll go down trying. Will you let me protect you?" I asked, somehow out of breath from my quick speech.

Levi looked like he was in shock. His eyes were widened and I could tell his pulse was racing, he was radiating more warmth to me showing he was surprised and shocked.

"Okay, I'll trust you to protect me. Just make sure you trust me so I can protect you." Levi responded and shuffled closer to me, our warmth mixing together more. "Okay" I whispered, our lips only inches apart. Levi chord and shook his head a little. "I'm not saying okay. We aren't gonna turn into a sad sob story, alright?" Levi asked and leaned closer so our nose were brushing together softly and his body was practically in my lap. I bit my lip still nervous as more heat rose to my cheeks embarrassed. "Alright." I whispered as I placed my hands on his waist and pulled him fully on my lap, earning another creak when the weight was lifted off the old wooden chair.

Levi rolled his grey eyes with a small smirk played across his cute stubborn face. "Alright." He cooed quickly as his breath hit right on my lips. I closed my eyes and lean closer to his body, taking in his vanilla scent (ahem riren121  ahem AHEM) that was know covering his body instead of lavender. But no matter what he still smelled amazing. A wide grin spread on my face and I fluttered my eyes open, our gazes meet slowly and we were pulled closer. The tips of our noses passed each other and our lips were about two centimeters.


Then what happened next shocked me.

Guys like my the fault in our stars little bit? Just without the cancer and sadness instead it's happy and stuff 030. Anyways, it's like 11:45 pm so yeah I'm tired but bored so :/

That was for you riren121

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