Gone With The Wind.

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-12 months later cause I'm not going through all those chapters where Eren slowly heals cause we all know that sucked.- (got the Inspiration from a short story on deviant art)

"Eren." Levi waved his hand in front of Eren face. Eren perked his head up, looking at his boyfriend with a wide smile. With a raise of his eyebrows, his asked with his face what it was Levi wanted. through out the 12 long months, Eren still hasn't accepted his voice or his scars, but he has learned to cope with it. With the help of his sweet Levi nether-less. "Let's go for a walk." Levi softly took Erens hand. Eren automatically squeezed twice. Not one. Twice. He has become worse than Levi with cleaning. Over his year of healing he had felt dirty, grimy, greasy or filthy. He bathed 2 times a day. Showered, not a bath. He would lock the door, unlock it, then lock it again. Eren would wiggle the door knob to make sure it doesn't open before walking away, counting his steps silently in his head.

One two three four five six seven eight nine.

And so on.

They walked out the door. Levi waited for Eren to lock, unlock the door, and re lock it before jiggling the door handle that was cold against his warm touch. They walked hand in hand, out the apartment complex and towards a trail. Eren didn't know where Levi and him where going but Eren didn't question anything anymore. Eren just closed his eyes and let Levi lead him down this path. The long trail carried away endlessly. It felt like it was going on forever. At least an hour of walking has passed. 'Where are we going?' Eren thought, finally opening his eyes and letting the colors swirl into their correct order and the bright sun pour into Erens eyes.

They were on a beach. Near the ocean waves. Why didn't Eren just hear the crystal blue waves splashing again the sharp rocks? I don't know. No one does. Levi stood there, right in front of Eren. He looked nervous. Was....was Levi going to dump Eren? Is that why he felt uneasy? was Eren too quiet or something for Levi? Levi looked Eren straight into his big and ocean-like eyes. If you looked close enough you could see the waves of the oceans crashing the surface and the sandy beaches. "Eren, I've brought you here for two reasons...." Levi started, trying to remember his practiced lines he was going to say. He has prepared a long speech which he was now attempting to remember with out needing to grasp the fragile and crippled paper that had many eraser marks and scratches. It was messy and disorganized but it came out to be perfect in Levis eyes. It all needed to be perfect and flawlessly for eren. Everything had to be perfect if it was for Eren. Eren onto deserved the best. Then why did Eren even like Levi? Because Levi was the best for Eren. The two were a perfect couple; no wonder why they have the matching charms. Perfect fit. Levi just took a deep breath, reaching forward and grasping Eren hands in his own sweaty palms. Levi didn't look at Eren but only at his shoes.

"One reason is that it was the only other place that is so cliche. On our first date, we went to the boardwalk, not the beach, not on the sand. We went to the second most cliche place, the ice cream shop, and now we are here, on the beach. It is supposed to be the most Romantic place to go while doing something like this..." Levi sucked in a deep breath through his mouth and exhaled through his nose, calming his nerves. "And the second reason is that I know you have always wanted to visit the ocean someday. So as we stand here, our toes in the sand---well more like our shoes but still. Anyways I was saying...Eren I bring you here to do probably most embarrassing thing ever and to do it at the most cliche place I could possibly think of that you have always wanted to visit. So here we go..." Levi closed his eyes before he crouched down on one knee, praying silently to himself this would be okay and nothing bad would happen. Nothing would interfere and everything would go just as planned. Levi reached in his back pocket, pulling out that familiar black velvet box and flipping open the top, his eyes grazing some the silver ring. "Eren...." Levi said, turning the box around and showing Eren the ring tucked and hidden inside the box. Erens widened as the dark red blood blush only heated up more on his cheeks. "Please please nod." Levi mattered to himself, his voice cracking as he closed his eyes, hoping he would nod yes. "Please. Eren...." He said, opening his eyes and connecting his pleading gaze with Erens.

"Will you marry me?"

~*~*~**~*~*~*~time skip~*~*~*~*~~**~

Knock knock. "Come in." The low and manly voice said. Erwin stepped in, his tux already on and his hair slicked back formally. Levi closed his eyes, sighing of relief. "It's about time.. Hanji won't shut up. " Levi inwardly scoffed and rolled his eyes towards the squealing girl that hand her hands together in and giggling. "Sorry that my best friend looks so dashing in his tux!" Hanji spurted, giggling more and admiring her best friend. Levi smirked, fixing the tie while looking at his sleek attire. His white and black suit perfectly for him and his hair was also slicked back slightly, just like Erwins blonde/brown hair. (Also Erwin slicked his eyebrows but won't admit it to anyone) Erwin smiled and nodded, sitting next to Hanji on the couch located inside the grooms dressing room. "You really love him, don't you?" Hanji asked, a wider smile still on her face. A image of Eren flashed through Levis mind, so happy, young and bright, smiling and laughing. It made Levi smiling ever so slightly and nod. "Yeah......I do." Levi spoke in a murmur that hanjis and Erwin both understood and heard even from afar. A light "cute" and a squeal was audible from his two friends across the room.
Another knock.
"Come in."
"5 more minutes, Mr. Levi." The man said before stepping out after Levi dismissed him with a soft "alright" and a flick off his wrist.
-5 minutes later-
The music played lowly around the church place they have reserved for this day. It was their day. No one else mattered on this day. Sounded selfish but they just wanted this day to go by perfectly and flawlessly. Levi stood at the front, next to the priest guy who would bind the two together as one. The music got louder, the doors swung open, and out stepped the cutest brunette with ocean green eyes in a cream white and white tie tux you could ever lay your eyes upon. A light blush spread on his cheeks as the large crowd of familiar and unfamiliar people turned to watch the boy walk down the isle slowly. What if he was going to trip and cause everyone to laugh? But he couldn't trip now, because now he was stepping and turning in front of Levi, a smile on both their faces (one more wider than the others (ahem Eren ahem)) and Levi just whispered in such a hush tone only Eren cousin hear and make out. "You look dashing, as always." Levi smirked when Eren blushed and looked in the corner of his eyes, seeing Hanji and Erwin giving Eren and Levi a big thumbs up.
The wedding carried as planned, they exchanged vows, Eren sharing his by pre-writing it and just letting levi read it (not even gonna try with vows it will end up being crappy so no...Just...no XD) up until the "I do" part came rolling in. "Do you, Eren Jeager take Levi to be your husband?" Levi opened his mouth first, for obvious reasons. "Sir he doesn't---" Levi was cut off by Erens finger pressed up on Levis lips, shushing him. His throat u clenched as Eren felt free. Eren closed his eyes, laughing loudly and clear for Levi and the crowd to hear. "Eren...." Levi said, happy tears filling his eyes as he heard that amazing sound of Erens laugh. "Levi....Levi Levi Levi Levi Levi." He repeated Levis name before his throat would stop working again. Eren stepped closer, cupping Levis cheeks and tilting Levis head up a few degrees. He faced Levi fully now, as Eren smiled, a real one. Eren opened his mouth, still smiling. Then he said two words before he would kiss Levi on the lips.

"I do."

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