C h a p t e r 8

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Camila's POV

2 days. 2 freaking days and y/n still isn't back. I know she isn't unwell, she only left because i...left her. Stupidly. I dunno I'm new to this whole relationship thing, i like to think y/n is mine and only mine and i know thats unfair because I'm basically telling her what she is allowed to do and what she isn't aloud to do. I don't wanna be that person. I want her to have good friends like Cara, she is actually really cool and i overreacted.

"Okay so we're back on the road in a few hours, what do we do about y/n?" Lauren asked us all

I sigh and shake my head "i dunno" i whisper

"Mila have you heard from her? We need to know if she is carrying on the tour" Dinah said making me look up at her.

"She won't-leave tour? Will she?" I ask making me worry

"Well if shes unwell she can't travel to the next location"

"Shes not un-...um shes not been in touch" i fake smile. I almost told them the real reason why y/n wasn't here. That can't happen.

"Okay well call her maybe?" Dinah says

I looked at the time on my phone. 2 hours till we leave. She wont turn up. She just won't

I head to the hotel and grab the last few bags. As im about to leave i find one of y/n's hoodies. I pick it up and smile then i put it on. I walk out and Dinah grabs the hood of the hoodie pulling me back

"DINAH what the hell are you doing" i yell and she raises her eyebrows.

"What is up with you huh?" She asks making me sigh
"Nothing is wrong.." I say avoiding eye contact

"Girl you are lying. You missing your girl?" Dinah asks. My eyes shoot up to meet hers. Missing my girl? Does she know. Shit

"Uhhm yeah, i mean obviously" i say slowly

"You guys really are cute, favourite couple" she smiles and walks off.

Little does she know 'my girl' ain't so much my girl anymore. Damn it hurts.

After about an hour we had finally finished removing everything from out hotel rooms and placing them back in the bus, we had eaten, well I hadn't, lost my appetite. I looked at my phone. Half an hour and we leave. Without her

I lie down on the sofa in the tour bus and think. Think about my stupid actions. All the rest of the girls were at the other side of the bus about to go up the stairs, they're all laughing which makes me smile. I stand up and walk to them as they fix their bunks.

"So umm, we're gonna need a new support act. Right?" Lauren says

"No you don't". There she was. Standing there with a couple bags on her shoulders.

"Y/N!" Everyone shouts and runs to her
"I am glad to see you!!!" ally adds hugging her

I look at her and then look to the ground. She came back! I let out a happy sigh and smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Mani asked her and she cleared her throat.

"Yeah I'm good. Feeling a lot better" she says clenching her jaw, looking straight into my eyes.

"Yo Camila your girl is back" Dinah says excitedly. What am i gonna do now? I can't just stand here and smile i have to act excited that shes back, i am excited shes back but the girls think we're still together...she knows we're not because of me. I ran up and wrapped my arms around her neck tightly.

"I haven't told them" i whisper in her ear.

"You didn't tell them about your decision?" She whispers back.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now