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(Sorry for spelling errors)

Everyone has a different perspective of the world. Everyone has a bias opinion or feeling about the world. No opinion is true unless it's a fact. People can feel the same, but not in every single way. No one is the same. Everyone sees the world differently. For Eren, he views the world as a monster. It was dark, cruel and scary. But for Eren, as he was trapped in this hell named "earth"; he had a shine of light in his little hell that he clung onto. Levi. His warmth. Hell was a cold, cruel place that only Levi could save him with his warmth. When Eren became a silent mute, his view changed during the time. Not saying that it was any better than before....but....different.

So as he was in this clean and pristine kitchen, smashed against the wall and having Jean quickly shoving himself off of Eren and darting away from Levi charging toward him; he thought. That's all he did. Frozen solid. In place. In shock. These passing months have gone by so peacefully for Eren and Levi, so....why did it have to change now? Why did Marco just have to die? Why did Jean have to grope Eren inappropriately? He didn't know. No one did. It was life. And in life....

Shit changes, shit happens. And you just have to get through with it. Toughen up, it could be worse. Levi grasped the back of jeans apron, forcing him to the ground as his fist collided with Jeans terrified face. Shit happened. So as Eren sat there, witnessing the brutal fight before him.

He thought.

About Levi. His mom. His dad. Mikasa. Armin. Marco. What would Marco think about this? About how much Jean has changed, about how much shit has happened?! When Levi pulled off Jean and ran to comfort Eren, he flinched.

Levi just brutally beat someone with a thread of their lives left almost and then comes towards Eren; who is fragile, broken, and many scars covering his body. It's obvious he is gonna flinch at Levis reach out for him. Levi hard look softened, the creases between his eyebrows softened. "Eren.... Are you okay?" That shocked Eren, Levi asking him how he was. Levi knelt beside Eren, looking at him in the eyes. Eren stopped worrying, they had all vanished like magic. He latched onto Levi.

His light.

His warmth.

His other half.

Oh how Eren loved Levis touch, when his hand grazed over his scars he let out a shiver and a smile; digging his nose into Levi and inhaling his amazing smell. It was all 5 things that he loved about Levi. His looks. How manly but adorable he was. His smell. The natural but manly smell he was engulfed in was luring to Eren. His eyes, the grey-dark blue mixture he had in his eyes was a truly beautiful color. Entrancing. His touch; the way he was so gentle. Each move he made was soft and filled with love. Not once was Levi over powered with the powering hunger that was lust. Of course when things got....sexual. There was lust, there was a lot of lust. In their eyes, voice, the way they moved together. But it never overpowered with love. It swarmed their eyes, voice, and the way the two moved together.

Last but not least; Eren loved his taste. Not in the dirty way. He loved the feeling, the way, that way his felt when Levi kissed Eren. His taste wasn't revolting and slimy like Jason or jeans. It was just right, it was a beautiful mixture of love and care. To most people, they view Levi as a cold, uncaring and unheated person. But to Eren, he is just a guy with a lot of scars, just like Eren. He had a rough background, losing almost everyone that was close to him. To Eren, Levi was gentle, loving, and caring. He wasn't unhearted nor was he uncaring. At least,

Not in Erens view.

Eren sighed happily and kissed Levi's lips, pulling him closer as his eyes shut tight. He wanted to block out Jean, and Jason, and Petra. And everyone who has ever hurt him  and focus on his love. Levi. Now Levi has hurt him, but nothing like Petra, Jason, or Jean. Petra did heal and help Eren, through his pain and suffering somewhat. she built up his hope. His love. His light. But then she had betrayed him and crashed it all down using the one thing Eren was close to.


She took advantage of the situation, making it hers. Maybe it was for attention, or maybe it was to grieve and try and get over the loss of the trauma of becoming a bare neck. No necklace, it was heart breaking to think about. Eren didn't fear Petra. No he pitied her. Pitied her for losing what was most important to her.

Her light.

Her warmth.

Her other half.

He feared Jean, mainly because of what he did. He violated Eren. Not as much as Jason, but a lot to add a few more scars to the piles and piles he had. Eren was still, slowly, recovering. It's been over 8 months, but it felt like just yesterday that Jason had tied him on the bed and thrusted into him, unprepared. When Eren had kissed Levi; just like he had hoped.... everything worked. Jason was gone, he never existed. And Jean never stuck his hand up Erens shirt, groping his chest and twirling his nipple roughly. Jean was just his normal friend, whom he would argue with daily as they would have silly horseplay (a/n: sorry not sorry.) and fight like the friend-enemies they were. And Petra never took advantage of anything. she wasn't a bare neck anymore, nothing bad happened to Eren. He was still happy and talking with Levi. It felt so real. Almost like it was reality.

But it wasn't,

It was all just a dream.

Jean still touched him. Jason still beat and raped Eren. Petra still crushed Erens hope. They all still hurt Eren. But in this moment, kissing Levi, everything disappeared and it felt nice. Like this happiness would continue forever and ever. It would feel like this kiss would last forever. Petra, Jean, Jason, they would all fade slowly from Erens mind filled with scars. His mental scars would fade as well. The only thing to remind him of Jason's pain would be the scars, the physical ones. It would all be okay. It was okay.

Or so Eren thought.

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