Fix You.

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Day Four- Opening your Chapter/Story
Sorry for spelling mistakes.


When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

Sick. That's how Levi felt, stuck on a hill, laying on the soft grass as the wind pulsed through the sweet green grass that was a bit wet from  the early fog earlier this morning. Levi looked into the cloudless sky, just staring and thinking, about everything. there was a star. A single, glimmering star that shone down and it was so bright. Near that was the moon. Levi cracked a smile, oddly thinking of his husband, no.... Eren. He thought about Eren. no longer Levis and no longer husbands, bonded together as one. On the other side of the world almost; Eren was staring out of his window, looking at the same cloudless sky and shining moon. "Levi....." Levi could just hear Eren whispering his name, it was in the wind. Levis breath hitched as he kept staring into the cloudless sky. He just wanted to go home, with his family. What would Eren do when Levi came back? Yell, kick, scream? Or would he hug, kiss, and cry Levi. tears slipped. Tears were shed. From both Eren and Levi. "Why did you leave me, Levi?" Eren said at the same time Levi whispered in a hoarse voice, "Why did I leave you, Eren?" He cried out, raising a hand into the sky and placing his hand to cover the star, no longer wanting to look at it.

When the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Levi cried more, his hand in the air and the other by his side, where he wished his warmth Eren was tucked under it, snuggling close and snoring softly. He missed Lee, his son. They really had a close bond, it wasn't just as easy to see. Levi rolled on his side and hugged himself, still crying loudly and weeping and wishing for Eren- his eren- to appear. "This is all just a dream" He repeated over and over while the tears increased more and more.

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
I will try to fix you

Eren sighed, wiping the tears falling from his eyes and looking at the cement on the sidewalk below the window. Hm. Erens mind clouded with these, these, thoughts. So he wasn't thinking correctly. Eren lifted his leg over the edge and sat fully on the window sill, legs dangling off the edge. "I could fall, I could die and no one would care..." His mind told him. Maybe it was Walter again. But it was his own voice speaking to him. The door creaked open. Lee stepped inside and faced his fathers back. "Daddy, come in now it isn't safe.." His son spoke slowly, trying to convince him to come back inside. Eren snapped from his daze and looked at Lee, relief washed over him. He had forgotten about his son for a split second there. What would Lee do if Eren died, just fell right then and there, with out a single care in the world? Go back to the terrible Orphanage, once again and without a family to love and hold? No, Eren wasn't going to leave his son. Not now, not ever.

High up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Eren placed his son in his still twin bed. When he was walking back to the door, he ran the tips of his fingers over the soft bedspread, right where Levi sat when Eren and Levi said story time to Lee. When Levi apologized for saying rude things about his sons art work he made for the two. Eren walked down the stairs after closing the door. Eren faced the frame. The old, dusty frame that once held the art work. It was gone, only a single, yellow post it note was replaced with it. How come Eren never noticed this..? Eren peered inside it, reading the 5 words over and over as more tears sprung from his eyes and down his face.

"I'm sorry. I love you." The note read. Eren slide down the wall, clenching his jaw and hands into fists. He hit the fall and rested his forehead on the wall, still crying silently to himself. "Don't leave me alone." He curled into a ball now, resting his forehead on his knees and sobbing lightly.

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you.

Levi got up, not even caring to dust him self off. He was clean, too clean. Levi didn't shower when he got home, he didn't clean his room. His mother was worried, but he didn't talk to her, he didn't want to. He didn't want to talk or speak or even look at anyone but Eren or Lee. Knocks came from his door. "Levi, open up please.. We are worried." His mothers soothing voice came muffled from the door. Levis room has now gathered filthy and messy dust everywhere, covering everything. But Levi didn't feel like cleaning up after it. Levi didn't feel like doing anything now that he was missing such a big part of his life, his heart. His everything.

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Eren on the other hand was washing, cleaning, and reorganizing. He completed the whole house except for Lee's room since he was sleeping. Eren walked into his room to reorganize the closet when he saw it. Levis cologne and his shirt was left on the floor. Eren picked it up like as if it was some kind of alien specimen that he had discovered. Eren crumpled to the floor once again and held it to his nose, breathing it in deeply, and inhaled the scent of his lost husband. Levi wasn't dead, but Eren didn't know where he was; so Eren decided Levi was lost. Wherever he may be.

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I...

Levi was lost. He was lost in his own thoughts and his heart and his mind. He couldn't move and he couldn't think right. Every single time he tried to get Eren out of his head it would always circle back to Eren. Eren this. Eren that. By now Levis trash was over filled with tissues and tissue boxes. He was dealing with this like a teenage girl. And he was well aware of that. But he wasn't eating sweets anymore. They didn't taste right now that he didn't have Eren in his life anymore, they were bland and had no real taste. All the sweets Levi attempted to eat tasted slimy and gross. Unbearable.

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones

And I will try to fix you......

Part Of Me (Ereri / Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now