C h a p t e r 10

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Your pov

I wake up as the sunlight shines through the window.

"Good morning" Camila sings as she enters the room with a big smile

"Good morning to you too" i smile and she puts her sunglasses on.

"Sunny right" she clicks her fingers

"Inside?" I laugh and she shrugs her shoulders

"I tell you what, let me have a shower and we'll go out for breakfast alright?" I say and she nods her head

"Yes! Im buying though" she decides

"No you're not, i am!" I say raising my eyebrows.

"Y/N if you don't let me pay there will be consequences" she says seriously

"Ohhhh" i laugh

"Like what? There is no way you'll leave me if i don't let you pay so i guess i can cope with whatever your consequences are" i add and she tried her best not to laugh

"WELL.....no nighttime cuddles before you sleep!" She points

"You couldn't do that, we both know you'd be the one begging for the cuddles" i smirk and she crosses her arms

"Damn" she sighs as she tries to think of another 'consequence'.
I get out of the bed and walk into the bathroom

"IM PAYING" i hear her shout from the other room.

Camila's POV

I gotta pay! I want to pay! She has done enough for me. I hear the shower turn on which means she is in the shower. I open the drawer beside the bed and find her purse which holds all her money. I smile and fist pump the air. I took it and hid it in my bag, this way she can't pay because i've got her purse and she won't be getting it back until i've payed for breakfast.

After a while we're ready to leave. I put my thin Jacket on and she opens the drawer to get her purse. She turns around and sighs as she holds in her laugh.

"Really?" She asks shaking her head

"Well i had to win some how" i shrug my shoulders. She walks towards me and grabs my hands, pushing me back until my back is pressed against the wall. She pins my hands above my head and lightly runs her lips up my neck, barely even touching is, making me shiver.

"Give it back, get as many kisses as you wish. Don't give it back? You don't get any at all" she smiles against my ear. I bit my lip "how will you cope" i whisper

"Oh i won't, but thats what its gonna take" she giggles

"Ok i'll make a deal. We go to breakfast, i pay, give you the purse back and then you can kiss me, okay?" I say and she laughs

"You're not gonna let this go huh?" She asks

"Probably not"

"Take it back, but let me pay. Please?" I insisted as she takes it back

"Yeah okay, whatever" she laughs and leaves a small kiss on my neck. She lets me go and i pull her back by her jacket.
"Get back here" i laugh as i kiss her passionately. She grips my waist with both hands.

"Ok breakfast?" I whisper and she giggles

"Yeah lets go" she says holding my hand as we exit the hotel room.

We walked hand in hand down the stairs and out of the hotel where we were met by some fans, not a lot just a few. We greeted them, took some pictures and then walked along the busy streets of new york city.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now