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"Why are you so happy today?" Lauren asked as she looked at me curiously.

"Can't i be happy without a reason?"

"I was only asking" she shrugged.

I grabbed my car keys and shouted that i was going to the supermarket.

"Wait" Camila yelled, running out of the bedroom wearing a snapback.

"I've not had time to do my hair but I'm coming with you" she chuckled.

"I'll be in the car" i smiled.

I walked to my car and waiting on Camila. Seriously, how long does she take?

She jumped in my car and leaned over to kiss me.

"Risky" i smirked.

"I don't care" she mumbled before she kissed my lips lightly.

"You look hot in that snapback" I compliment.

"Only you could think that, i look a mess" she whined.

"Camila, everyone thinks you look hot with a snapback on" i laugh.

She shook her head and looked out of the window. I couldn't help but admire the way she looked so interested in the surroundings.

"I love Miami, but i love London more" she whispered.


"Yeah. London reminds me of you" she said.


"Isn't it just"


Camila was cooking with Ally, i was sitting on the sofa, watching Camila do whatever she was doing. Cara walked to me and looked to where i was looking. She smirked as she noticed what i was looking at.

"Oh i wonder who you're staring at" She laughed as she sat beside me.

"I make it that obvious?" i chuckle.

"Have you two had that talk yet?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Thats a secret"

Cara giggled and nudged my shoulder.

"You're so in love with her"

"I know" i whisper.

Cara watches Camila for a few seconds and looks back at me.

"You know what i love about her?" I mumble.


"I love the way she doesn't say 'i love you' sometimes. Instead, she does that cute little smile, shakes her head and says something like 'you're an idiot'. That makes me smile a lot" i say, looking at Camila from a distance. She was smiling and laughing with Ally. She was happy.

"If she heard you say that I'm sure she'd be yours again"

"She is, just don't say anything yet. Me and Mila want to tell everyone later" i whisper.

"Ohhhhh yes! This is exciting" Cara spoke quietly.

I smiled and pulled my phone out. In around 3 hours, we'll be telling the girls that y/s/n is back. I smiled at the thought then put my phone down. Camila looked over and our eyes met, she winked then got back to what she was doing. Ally left the kitchen and went to find her phone charger so i stood up and walked towards Camila. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind and rested my head on her shoulder.

"What are you cooking?" I whispered in her ear. She smiled, "You'll find out once we serve it" she giggled. She turned around and faced me.

"Risky" she mocked before biting her lip.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now