C h a p t e r 11

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Your POV

I feel empty. Sick. This was my fault, all of it. It was my fault we went on a break in the first place, my fault we went to that damn party which means its overall my fault she got taken away.
Cara stayed at the hotel with me, I didn't sleep. Maybe nodded off for a few minutes but apart from that i didn't sleep. Cara fell asleep easily, mainly because its Cara and she can sleep anywhere at anytime. I stared at the address that i got texted from Camila's phone. Even knowing she didn't type that makes me feel sick.

"Are you okay?" I hear Cara mumble from the other side of the room. She shakes her head slightly "sorry, silly question"

"We will find her, alright?" She says boldly, confidently

"You can't be so sure Cara" i almost whisper

"I am sure y/n, we will find her. Im gonna be there every step of the way" she nods

"Well, it doesn't seem like its gonna be as easy as walking into wherever she is, claiming my girlfriend and walking back out"

"You're probably right, so thats why we're going to check this place out before we get Camila back" she instantly replies

I look up at her and grab Cara's keys.

"What are you waiting for?" I ask her and she shrugs her shoulders

I walk out of the hotel room and get into Cara's car.

"When did i ever say you were allowed to drive my car? How did it even get here?" Cara asks as she gets in

"I dunno, it got shipped here, i went to collect it early hours of the morning while you were asleep. I needed out" i say as i turn the engine on. Cara puts the address in her phone maps and it tells us directions.

After about an hour and a half i started to get annoyed.
"Where the fuck is this place!" I almost yell and Cara hits my arm

"Chill out, it says here about 20 minutes ok?" She says and i shake my head

"Its all trees, its been trees for about 40 minutes! By the looks of things she'll be hidden in a fucking tree house!" I shout and Cara laughs a little

"If you heard yourself right now, you'd be laughing" she giggles. I shake my head and smirk a little.

You keep driving until you see a lake, a lake reminding you of the date with Mila. I stopped the car and closed me eyes letting out a big sigh

"Hey y/n look" Cara says pointing at what seems to he a house further down next to the lake.

"We'd have to keep driving around the lake right?" I ask and cara hums. I start the car up again and Cara stops me.

"Wow wait. We don't wanna be driving right in front of the house do we?" She says in seriousness

"Take that backroad and we'll drive around that way. We'll just get out the car and walk through the trees for a better view." She says and i furrow my eyebrows.

"Why does it seem like you know how to do all this spying stuff like a professional?" I ask

"Im not a professional i can tell you that" she giggles

We drive into the backroad and drive at a slower pace, all eyes on the small wooden house through the trees.
"Okay stop here, we gotta get out" Cara says unbuckling her seatbelt. I turn the car engine off and get out, we walk through the trees and kneel down as we get a perfect view.

"Theres lights on? That means someone is clearly in, right?" Cara whispers

"I got an idea" i whisper as i pull out my phone.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now