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(Made this one nice and long for y'all to apologize for scaring you to think it was is FAR from over~ enjoy)

"Eren wake up!" Levi ordered with a worried tone as he shook Eren, who was sleeping peacefully in his bed tucked into the corner on his bedroom. Everything was just like it had been before he he went missing. Of course Levi dusted it and picked up slightly, but all the furniture was in its exact places and spots. Eren was snuggled in his bed, a flawless all over and snoring lightly. He let out soft breaths as he slept but also cute little rare snores and mumbles as he slept so slightly. Eren clutched the pillow harder, opening his mouth but no air coming in to exiting his mouth, and it was worrying Levi. "Eren wake up!!!" Levi screamed now into Erens ear. Eren shot straight up and into a upright sitting positions. His mind was filled with his dream still. It wasn't a nightmare but it was just as frightening and painful as one. Levi sighed of relief when Eren gave Levi a reassuring look telling him he was fine.

"I'm making breakfast, okay?" Levi asked as he stood up and walked out. Eren was just left in his room with his scars and thoughts. That's all he ever had. His scars and thoughts. But now he felt like he had a whole new part of him. Levi. Levi had stole a chunk of his heart and latched onto it, keeping t warm and safe. Eren stood up and left the blankets in the same messy bundle they were when he first woke up. 'Walter.....' It's been 3 months since he has spoke to Walter, and 3 long months ago Walter spoke to Eren, admitting either truthfully or lying about if he was a burden to those around him. Eren couldn't they'll but be oblivious and believe the terrible lie. Of course Eren wasn't a burden to his friends and family. If he even still had any left. Eren closed his eyes as he stared himself in the mirror, not wanting to look at his face. Not wanting to look at his own eyes. They were filled with shame and guilt.

'What Eren?' Walter spoke up from the back of his mind, his voice rough and darken, more of an evil tone to his voice. 'Am I......ugly?' Eren couldn't help it but to ask Walter this peculiar question, it was burning in the back of his head. 'Yes, you are fat and pathetic.' Walter hissed and never did Eren speak up again. Eren collapsed to his knees, feeling weak and afraid. In his dream he had no fears. He had Levi to protect him. But did Levi really want to protect Eren? Of course! But like I said, Eren didn't know better but to think the worst. He saw the glass half empty. Half of the glass was empty, gone, disappeared and never to return.

Eren didn't move, he, of course, didn't speak nor did he think. His mind was blank. Like a canvas. Except he didn't know what to paint. Eren just wanted to be alone while he sat there, resting on the bathroom room door. Just like before, his scars and thoughts.

Levi on the other hand....was stressed. Boy he was stressed. The hospital bills roses dramatically. This wasn't like the movie where the bills magically pay themselves and everything is sparkles and butterflies. No. This was reality. And it hurt like a bitch. It was 10:00 am, but Levi needed to relief himself of stress, needed to calm himself. Levi walked out of the apartment once he finished plating Erens breakfast he made specially for him. He also wrote a short but simple note.


I'll be gone for a few hours as I had some emergency errands I need to run. If you need anything The key to my house is under the mat and the address is below. Stay safe.


Levi never usually left Eren alone to himself, so this was hard. After about 10 minutes of walking Levi started to get colder and colder each step he took, making himself even more guilty. Levi just clutched his necklace, rubbing it softly as it gave him hope. Hope for what? Hope that everything would be fine. Eren would be okay. Levi would be okay. It could all go back to normal. Levi would figure out a way to pay the bills. He could get another job. Make more money. Pay the bills. And keep Eren happy all at the same time. Levi stepped into the store with a sigh. It was a old fashioned style kind of bar. But everyone called it a pub.

