C h a p t e r 3 3

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Fast forwarding a little...

Today, marks 3 years of mine and Camila's relationship. Obviously, the best 3 years of my life. But right now, everything is so stressing. Camila and i have been planning our wedding for 3 months now, she wants a perfect wedding with a theme and colour schemes, i just want to marry her. We've only got 3 more months left as today also marks 3 months until our wedding day, the official wedding day.

Thats not all...

For a few months now, we've also been trying for a baby. I know right, a baby!!! After a long discussion, we decided she is the one who is going to be carrying the baby. We had the first appointment around two months ago, but it failed. The doctors told us to try again in a months time too but that also failed. Just over 2 weeks ago, was the third time we tried. hopefully, everything turns out well, third time lucky.


"Are we going out tonight?" I ask Camila while i hug her.

"Hmm" she mumbles into my neck.

"I was thinking of something a little different" she whispers.

"Like what?"

"You'll see" she chuckles.

I laugh and kiss her head.

"Whatever you say"

She laughs and bites her lip.

"I suppose we could go out before it?" She smiles.

"Do you want to?" I ask.

She nodded and parts from me.

"I love you a lot" she smiled.

"Same goes" i winked at her, she giggled as she made her way to the bathroom.


"Im definitely not drinking alcoholic drinks" Camila said as she sipped on her lemonade. She watches me take a quick shot. She raised her brows and smirked.

"Don't get drunk" she said, shaking her head slowly.

"I won't" i laughed.

"I'll get more drinks, you sit at our table and wait on the food" i say to her. She nods and walks away. I order us both lemonade and take it to the table.

"I thought it'd only be fair if the both of us didn't drink alcohol" i smiled. She chuckled and nodded.

"Aren't you just the cutest" she smiles.

I sit down and place my hand on top of hers.

"3 years" i whispered.

"Im proud of how far we've come" she said, staring at the ring in my finger.

"3 months from now, we'll be officially married" she said in excitement. The butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Finally" i laughed.


The words that Camila said repeated. 'Don't get drunk'. Its fair to say, i am drunk and Camila is extremely pissed off. To be honest i don't even know where she is, i imagine she went home.

I got home and it was silent. In some ways, I'm glad Camila is sleeping because i know for a fact she'd start an argument.

I walked up the stairs and entered the bedroom. Camila looked like she was asleep but she wasn't.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now