C h a p t e r 19

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Camila's POV

Why can't i control myself? I got extremely jealous the other night when y/n was flirting with that waitress. Why should i be getting jealous? Its been over a year since we broke up.

"Mila! Are you even listening to me?" Dinah said with an angry expression on her face.

"Sorry i was-im just tired ok?" I lied.

Dinah looked at me as if she knew i was lying.

"Tired?...come on Mila tell me what's wrong"

"Nothing is wrong Dinah and i am tired!" I say again and she nods her head slowly

"Right...is it the break up with Shawn?" She asks. I look up and her and shake my head.

"Dinah...is it weird that I'm not upset at all? I mean..we were together for a few months but I didn't love shawn the-"

"Way you loved y/n!" Dinah cut me off. I shook my head as my heart started racing at the thought of her.

"No! Thats not what i was gonna say! I didn't love him the way you should love someone when you're in a relationship. We were more like best friends but...dating?" I said and Dinah nodded.

"I get you girl, but is that the reason you broke up with him or is there something else? Someone else?" I look up at her as she said 'someone'.

"So there is someone else?" Dinah smirks.

"No, its more like...I'm still trying to get rid of my feelings for y/n. But I'm still not over her and its been over a freaking year! Is that normal?" I question myself but also ask Dinah.

"Mila. You are still in love with y/n, obviously you're not gonna get over her! You are so attached to her no matter where she is in the world! Why do you keep pushing yourself away from her?"

"Because i want to get over her and i want to move on! Its pointless trying! It won't work. It wont! Shes busy, I'm busy, we won't ever see eachother-"

"But you'll know no matter what, she is still yours." Dinah cuts me off. She is smiling like an idiot, as if shes just met her idol or something. Shes kinda...right?. But no. I can't be with her again. She was my first real love obviously she'll be in my head a lot! I just gotta forget about her. About our past.


Lauren, Ally and I were sitting in the club next door to the hotel. It was cool, something a little fun. The only thing that was distracting me from having fun was Y/N. She was at the bar with Cara. Laughing and smiling away. That smile. NO. She kept glancing over at me. Almost as if she couldn't take her eyes off me.

"Guys shes still staring" i say quietly and Lauren sighs

"Don't you dare say its annoying you or its making you uncomfortable because we all know its not" She smirks and Ally giggles.

"She's probably a little tipsy Mila" Ally says and a small smile forms on my face. Ally saying y/n was probably tipsy reminded me of all the times she'd be a little drunk or..really drunk. She was so clumsy and cute and...oh shut up Camila..

"Im going to get us drinks, i'll check if y/n is tipsy on my travels" Lauren says.

I watch Lauren walk towards Y/N. She orders drinks then starts chatting to her. They laugh about something but im not sure what. Lauren walks back about 5 minutes later with the drinks and a smile on her face.

"Yep..shes drunk" Lauren laughs.

"Thought so.." I sighed as i took a drink.

"Why are you down because shes drunk?" Ally asks

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