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A sharp pain runs up my arm as i remember my injuries. I shake my head to get rid of the images running through it. 3 years cut all the way down to 1 and a half? Why? The many questions were flying through my head. Is he...after us? Or maybe he's changed for the best? I don't really want to know.

"Listen to me" i tilt her chin up.

"Everything is going to be ok"

"Promise?" She whispers. I nod.

"I promise"

"How do you know? He could be  watching us right now-"

"Mila stop thinking like that! He's in America and we're in London, thats like 5000 miles away from him" i ensure

"Y/N, how would you know where he is? He almost killed you, what makes you think he won't try that again?" She sadly looks down.

"He won't come near us ever again"   

She throws herself onto me, wrapping her arms around my waist tightly.

"Im so sorry for my attitude. You know i love you and i always will and i-"

"I know" i whisper before kissing her head lightly.

"Movie?" I suggest.

She nods her head and interwinds our fingers as she walks us to the sofa.


"I love this type of movie" Camila whispers as her eyes stay attached to the romantic movie which was playing.

"The happiness on their faces while getting married is indescribable" she comments again as she smiles lovingly at the screen. I silently giggle at her amusement and she looks at me with a small pout.

" i can't wait for the day i get married" she smiles and i smile back as my heart warmed.

"I can't wait either"

"I can't wait for the day i get married to you" she corrects herself and my heart explodes right there.

"One day"
She kisses me softly, "just so you know, when the time comes i wanna propose to you" she kisses my nose.

"You're so sweet sometimes" i mumble in her ear.

"Sometimes?" She raises her brows and pretends to be hurt.

"For that, you're hoodie belongs to me for the rest of the week" she smiles and puts it on.

"My clothes look good on you"

"No, i look good in your clothes" she winks. I giggled as she crawled onto me, curling up to me.

"I love you" she whispers.

"I love you too, Mila" i whisper back as i stroke her hair.

About 15 minutes later, she is fast asleep. The sound of her peaceful breathing is just so damn cute. Watching her sleep is just one of those things i can't help. Weird, i know but i look at her sleeping and think 'there is nothing going on in that mind of hers right now' but i know that when she wakes, its the complete opposite. Her beautiful mind goes through so much in one day whether thats positive or negative thoughts. I mean, what really does go on in that mind everyday? What shes gonna cook later?, what its gonna be like back on the road with the girls, ideas for new music, the worries, whos watching her, whats gonna happen in the future, will tomorrow be a good day or a bad day...who knows what else she probably thinks about. Watching her get a break from all of that just makes me so happy.

I carry her upstairs and put her into bed. I turn around to walk back downstairs but i heard Camila mumble "where are you going?".

"I gotta tidy up downstairs, i promise i'll be back up here in 20 minutes or something" i smile and she pouts.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now