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Finally, i felt whole again. The woman i love accepted my request to marry and I couldn't be happier. Moments like this were amazing, lying beside each other in our apartment, her eyes locked with mine.

"I still have your ring" Camila whispered as she lay beside me amongst the white sheets of our bed.

I smiled, "you do?"

"Of course. I had it safe, on a chain, just incase i needed it again" she smiled sweetly. My heart exploded.

"Even though you were in another relationship, you still had the thought of us being married?" I asked her.

"I wouldn't really call my last relationship...a proper relationship. I didn't have a say in it"

I smiled a little and rolled over on top of her, I trailed small kisses along her jaw and my lips soon met her ear.

"None of that matters now anyway" i whispered. She let out a groan as she smiled at the contact of my lips.

"You're right" she mumbled. She wrapped her hand around the back on my neck and pulled me closer and connected her lips to mine. The way she glides her tongue along my bottom lip will always drive me crazy. She breathed out as she pulled away from the kiss and then buried her head into the crook of my neck.

"If I wasn't so tired i would totally be down for round 2" she mumbled.

"Damn. Are you really that tired?"

"I need sleep. Besides, we have all our lives to make sweet love" she smirked.

"Hmm we also have all our lives to find time to sleep" i pointed out, she laughed then pulled the bed covers over our bodies.

"I just love being held by you" she whispers.

"That's cute i guess" i chuckled. After a minute or two, Camila escaped from my arms and opened the box where she keeps her jewellery. She climbed back into the bed and took my hands in hers. She slid the ring on my finger and bit her bottom lip.

"Im so happy we're finally going to do this" she said.

"Im finally making you mine permanently" i laughed.

"You are mine permanently"

"Seriously, once we're married we're not divorcing. Even if we hate eachother in 30 years" i smirked. She shook her head and laughed a little.

"You're such a dork and i love it"


6 Months Later...

"I am in love"

"We all look so cute in these dresses, i love them"

"Few days to go ladies, y'all are the best group of bridesmaids i've ever seen" i smiled.

"Im super excited for this wedding, I'm just so so happy that you're finally marrying Camila" Ally said excitedly with a big smile spread across her face.

"Yeah, I'm glad shes marrying you. She could have decided to marry some complete dick" Lauren commented.

"Hey, my best friend is marrying your best friend! Pretty cool right?" Cara said to Lauren, Lauren rolled her eyes and chuckled at Cara's random thoughts.

"This'll be you soon" I said, poking Cara's cheek as i walked past her. Everyone started talking about when Cara and Lauren are going to get married. I have a feeling that one of them will pop the question very, very soon. I picked up my phone and noticed a text message from Camila.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now