Levi sat atop a stool and ordered a whiskey. He looked like everyone else, except from one girl who caught his eyes. She was pretty, wait a minute. Was that? Petra? The girl who had taken care of Eren after his beating and raped? Yes it was. Levi just never got a good look at her. She was shorter by a few centimeters, shoulder length auburn reddish hair. She had honey eyes that calmed you down. She was just overall beautiful. She smiled at Levi and waved, turning around completely so she was face to face. He also notice she had no necklace. She followed his gazed and touched there spot where it would've been, but it was empty.

"He died, Jason's men found him. So this means I'm a bare neck." Petra laughed to herself quickly and sat down next to Levi, sipping from her margarita. "How is Eren?" She inquired, raising an eyebrow at Levi. Levi stiffened and looked away. Petra seemed to get the message. "Oh sorry---" she was cut off by Levis deep voice ringing in her ears. "He is doing better, not talking still after 5 months." He mumbled and looked away again. Levi wasn't even sure what the last words Eren ever said to Levi were. Even if he thought long and hard he couldn't remember. "Oh, im sorry, I'm glad he is doing better though." She placed her soft and delicate hand on top of Levi's, giving a small smile. And for once.....

Levi let Petra touch him, he didn't even finch.

He was scared yes...why? He didn't know. Soon he had one drink then two.




Six. That was the limit. That was the last number he remembered. But he had plenty more after then. Drink after drink and shot after shot, Levi became heavily intoxicated. Stumbling and groaning at every move he made. Petra was drunk but not as much. She was well aware of what she was doing and knew what to do. But thing led to another and they ended up in a can, heading to Levis place.

Petra cupped Levi's cheek and let out another laugh, for some unknown reason. Levi couldn't help but laugh to. The taxi cab driver just scoffed and turned left, heading into the the neighborhood. Petra giggled as Levi moved closer to Petra, getting closer by the second. Before he knew it, lips were locking together. It was a simple peck before taxi man stopped at his house. Petra paid, they got out, stumbling and tumbling up the steps and soon inside the house.

Boots and heels were torn off. Then socks. Soon the jackets were ripped off, then shirts. Buckles were undone and thrown on the floor in a messy way. Levi didn't know what was going on, he wasn't in control. Pants were slid off, as well as Petra's bra was unclipped and tossed to the side. This was simply a once night stand. Everything was filled with lust, there was no love, no real passionate kisses were there. Nothing was sow and romantic. It never was. Levi couldn't help but feeling like he was cheating on Eren. They weren't going on, they weren't dating. But they loved each other. They were each other puzzle pieces. And without the other piece they simply cant be a finished puzzle. That's not how it worked. One thing led to other....and Petra and Levi ended up nude in Levis bed, sweating and panting hard.

30 minutes earlier
-Erens PoV but 3rd person-

Eren took the last sip of his drink, orange juice. He re-read the note over and over and still couldn't believe it. How could Levi just get up and leave? Eren couldn't help but to worry. He stood up, washing his dishes quickly and walking out of his apartment, locking the front door behind him. It was only  a 15 minute walk, he lived near by. Eren was cold and needed his warmth. Levi. Eren walked up the steps, noticing dirt foot prints smudged across the small porch in front of Levis door. Eren lifted the mat and took the metal key, shakily opening the door and stepping inside quietly. He wanted to call out his name, see if he was back or finished with the duties Levi had to finish.

Eren grabbed the railing while cautiously walking up the steps, looking carefully at each step he took towards Levis room door. If it was even the right door. Eren grasped the cold metal handle while just staring at it. He wasn't even focusing on anything else. He didn't even notice the warmth racing though his body in the most amazing and comforting way. Eren pushed down, stepping into the room. His eyes widened and his heart sank into his stomach. Levis as naked and in bed with his old care taker that reminded him of his mother. He didn't know how long he stood there, but long enough that he saw Petra's eyes open and widen in fear and a flash of guilt and sorrow. It looked just like the emotions in Erens eyes. Then eren opened his mouth, tears streaming down his now pale cheeks.

"I-I-I........HATE YOU, L-LEVI!!"

Part Of Me (Ereri / Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now