C h a p t e r 2

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Its 4am and you leave the house to go see the girls to leave for tour. You're so excited to be going on tour with the girls and most importantly to spend time with Camila.

You grab your phone and tweet something:
"@y/nOffic 5H tour I'm coming for you😎"

I read through some replies before as i get into my ride. God I'm so excited

We pull up at an empty parking lot. Well empty except from the massive tour bus. I stepped out of my ride with a big smile on my face

"Hello girls" i said and they all turned and smiled

"Yo y/n, get your ass over here and join the party" Normani said and i joined them as fast as i could

My ride driver, joey, gave me all my bags and cases.

"Y'all ready to leave then?" The tour manager asked the girls and i, of course we were ready to leave!

We got into the bus and i put my music set stuff in the back room, thats where the girls record stuff if they need to on tour, it'll also be where i mix up some tracks for the playlists.

I got into my bunk and took a video for snapchat of the bus. I must admit, Dinah's snapchat stories make my day, they are very funny and I'm sure there will be a load of them on this tour!

There was the chilling area where the sofa's were, it really was amazing! There was also a top floor where basically all our other bags and stuff were. Its also where we can watch tv and stuff! All the girls except from Dinah and Camila were upstairs, i joined Camila and Dinah in the chilling area.

"You all ready for the concert tonight then?" I asked them and they both showed their excitement about it. I sat beside Camila and Dinah sat opposite us.
Camila yawned and it was the cutest thing ever.

"Look at you sleepy head" i joked and she smiled lightly and closed her eyes. She then wrapped her arms around my arm and placed her head on my shoulder.

"Awwh look at you cuties! The y/s/n is slowly sailing" Dinah says when i noticed she was filming, obviously for snapchat. I opened snapchat and took a picture of her sitting on her own. I captioned it "DJ and her many tourbus friends"

Dinah saw it and laughed "bitch you should see the screenshots my stories get" she said in her sassy ways

"Babe, they were taking screenshots of y/s/n not you" i said making her and Mila laugh

"Oh man im so tired" Camila said as she untangled herself from my arm and stretched. She looked so cute in her oversized sweater. Her sleepy voice was also real hot.

"Why don't you sleep for a couple hours, you have time" i said to her and she smiled at me.

"I think i might just do that" she said sitting back down next to me. This time she put her head in the crook of my neck and wrapped her arm around my neck. I traced patterns on her back and i lightly kissed the top of her head.
I could feel her smile against my neck and she planted a light kiss on my neck. I silently giggled as did she.

"Sleep well Cabello" i said smirking.

About 20 minutes later she was fast asleep still in the same position she was in before. I could honestly stay like this forever. I picked my phone up and took a picture of her and put it on my snapchat story captioning "someone's sleepy😇" before i knew it, it was all over twitter and instagram

"@snowflake5h: @y/nOffic's snapchat story is the cutest thing i've ever seen!!!😱"

"@cabellosbae: we all know I'm Camila's bae but @y/nOffic has won mine and Camila's heart😍😍 #y/s/n"

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