Facing Reality.

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(I decided to update another time just for you guys!!!! Also I keep forgetting to do the fact per update thing so here is a fact about me: I have never ever Cosplayed nor been to a anime convection or a convection of any-kind. If you have, comment about how it was I would love to know >u<. I was so inspired and just yes. Thank you all for reading! 564 reads?! WOW!!! Thank you all again! Thank you lifeakaanime riren121 Eevdeex Fabulous_Levi LethalMoose Loading69 THANK YOU ALLL I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!! So this is dedicated to you!) and don't forget!!!

-Izzy-chan ❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

With that, Eren turned around, his brown hair swishing with him and his quick and fast movements as he ran down the long stair case. With each step he took, he got colder and colder, the warmth he once had wrapped around his heart like a warm scarf was slowly evaporating into a mist of cold air. It swirled around his body and over took him, putting him in a state of shock where he didn't know what he was doing now. His feet slammed against the wood, then on the porch, next on the concrete, turning and twisting. He was blinded by the tears forming in his eyes, making his vision blurry and foggy. 'Why me?' He asked himself, questioning himself. Levi wasn't in the right state of mind. It was all stress and alcohol streaming in his blood. But Eren didnt know that, he was unaware of everything. He didn't know the truth. He wasn't in be right state of mind. It was over 5 months and now, today, in this moment, he finally felt that he had the freedom; the ability to speak. So many new and old yet familiar emotions circled and flooded his mind. He wasn't thinking straight. So why was he running? Why was running away from his problems yet he knew they would catch up to him? Eren tripped. He fell. He was lost, in his own world. The world spun around him as he breathed out. He wanted to speak again, he wanted to see Levi.

A dream.

That's what it was. Just a dream. Everything felt so fake, he would wake up soon enough. Reality would hit him and he would be back in bed, now awake and aware. Eren would write to Levi, who would be down stairs or in his room, cuddling with him and making sure he slept soundly, and write to him about the dream that felt so real. This wasn't reality. This was a dream. Everything is fine. But Erens recent dreams have been different, more difficult to understand. Like a ten part maze. All of its twists and turns. That all this dream was to Eren.

Twists and turns......

Twists and turns.

He was confused, didn't know where to go. Didn't know where to hide. Didn't know what to do. Or think. He didn't even know what to say. This was just a dream, right? He would be waking up soon. This would all be coming to an end soon enough. The light, which was the sun, would engulf him and he would wake up, open his eyes and breath in the clean air, that smelled of lemons and windex. Levi loved to clean his place, it's all he would ever do.

So as Eren sat, now laid, on this small patch of open grass which was recently trimmed down short....what would he do. This was all just a dream, he would think to himself. Soon he started to believe his own lies. But what was the truth in this world of lies? If this was real.....if Levi really did make love to Petra, would it ever matter? would it even affect Eren? The answer was simple. No.

It wouldn't.

It was just another scar to add to the pile. His heart was shattered enough. But like I said. It was all just a dream. A silly dream. A pathetic, misunderstood, dream. It was all okay. 'I'm fine...' He would whisper to himself in his mind. Eren closed his eyes, and waited, patiently for him to awake.

He never woke up.

He just laid there, in the comforting silence of the world around him. Even though he was in is dream, in his own little fake world. He cousins help but feel awake. Like this was reality. But he still was firm, it was al just a dream. It wasn't reality. Part of him was breaking the more he thought and thought about this being his reality. Eren was breaking more and more slower, his mask falling more apart the longer he sulked in his own deep thoughts. Everything seemed to blur. Even though he had his eyes closed, he felt blind. Eren could open his eyes anytime, see the bright blue sky with the pretty clouds that were shaped into the images Eren loved to point out what he thought they looked like. But that was reality.

This was all just a dream.

A silly, misunderstood dream.

Why is part of him broken though? How come he never felt like this before. This was a whole new level of pain for Eren. Jason could beat him and violate him every single day and he would still never feel the pain he feels now. But then again,

It was just a dream.

It was all......just a silly dream.

Obviously this pain was new, it was terrible and it hurt Eren. Eren felt no real pain though. Everything was fake. This pain, was fake. It wasn't real, nothing in this world was real. It. Was. Just. A. Dream.

But it wasn't.

It was reality. This world, right here, right now, was real. This pain Eren felt surging though his body, was real. Everything was real. Levi did have sex with Petra, and Eren did speak. But the words he spoke weren't true. That was the only lie in his pool of truth. He didn't nor could he ever hate Levi Ackerman. Eren still loved him, but why? He walked in on him nude with Petra. Why did he forgive him, but want to wither away and just cry. It was like a piece of his delicate and glassy heart chipped off and fell on the ground, shattering. Who could ever pick up the pieces? Who could ever make him feel whole, human, fixed? Who could ever make him feel loved and not abandoned.


But why, did he feel broken, his fragile pieces not picked back up? Why did he feel not whole, not human, not fixed? Why did Eren feel Unloved, and abandoned? Why was Eren breaking down with this new pain in his mind, heart, body? Why?


Because it was all just a dream.

But no, Eren laid there, thinking. His eyes closed and his chest rising and falling. Rising and falling.....rising and falling. It was all just a dream. This was fake, all of it. But it wasn't nor could it ever be a dream. So Eren laid there, just doing what he does everyday.....

Facing Reality

Part Of Me (Ereri / Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now