C h a p t e r 2 5

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Camila was looking at me as if i shouldn't have said anything about Lauren and Cara. Everybody talks about our relationship?

"Go look for her" Camila says.

I look at her and narrow my eyes.
"Im probably the last person she wants to see, Camila" i said, sitting down.

"Well i will then" Camila said in a 'fed up' tone of voice. Its not like i've done something seriously wrong.

"Mila just let her calm down"

"No y/n because there is already an argument and we've not even been here an hour" she snaps as she walks away. I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Anybody else want to join?"

"Im going to find Cara and im going to tell Camila to get back here" Lauren says.

"Yo i ain't going anywhere" Dinah mumbles.

I started to walk back to the hotel, i took my sunglasses off as i saw someone familiar. Who is it? I walked closer and noticed exactly who it was. Hanna. Waitress Hanna.

"Imagine seeing you here" i shouted over, she looks over and took a few seconds to figure out who i was.

"Oh my god! Y/n, how are you?  I heard the relationship is back on" she says as she walks closer to me.

"Im good how about you?" I asked.

"Im great! Are you here with Camila?"

"Camila, Cara and the rest of 5H" i smiled.

"Thats great! You're staying at this hotel yeah? Lets go out tonight, everyone i mean, you, me, all of the girls and my sisters!"

I thought for a second, why shouldn't we all go out?

"Yeah, lets do that" i smiled.


As i walked back to where the girls were, i noticed Camila, Cara and Lauren had all returned.

"Ah its nice to see that you've joined us again" i said, sitting down at the edge of the pool.

"I can say the same to you hot stuff" Camila said clicking her fingers.

"Who were you talking to anyway?" She asks.

"Hanna, you'll definitely remember who it is once you see her"

Camila takes her sunglasses off and looks at me dead in the eye.

"Hanna as in the LA waitress Hanna?" Camila asked. I nodded.

"Yep and we're all going out tonight with Hanna and her sisters" i informed.

"Wait a second did you not fuck that girl?" Dinah asked making Lauren laugh.

"How many time do i have to tell you..Camila made that up" i made clear for the 2000th time.

The girls laughed and all agreed to go out with Hanna and her sisters.


"Did i pack that necklace?" Camila asks me as we got ready to go out.

"I dunno, only you would know that" i smiled.

"What time are we meeting this Hanna?" Camila asks as she applies more hairspray to her hair.

"20 minutes" i told her.

She didn't look impressed for some reason, it was bothering me. I don't want her to be in this kind of mood.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now