C h a p t e r 9

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Your pov
Two months later..

2 months down the line and yeah, i admit, this break has been a very long break. Longer than i ever thought it would be. Me and Camila haven't actually been talking much, she favourites a few or my tweets, I favourite her tweets, she likes my Instagram pictures and i like hers. Thats as much as it gets nowadays. Dinah and i text and snapchat and stuff. She is one of the best friends ever, i dunno what i'd do without her.

Im not sure how but i think this break has made me realise that i am 100% sure about something and that something is, i am most definitely in love with Camila Cabello. No matter what I'm doing during the day, she pops in my head. First thing i think about when i wake up is her, last thing i think about before i sleep, her, i even dream about her. She never escapes my head. On the bright side, i know it won't be long till i see her as Dinah and I have planned something great!

I told Dinah about how much i miss Camila and she told me Camila misses me too. A lot. Which only meant one thing. It was time to end this damn break and re unite! Dinah told me about the last tour date being tonight in New York city and we thought every last tour date has to have a great finale so why not have me come out on stage to surprise her. I know, geniuses in the making. Dinah informed the other girls about our amazing plan, obviously she didn't tell Camila otherwise it won't be much of a surprise. All the girls are excited. I am excited and i hope she is when she sees me again.

I pack a few bags as i will be staying in NYC for a few days, hopefully Camila will stay with me. I informed her parents that she may not be returning home straight after tour as i have this surprise in store, they were excited to hear from me and they love the idea.

I get on a train that is going to get me where i need to be. Obviously I can't go to the venue early because she'll see me, so i'll wait till they're on stage and i'll enter the building.

After about 2 hours on this damn train, i finally  reach NYC. Im nervous and excited at the same time, if feels weird. I phone Dinah and she picks up straight away.
"Hey give me 2 seconds" she whispers

"Hey im outside the venue now, couldn't speak there because Mila was there. Are you close by?" Dinah says in an excited tone

"Yeah just arrived in New York 5 minutes ago, how far away is the venue from the station?" I ask

"Umm about an hour away. We go on stage in 15 mins, the time you get here it'll be time for you to make your special appearance" she says and squeals afterwards

"Okay!! Great timing then right?"

"Yes!! You are correct! Ok get into a taxi and get here soon yeah?"

"On my way"

I hang up and call a taxi over. I tell the driver where I'm going he nods his head and laughs.
I screw my face up a little "whats so funny?" I ask
"Do you have any idea how much this is gonna cost you, we ain't as cheap as you think" the driver says shaking his head with a slight giggle. "Do you have any idea who i am?" I ask and he laughs

"Im joking, I'm y/n a-"

"Tv present yeah i know who you are" he giggles

"Im Dave, since i think you're cool i'll give you a discount" he winks.

"Awh thats very kind, how much will that be? I ask grabbing my purse

"150 dollars" he replies and i look up slowly.
"Yo thats with a discount?" I ask jokingly

He shrugs his shoulders
"Hey look, $150 for driving me and keeping me company" i smile and hand him the money.

"Thank you, don't tell my boss alright?" He winks

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