C h a p t e r 14

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Its the start of December now, me and Camila have been dating for almost 3 months now and things are going great.

the fifth harmony girls were in the studio recording a Christmas ep which was quite exciting!

"Im popping out, see you all soon yeah?" I say to them and they all hum in response.

I walked out into the street and made my way to the closest coffee shop to get us all coffee's, I'm sure the girls are all in need of one as they've been in the studio for almost 6 hours.

As i walk into the coffee shop, i hear someone call my name. I look up to find a middle aged man looking my way.

"Come sit down! I know a lot about you!" He says excitedly. I walk over a little confused and sit down.

"Umm I don't want to sound rude but who are you?" I say in a confused tone. He chuckles a little and looks at me again.

"Im Dave, Dave Baxter and i run a label. Im willing to sign you if you wish to do anything in the music industry now or in the future" he smiles and i still look at him in a confused way

"Wait, how do you know about me? How have you heard what i can do?" I question and he nods his head.

"There is a studio not far from here, you sent in a few tracks right?"

I nod and he smiles

"Thats where i heard what you can do!" He smiles widely.

"You listened to the tracks? You think they're good then right? In fact what am i even talking about, I originally live in London i only temporarily live here" i say and he cuts me off

"Y/N, I'm originally from London too! Don't worry i've got this and it sounds like you have a lot of questions" he smiles

"Tomorrow at 10:30am, meet me here" he said as he handed me a piece of paper with an address to a building on it. "Its my office here, we can talk about this whole thing, work around it to make it less difficult for us both" he smiles and i stand up and smile

"Thank you, Dave. I'll see you then" i grin.

After i had bought the coffees, i made my way back to the studio where the girls were.

"5 coffees here" i say and they all turn around

"Ohh thank you y/n! I was well in need of this!" Ally smiled excitedly

"Same thank you!" Lauren said

"The rest of the girls are recording something right now" Ally yawned

"You all look tired, have a break or go home and sleep!" I say to them and Camila stands up to stretch, then she wraps her arms around my neck sleepily as she placed her head on my shoulder.

"Why were you away for so long?" She mumbles sleepily.

"I-there was a long cue" i lie. I dunno why i lied. I don't want her getting her hopes up about this new career path i might be getting myself into. Im not sure if i'll even take this guys offer.

"You're so tired its cute" i say to her and she nods her head

"Its not very cute to me" she smiles slightly

"Well what I'm seeing is cute! you two are relationship goals!" Ally said smiling.

Camila turns around to face Ally.

"Can we finish up in here? There is no way I'm gonna be able to sing with my voice sounding all sleepy and-"

"Sexy" i cut her off. She giggles a little.

Everything & More (Camila/You) (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now