Losing Humanity.

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okay, so for the first time i was typing this, I typed like half of it, like 800 words and then BAM!! It got erased. All of it. Because of me. So here is the remix, the terrible, and crappy remix. Also i hid a little personal experience of mine >///< so i wonder if you will find it. Here ya go and enjoy ( 」∠)_ AND ENJOY THAT PICTURE IT IS LITERALLY SO CUTE I LOVE IT!!!

Stay Classy ;3

-Izzy-chan <3

Eren didn't know what to say or even do when Levi stood up and walk away. When he had set down his mint green mug and just...walked away. Eren just stared into his cup, watching it cool down to the lukewarm heat before he too- placed it on the old and wooden coffee table and just stare out of the closed window that sat less than 2 inches away from the couch arm. There were two doves, one had more a creamy white color while the other glistened with a glossy and more pure white coat of feathers. But they were both beautiful birds. Together the birds sat perched on the window, their wings tucked in and enjoying the small and simple view of outside of his and Levis shared home. It wasn't a killer nor a million dollar type of a view, but it was something spectacular. It was a nice view of the city. The bustling people and honking horns didn't really help but at least they had sound proof walls so that way the loud noises of the city wouldn't disturb Levi or Eren. Eren reached out his finger, tan and long, and tapped it twice on the glass window. It made a small noises for each tap, but it wasn't too loud. Yet the birds were surprised by the sudden action of the noise that they unfurled their white feathery wings and flew off. Were were they heading? Eren didn't know and he wasn't going to find out.

Eren, in this moment, felt like a girl who has a crush on someone. Now, when this girl has a crush on that someone, almost every moment is blissful for that girl. When they message each other, the girl is smiling like an idiot, waiting in anticipation for the special someone to text back even if it was just a one worded response. The girl would laugh and smile when her crush would call her cute or adorable even if it was for something silly like how she was always scared of the slightest things, like a toaster. But then again, she would be ever so scared or nervous to ask her crush out, or even so just to tell her crush how she truly feels about that person. But then again she has the negative thoughts racing in her mind, swirling quickly, making her unable to think straight. So she would think, 'what if my crush doesn't like me the same way? What if they don't like me back?' She would think to herself. During those long moments when she wouldn't be able to talk to their crush as they were out doing something the minutes felt like days and hours felt like months. Time seemed to speed up unfortunately when they would talk. It would feel like minutes and then it would be so later than what she would think it was. That is how Eren felt. "What if Levi doesn't want kids or even want to raise a family with me? Was it something I did or even something I said? Oh i hope i didn't say anything wrong.." he would think to himself, as he stopped watching the window and the empty space the birds were previously once resting on was now just empty space.

Eren walked up the stairs once the pain rippling through his hips and butt was gone, or at least a little bit. He then creaked open the white wooden door to his and Levi's bedroom that they shared for god knows how long. And there Levi sat, on the edge of the messy bed, staring at the floor not even acknowledging his husbands presence in the room. "Levi...?" Eren mumbled more as a question once he had sat next to Levi on the plush mattress. Levi now held almost the exact same look when he had met Levi, his Levi, for the very first time. Levi held a hard gaze, not looking at Eren in the eye or even anyone in the eye. It was a rare scene, really. But soon as their relationship progressed and they were happily married, Levi made more and more eye contact with Eren with each and every passing day. Levis eyes were focused on the carpet, not daring to move them anywhere else. Eren couldn't get a good read on them, they were mysterious and fogged up with a cloud of so many emotions built up inside his eyes. At least, from what Eren could see. His raven hair fell over his eyes so his face was hardly readable. "Levi..." Eren repeated, but with more concern, more worry laced into his tone of voice. But he continued, not daring to touch his Levi; "I-i think we need to talk about----'' But suddenly he was interrupted by Levis cold and shaky voice. "There is nothing to talk about, Eren..." Levi didn't move anything but his mouth, and his eyes when he needed to blink.

Eren didn't respond, he only took his view down to the carpet, where Levi was staring. It was a light cream color, it was clean, like their whole entire apartment. Levi made sure to keep it clean, at least cleaning the whole entire apartment 2-3 times a week and making sure it was perfect in anyway possible. The counters were polished, the floors were mopped and swept, the shelves were dusted and the windows were wiped. when you walk in it would smell of bleach and Windex. You would have to take your shoes off at the very entrance, in case there was mud on your shoes. Levi was a very tidy person, and he didn't mind, he liked it that way. He liked everything neat and organized in his own perfect little way. Eren didn't mind either-- in fact, he as grateful that Levi was clean. It was so much better than if Levi were a pig and the entire apartment was covered head to toe in dirt and dust with grime and dirty, un-washed dishes. As Eren kept his focus anywhere but Levi, he didn't notice Levi open his mouth, debating whether or not to speak up.

"Would they even like me?" His voice crackled under the pressure he was trying to stop his voice from speaking up. Eren peeked over at Levi whom was to his left side in the corners of his eyes. "Of course they would..." Eren mumbled, looking at his hands, thinking if they would even like him. "They...would love you....I love you.." Eren continued, stopping to look away at the wall nearest to him to the right. "...." Levi was silent. He was processing everything in his head. Everything Eren said, everything he thought. Of course they were almost broke, but they could afford it. Eren didn't know this, but every single time Levi received his pay check from the bank, when he went to deposit it, he would put a little bit from his paycheck into a separate account. Levi wasn't really saving up for anything but he was trying to keep a little extra money on the side in case of an emergency. This was one of those times. ".....I love you too." Levi moved his head a little to the right, now halfway facing Eren. Eren wasn't really looking back but at the wall to his own right. Levi moved and rested his head on Eren shoulder and sighed. " I want too.....I really do, Eren.." Erens breath hitched, he was waiting for the "but..." part where Levi would come back and say "but we are too poor for something like this.." or "But i just, cant." or anything that would make Eren think Levi truly doesn't want to raise a child....or even children.

"Lets do it, Eren."

Part Of Me (Ereri / Riren)✔️Where stories live. Discover now