Hope Falters.

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-Levis PoV (this is during the time when he went to go rescue Eren and he was still with Jason. So a little bit of a memory but in Levis PoV)-

Five more miles.

Four more miles.

Three more miles.

Two more miles.

One mile.

We're here.

The old wooden cabin stood tall, tilting to its side. This was the exact spot Petra had confirmed Eren was trapped a hold in side. I could even feel my self gain warmth with each crunchy step my team and I took. Annie looked at me and raised her hand when I attempted to knock the door down with my foot. "Patrol the area." Was all she said before I narrowed my eyes, ready for anything. "I'm going in there...and I'm saving Eren. My Eren." I stated and went again, but she grabbed my ankle when I was about to hit the door. "Do you REALLY think he wants to see you see him in the condition Petra said he was in? Watch the fucking area and patrol. Reiner, Bert, and I got this." Annie said with no emotion laced in any of her words. She only had emphasized the word "really" enough for me to understand. I huffed, my fists clenching then unclenching.


Was I needed to say before we split up. Annie and Bert and Reiner bursted through the door. While I.....

Walked farther and farther away. My warmth flowing through my body leaking away from me. Once I had reached the tree line, was when I heard the screams. It was a males scream. It wasn't Erens, I knew that. But it was someone's. Jason's most likely. That's when everything broke inside of me. I grasped my sleeve and my knees gave out. I held my face in my hands, refusing to cry. Eren was abused and I couldn't do anything. I want to be the one who saved him. I want to be that prince in shining armor who comes to his side when in need. But right now he was the damsel in distress and where when his Prince Charming? Not by his side that's for sure. I was alone by the thick forest tree line.

That's when I let the tears spill.

I screamed, loudly. My hands threaded through my hair as I grasped it tightly, letting the pooling tears cascade down my face as I cried. My body ached. I didn't know how much time had passed. I didn't care. What if. What if. What if. All these questions ran around my dazed and confused mind. But one had stopped and gotten my total attention.

What if he was dead?!

What if Jason beat him so hard Eren just couldn't fight any longer? His will to live just died, like him. I put my forehead on the soft and tickling grass. The tears jumped off my jaw line and chin and landed into the soft grass and leaked slowly into the dirt and mud below my face. The nature scent filled my nose, but it wasn't a good enough smell to soothe me. Nothing but Erens sweet sweet smell could help. His touch would keep me from having nightmares...or from crying. It would make me want to smile when he spoke with his soft voice. The sweet tune ringing into my ears as he spoke about his favorite color. The color he described looked just like his eyes. The beautiful tone or shade or color flashed before my eyes. The bright sparkle that was around his eyes made my heart start beating super fast. My pulse raced as I saw the wooden door swing and creak open from the corner of my silvery grey-blue eyes.


His body was very pale, more than mine. His eyes were softly closed as his chest barely rose and fell. The only clothing he had was Reiners large black leather jacket draping over his chest and crotch. There were fresh and old marks all over his body; ending abruptly at his collarbones. The only things on his neck were....


Everywhere on his neck. Arms, which were hanging limb and dangling effortlessly. He looked dead if it wasn't for the slow movements in his chest and when he moved his eyes even with them closed. I just sat there, watching Bert carry him bridal style as Annie was on his left and Reiner (missing his jacket) on the right. Erens brown hair swayed with the light breeze. My eyes widened at his condition. He was so skinny, so pale. So fragile. So broken. Like a porcelain doll. Even his skin was a white cream. No longer did it have the nice tanned color I loved so much. His skin no longer smooth. It was rough from the scars and wounds covering his flesh. His pale flesh.

Skin and bones.

Those are the words to describe him. Skin and bones. I was on my knees as they were now 10 feet away. Standing still. I was in shock. No wonder they told me that I should've been on patrol. I couldn't handle the feeling of seeing him In a disgusting and dirty dungeon. Shackled and afraid. The beatings, the rapes. All of it happened to Eren. I didn't pity him. I just was sad. He is like a part of my little ice heart that was now melting for this brown haired boy named Eren. A piece of my heart chipped when I saw his bruises; and his injuries. Covering his body from almost head to toe. It made me cringe. I was afraid. My eyes were wide but a piece of my black raven hair was covering my right eye, so only one wide one was seen. Another breeze whipped past me as I let out the shay breath. Sweat was beading off my neck and forehead.


I didn't even know what I said until a little later after when I had fully processed this situation. "W-what happened to J-Jason." Reiner cracked his bloody knuckles with a grunt. Annie just sighed; "police will be here soon" she spoke monotone, but it held pity laced with her words so lightly you wouldn't have been able to tell if it wasn't me. Police? POLICE?! Why the literal fuck would they call the police and keep him alive?! "H-he's alive?!" I asked, my voice dry and shaky from how fast my pulse was racing and heart beating. My eye twitched when Annie shook her head yes. He was alive .


This set me off onto my feet. I growled angrily as Annie and Reiner, the only two with free arms since Bert was holding Eren bridal style, grabbed me and held me back. "LET ME AT HIM!!" I screamed and kicked my legs into the air. I screamed more and more as I looked like a 6-year throwing a huge tantrum when he couldn't get the exact action Figure he wanted for Christmas. There was now only pure rage in my eyes. They turned from a soft but dark grey with a hint of blue to now a super dark grey, almost black. Annie and Reiner both looked surprised at the rage on my face and eyes. A firm but soft hand was placed on my left shoulder, calming me down slightly. I was still breathily heavily from how much a tried to kick and punch.

"Let the police handle it"

-present day-

I was on the couch, flipping through the Channels until I landed on a news network. The lady had her hair tied back and blue eyes. She was in a pants suit and her posture was formal, almost way too formal. The papers in front of her and resting on the desk were most likely empty. I snorted at the thought. Who would have empty papers in front of them just to look for cool? Stupid if you ask me. She sighed towards the camera but kept her very small smile as she discussed the last art fair. Until the little box that always showed an edited photo appeared on the screen. Only then did her smile fall into a serious look. I read the box in the corner of the screen.

"Prison Escape!" The lady sighed again as she looked straight into the camera. "8 months ago, a man named Jason Crow was charged and arrested for multiple beatings and rapes to many innocent. He was thrown into a high and top class prison in which he was to stay in for life. That was his sentence. Until today when police went to search his cell and he had escaped. He left a note, which we still don't quite understand. The mayor will now read the short letter to us." The camera snapped to the mayor; who was standing near a long wooden podium. My attention was now fully fixed on the screen as he read it out loud to the listeners. They gave a small warning for the listeners with small children.

"My dearest Eren,
If you are listening to this. Watch your back; I'll be coming for you. And that precious Levi won't be able to protect you. Not even a little. I'll be looking and coming for you....my little toy." The mayor looked very hesitant reading this out loud to the listeners. But he continued with the last sentence.

"Watch your back."

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