C h a p t e r 4

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I woke up early in a really good mood. 6:25am with Camila wrapped in my arms. I untangled us carefully and put some sweatpants on and decided to jog around the hotel a couple times. I went down the stairs and greeted the workers at reception and i went outside. I ran around the hotel a few times and it felt amazing. I have no idea why because lets be honest, running is not my thing. As i walked back into the hotel Ally was walking towards me.

"Y/n! Come get some breakfast with me" she said cheery as usual

"Im good Ally im really not that hungry" i said to her

"Oh well just walk with me then" she smiled linking our arms

"Enjoying tour so far?" She asks nicely

"Of course i am! I love it" i say grabbing a bottle of orange juice from the fridges

"Hows Mila" she then asks making my heart race

"Good. I suppose? Shes still asleep i think" i say smiling at the thought of her peacefully sleeping

Ally looks at me and silently laughs

"Dinah told me" she comes out with.

I instantly look at her with wide eyes biting my lip.

"Told you...what" i ask

"That you know Mila is in love with you" she giggles

"Oh yeah. That, i mean what can i say?" I say snd Ally laughs

"I also know your feelings for her and i am excited for you both" she squeals which makes me giggle a little.

Ally finishes putting things on her plate and we sit down at a table and chat. Just then Dinah and Camila come into the bar and sit down. I cant help but start at Camila, she is also wearing my hoodie which makes this seem even cuter. She starts eating some grapes and i've never seen someone so perfect eating grapes before

"Hey im talking to you lovebird" i hear and i shake my head knocking myself out of my haze

"Sorry" i mumble

Dinah smirks "maybe if you stopped staring at your girlfriend you would hear our conversation" she says which makes me look up to Camila.

"Shes not my girlfriend okay? Now what are you talking about?" I say not realising it probably sounded a little harsh

"Just about the show. Thats all" Ally said and Mila got up and left without even saying anything. I didnt really think anything of it.

"I better put this playlist together for the show tomorrow, i'll see you all in a bit yeah?" I said to them and leave to go back to the room

I get to the room and see camila leaning against the wall doing something on her phone.

"Hmm you suit my hoodie" i say and she raises her eyebrows, locks her phone and takes the hoodie off.

"Ok or not whatever" i say and she sighs in frustration. Seriously what is wrong with her today?

"Are you umm..okay?" I ask and she looks at me with narrow eyes and parts her lips slightly

"Perfect" she sighs

"No you're no. Know that" i say back

"Then why ask" she fires back at me fast.

Well then.

"Mila please tell me whats wrong" i beg and she crosses her arms

"I just don't get you right now. One minute you tell me you're in love with me and the next minute you sound majorly horrified at someone calling me your girlfriend." She raises her voice a little

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now