C h a p t e r 15

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She looks right into my eyes. I clench my jaw and look away from her.

"Nothing is wrong" i lie

"Thats not true" she instantly replies making me look back at her.

I just-i just have a real bad headache, thats all" i smile and she frowns slightly

"Suppose i better shut up before your headache gets worse huh?" She walks past me with her arms crossed. She knows me too well. She knows I'm lying even though all this thinking really is giving me a headache.

Hours pass and Camila still isn't talking to me.
After a while she stands up from the sofa and grabs her coat.

"Camila where are you going?" I ask


"Why are you so pissed off?" I boldly say.

"For a start, you won't tell me whats wrong and i've been thinking. You've spent quite a lot of time out and you've not once told me a comfortable answer on where you've been? Do i bore you? Are you losing interest? Is there....someone else?" She finishes as she looks down to the ground

"Stop it. Stop thinking like that! There is nobody else, I'm not getting bored of you either! I love you don't you get that?" I almost shout. She faces me and clenches her jaw.

"Then what is it y/n? Tell me why you've been looking so worried all day" she softly says.

I sigh and shake my head.
"Im uhh-im staying at my parent for christmas...at home, in london" i say looking down to the ground.

I hear her sigh.
"Is that it?..we can't spend Christmas together? I mean yeah i would of liked to see you on Christmas but its not the end of the world" she says quietly. I close my eyes and shake my head slowly.

"Thats not all is it?" She asks quietly

I look up and shake my head.

"Im leaving next week and I'm staying for half a year i-"

"Half a year?" She firmly repeats my words

"Half a year" she whispers as tears form in her eyes.

"Camila lis-" i say as i make my way towards her.

"I get it. Thats your home right? You want to spend time with your friends, family. But did you even think of me when you made this decision? We wont see each other for probably more than 6 months and you don't seem bothered in the slightest" she cuts me off with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Yes i want to see my family and friends but there is another reason why I'm going-"

"Just say it! You don't want to be with me anymore. Just say it so its over and done with" she says as she wipes tears away from her eyes.

My eyes widen and i shake my head

"Wow no Camila i don't want to end us? I don't want us to end. Ever! You gotta stop thinking about the worst things that could happen alright? I seriously love you more than anything" i ensure now feeling tears form in my eyes.

"Right" she says bluntly.

I frown. "You know what? If you want to go off in a mood because I'm finally getting to do something for myself that you've not even let me explain, then go because i cannot deal with this right now! you've barely even let me speak Camila, you've just jumped to conclusions and made me out to be a complete ass" i sigh as i finish what i was saying. She shakes her head and storms out of my apartment. Im leaving in a week and Camila literally hates me right now.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now