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Your pov

Y/n is the name. I work as a presenter on different tv shows but today i am on the Today Show as the usual presenters are off duty today. I have already done half of the show but now i have to interview the girl group Fifth Harmony and then they're going to perform!

"3, 2 and 1 we are on air" the woman behind the camera said

"Hi! Welcome back to the today show! We are now joined by the girl band Fifth harmony" i say and smile at the girls as the small audience inside the studio clap.

I know about this band and i know they're all pretty but one of the girls, Camila really caught my eye. She was even hotter than the pictures in person. When she smiled at me i felt something inside. Something i've never felt before

"So girls how is it knowing your album is one of the most successful albums right now?" I ask and they all giggle a little

"Its amazing we cannot thank everyone enough" Dinah cheered

"We have amazing fans we love every single one" Lauren said and all the girls nodded in agreement

"Right okay i have some fan questions here so im going to ask you the questions and you're all going to answer it alright" i say and they all nod while giggling

"Right so the first question is, who is the best flirt in the band" i say raising my eyebrows

"Oh definitely Dinah!" Normani says loudly and Lauren laughs "i agree" she says

"No i think Mila might be the best flirt" Ally says giggling and Camila flickered her hair
"Well you know" she said in a joking way. She made eye contact with me and i smirked a little before looking at the next question.
"Okay next one! Who is single and who is taken" a say and let out a laugh

"Everyone knows I'm taken" Ally said and smiled
"Yeah same here" Normani said and i nodded 

"What about you Camila?" I said smiling at her and she looked up about to speak

"Hell yeah she is" Dinah said smirking which made all the girls laugh, including the audience

"Hmm" i smirk and she blushed slightly

"And me yeah im single too, so is lauren" Dinah says laughing

"Right ok next question is, who is the best dancer" i said looking at Camila by mistake
I dunno i just couldn't help it.

"Oh come on we're all pretty good" camila said and they all laugh. We chatted a bit more and then they went off to get ready for the performance after the 4 minute break

I went backstage to get some water from the mini fridge, i took a drink and turned around to find Camila standing there in a really attractive outfit for the performance.

"Hi" i say smiling and she smiles back

"Hi y/n, may i ask if i can get a bottle of water for each of us?" She said smiling

"Yeah sure, here" i said passing her the bottles of water.

"Thanks, umm talk after the show yeah?" She said biting her lip

"Yeah sure, see you then" i say and she walks away. Wow. Just wow

I was standing off camera while the girls performed Worth It. I stood and watched them dancing and singing soo well. I couldnt  get over how amazing Camila looked.it was her solo part

"I like it a little rough" she sung and looked at me dead in the eyes. Fuck. I felt my face heat up and i bit my lip and turned away to go backstage.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now