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"So, who is it?" Cara yells.

I sit back in a chair and roll my eyes.

"What does it matter?" I mumble.

"You cheated on Camila! You cheated on her! Thats so-"

"I thought we were over!" I cut her off.

"But she didn't break up with you till you fucking cheated!" She yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

"So who was it?" She asked again.

" if you must know, It was Hanna" i shamefully tell her.

She places a hand over her face. "Jesus christ"

"I know, i was stupid for doing it but-"

"Fucking Hanna. Im sure Camila would kill her if she got her hands on her" she cut me off. I close my eyes and sign, knowing shes one hundred percent correct.

"Cara, i know we're not on the best of terms right now, but can you please help me fix this" i ask, looking at her with sad eyes.

She shakes her head slowly. "Y/N, you know i would but you've really gotta sort this one out yourself" she shrugs.

"Im not getting involved in this relationship" she added.

I stand up and make my way out of her house.

"thanks for your help" i mumble bluntly, then i leave.


I called her, again and again and again. Did she answer? Of course she didn't. I was sat on the sofa, staring at a photo in a frame of Camila with her arms wrapped around my shoulders and her lips pressed against my cheek. I shook my head and threw my phone across the room. I've really fucked up this time.

2 days later, there has still been no contact with Camila. I've tried, really hard actually. I even called all of the girls, they say they've not talked to her either but they're probably just saying that to stop me from seeing her.

My phone started ringing, i picked it up hoping it was Camila, but it wasn't.

"Are you home?" Cars spoke.


"Ok, Lauren is on her way" she said.

"What? Why?" I asked, the line went dead. What the fuck.

I waited and waited on Lauren showing up for the reason i've still to find out. Finally, there was a loud knock on the door. I walked to it and opened it straight away. She pushed past me and walked straight in.

"Ok so why are you here?" I ask, closing the door. She turns to me and narrows her eyes.

"Where's Camila's stuff?" She asked bluntly.

I looked at her sternly. "Why?"

"Because she needs it"

I rolled my eyes, "Lauren, please tell me where she is or how she is"

"How she is? Y/N shes fucking heartbroken, one minute shes angry, the next shes crying her eyes out asking why the fuck you did it. Thats how she is" she said angrily, she started walking upstairs, probably going to pack all of Camila's stuff. I don't know what to do anymore. I was scared to go on any kind of social media.

"Lauren!" I shout, as i run up the stairs.

"What?" She mumbles.

"Shes staying with you, isn't she?" I ask her, she stays silent.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now