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I pulled the bed covers over my head when i heard Camila call my name.

"y/n, please get up" she whined. I mumbled in response and turned onto my side. I heard her sigh and felt her climb onto the bed, crawling towards me. She straddled me and pulled the covers away from my face.

"Get up" she said. I smiled a little and closed my eyes again. She moved my hair away from my neck and kissed it lightly, she did it over and over again until i grabbed her waist and turned us around. She was underneath me, she bit her bottom lip once she had finished laughing.

"Good morning" she said in a raspy voice.

"Good morning to you too" i said before kissing her.

"So why did you want me to get up this early?" I asked her. She grabbed my phone from the bedside table and showed me the time, 12:36pm. Maybe its not so early after all.

"Dinah made food, i didn't want you to miss out" she said.

"Dinah made food?"

"I know right, and it is actually edible" she joked.

"Lets go before there is nothing left" i said, she giggled and got up after i did.


"Oh there she is" Dinah yelled when she saw me. Everyone chuckled as i sat down.

"Late night?" Lauren asked, wiggling her brows, Ally hit her arm and frowned at her.

"What?" Lauren shrugged as Ally looked at her sternly.

"They're adults. So are you, so start acting like one" Ally said to Lauren before she started eating again. Lauren rolled her eyes. Everyone else was laughing at what Ally said.

"Aww Lo, cheer up" Cara said, nudging her shoulder. A smiled formed on her face.

"You guys are cute" Normani said to Lauren and Cara. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Seriously you guys should just get married like tomorrow" Dinah said. They should.

"I um...i guess i've not really thought about that just yet" Cara spoke. Ohhh dear, this is definitely not going to go down well.

"You've not ever thought about marriage?" Lauren asked her. Cara flung her arm around Lauren's shoulder.

"Of course i've thought about it a few time but, you know, i've just not seriously thought about it" she explained.

Lauren shrugged. "There you have it guys, won't be a wedding anytime soon" she spoke, Cara sighed and knew she fucked up. I saw how annoyed she was just by the look on her face.


Ally, Camila and Dinah were out shopping for snacks and drinks for our cozy movie night. I was getting my stuff together as I'm going back to London very soon. As i walked around the apartment looking for certain things i wanted to take home, i heard Lauren and Cara arguing. Cara stormed out of the room her and Lauren were in and grabbed her coat.

"Wait, wow, Cara hold on. Talk to me" i said, persuading her to stay.

She sighed. "Can i borrow your car?" She asked.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now