C h a p t e r 3

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After a long sleep and finally arriving in Jacksonville, i decided to take some of my bags to the hotel. Dinah and Normani were sharing a room, Lauren and Ally were sharing a room which meant Camila got put with me. Im not sure why but there is a sense of awkwardness between us and it kills me.

"Y/N! Please do me the biggest favour and grab my backpack from the bus" Ally said so i did.

"Here you go" i smiled as i handed her the backpack.
"Thank you, here is your room key by the way! Mila probably has one already" she said and i walked up the stairs to get into the room. As i walked in i tripped over one of my bags and landed on the floor.

"Fuck" i said feeling my head as i hit it off the small table.

Camila rolled off her bed and ran up to me.

"Y/N!! Are you okay? What the hell did you do?" She said sounding worried

"Im okay i've just hit my head thats all" i said sitting up.

Camila cupped my face with her hands then ran her thumb over the small cut on my head.

"Give me two minutes im just going to grab a wet towel" she said as she walked of to the bathroom. When she came back she sat down beside me and carefully placed the damp towel on my head. I smiled at her and she bit her lip holding in her laugh.

I shook my head and let out a small laugh "i cannot believe i fell" i said and camila laughed.

"Umm...you've not uh..talked to me all day are you okay?" She asks as she shyly smiles

I look up at her and think of what i can say.
"Uhh yeah I'm just a little tired, im sorry" i smile at her and she smiles back
"Oh no, no need to apologise i was just making sure you were okay" she says placing the towel on my head again.

"Nice room we've got here" i say and she giggles slightly. "Yeah well its a change from the tourbus" she says standing up

I watch her wander around the room and admire ever part of her. They way she looks at unfamiliar things with such a curious expression, the way she randomly licks her lips, the way her hair flicks over he shoulder when she walks around. Just as i admired her i thought about what i read earlier. the tweet. Then what dinah had said not long before i saw it, i had to talk to dinah.
"Im just going to find Dinah, she has one of my bags, i'll be back in a bit" i say to Camila and she nods while she turns the tv on in amusement

I walked down the hallway and found Dinah and Mani's door.
"Hey girl join the party" mani said and i laughed

"Ummh i just need to talk to Dinah, is she around?" I asked

"She is outside with the fans that are outside the hotel, there isn't a lot of them" she said and i thanked her. I walked down the stairs and saw Dinah with the fans

"Oh speak. Of . The . Devil here she is" dinah smirks and pulls me into a hug.

"Huh?" I said and the fans laugh. "We were all just talking about our love for the non in love couple which aren't actually a couple but the world wants them to be" dinah says and the fans cheer and start chanting 'y/s/n' i smile and shake my head
"Very cute but Dinah we need to talk about something...inside please" i say then a fans shouts my name

"Y/n can we get a picture?" She asks

"Give me 5 minutes and i'll come out and meet you all and take cute pics and sign all your stuff " i say grabbing Dinah and blowing them all kisses.

We got inside where it was private.
"Dinah tell me what you know" i say basically begging her not to joke around

"You. My friend are really really goddam in love" she smirks and places her hand on my shoulder.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now